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Billionaire's The CEO Bedwarmer

Billionaire's The CEO Bedwarmer

kristine mendoza


I'm here right now, standing outside the office, nervous about the outcome of my confession. What if he doesn't accept it? What if he doesn't like it? What about me? I don't know what to do. Finally, I decided to knock. "Come in," he said coldly. That's what I was afraid of. When I entered, I found him busy signing papers on his desk. "What are you doing here?" he asked without emotion, making me even more nervous. I wanted to turn around and leave to avoid the anxiety I felt, unsure of how to tell him why I was there. "I... I have something to say," I stuttered, and he glanced at me before returning his gaze to the papers. "What do you want to say? Please hurry, I'm busy," he said coldly. I took a deep breath before daring to speak. "B-because... what I'm pregnant," I stuttered, causing him to stop signing and look at me with no emotion. "So? What are you expecting from me?" he asked, making me cry, though I quickly wiped the tears away. I was nervous about what might happen next. "Because you're the father!" I said, mustering courage even though the truth was weakening me. "Then abort it," he said without emotion. I quickly approached him and slapped him. How dare he suggest aborting his own child? Was he heartless? "Are you stupid? You want to kill your own child?" I shouted at him after slapping him. "Are you sure it's mine?" he asked, leaving me confused. 'What does he mean by that?' I wondered, but I stayed silent, unsure of what he was implying. "Ohhhh, look at you. You're not even sure? So sad. What if it's not mine? You work at a bar, what if you're using your child to get money from me? You know, other women have come here with the same story," he insulted me, but I stayed quiet. I was certain this child in my womb was his. "Name your price, quickly. I have important things to do," he demanded. "What do you think I am? I'm not after your money, and my child doesn't need it," I insisted. "Then what do you want from me?" he asked, surprised. Did he not understand what I was trying to convey? "Take responsibility!" I demanded, without hesitation, though I feared what his answer might be. "What? Hell no!" he shouted, making me angrier. He liked it, then he didn't. What about my child? "No way, I have a girlfriend and I love her," he stated. Did that mean he wouldn't take responsibility? "What about me? And the child, please, I'm begging you," I pleaded. I didn't want my child to grow up without a father. "I don't care about you or your f*cking child. Get out of my office, or I'll call my bodyguard to drag you out," he threatened, and I knelt in front of him. "Please, I'm begging you. This is your child," I pleaded. I knew I looked desperate, but I was doing this for my child to have a father. "Are you deaf? I said---" he couldn't finish his sentence because a beautiful voice interrupted him. "Hi babe, I'm here," said the beautiful girl. As she approached, he looked at her with surprise. "Sorry, who are you? And why are you kneeling in front of my boyfriend?" she asked. I didn't have the courage to answer. What could I say? That I was begging her boyfriend to take responsibility? "Nothing, babe. She's just my employee, and she's kneeling because she made a mistake," Mr. Chavilier lied to his girlfriend. I was about to speak, but Mr. Chavilier shot me a look that could kill. "Babe, don't be too harsh on your employee," his girlfriend said while helping me stand up. I glanced at Mr. Chavilier, wondering if he still thought poorly of me. "You can leave now. Be careful next time," his girlfriend said. I wanted to speak about Mr. Chavilier's threat, but the way he looked at me silenced me. Even against my will, I left his office, but before doing so, I looked at Dedrick and spoke my final words.

Chapter 1 The club

Chapter 1

Jeaneia's Point of View

I was just observing the people coming in and out of the club where I worked. I can say that there are many more people today than before, probably because it's Sunday. Sundays usually draw a crowd. I was lost in thought when someone suddenly touched me, so I looked at her. Oh, it's Sicily.

"Hey, can you take this to Room 205 for me? I need to use the bathroom," she said while holding her stomach. I realized she'd been running to the bathroom repeatedly, so I just nodded in agreement.

I carefully took the tray filled with expensive drinks and brought it to its destination.

When I arrived at Room 205, I knocked as a sign of respect. It didn't take long for the door to open, and a man who looked like an anime character appeared.

"Hello, sir. Here's your order," I said politely. However, he didn't take it right away, so I awkwardly set it down.

"Can you bring that inside?" he said. Finally, he spoke-I thought I'd be stuck outside all night. When I stepped inside, I was amazed by the beauty of this VIP room; it was like a house. After placing their order and planning to leave, the thin man spoke, "Dude, did you order food?" I was confused because they only ordered drinks, nothing else.

"Come here, baby girl, sit on my lap," he said, but I shook my head since that's not part of my job.

"Sorry, sir, but I'm not that kind of woman. If you don't have anything else to order, may I leave? I still have work to do," I said politely.

"Oh come on, don't act like a virgin. How many men have tasted you?" said one of their companions, who I couldn't see clearly because he was in a dark corner.

"I can double the pay if you want. What do you think?" he added. I just shook my head.

"Sorry, sir! I'm not that kind of woman. If you're looking for someone to please you, you'll have to find someone else," I said, feeling hurt. Just because I work at a club doesn't mean I'm selling myself. That's the only thing I can be proud of because they see me as a lost cause.

That man judged me as if he knew every woman. After I left the room, I continued with my interrupted work. It wasn't long before our shift ended, and we were just arranging the chairs and other things before leaving. While I was tidying up, Sicily approached me and started helping. As I was in the middle of arranging things, Sicily suddenly spoke.

"Hey, thanks for earlier. My stomach was really upset," she said, making me laugh.

"Silly! It's fine. By the way, is your stomach okay now?" I asked, concerned about Sicily. Sicily is my only friend here since, like me, she's also a waitress.

"It's better now, not as painful," she said as we were leaving the club where we work. I was about to head home when Sicily handed me an invitation, so I looked at her curiously.

"I forgot to tell you, it's Sir Adrian's birthday, and it's going to be held at the club, so we're invited," she said. No wonder everyone's preparing-I wasn't up to date.

"Ah, that's why they're getting ready," I said. She nodded.

"And I have more good news," she said. I just kept looking at her, waiting for the good news she mentioned.

"We're not working on Sir Adrian's birthday, and I heard his friends will be there too. You know, the handsome and rich ones, but they're all womanizers," she added. I wasn't surprised that she knew all this-she's the ultimate gossip.

"So what if they're handsome and rich?" I said with a hint of annoyance. It's not about being bitter, but there's really no such thing as forever.

"You're so bitter, my friend! I'm just going to get all dolled up-you never know, one of Sir Adrian's friends might notice me, and I'll become a billionaire instantly," she said, making me shake my head.

"Are you going, friend?" she asked. If I were to go, I wouldn't have anything nice to wear, and of course, I wouldn't have anything to give as a gift.

"Probably not, friend. You know my situation," I said, which made her sad.

"But friend, Sir Adrian said we should be there. We're technically on duty but just enjoying the party. Come on, it's only this once, please," she pleaded, leaving me no choice but to agree, even though I didn't want to.

After our chat, I headed home. But before that, I stopped by Aling Presing's eatery, the only one open even late at night.

After buying food, I walked home. It's not that I don't have fare money, but I really need to save, especially since household expenses are getting bigger.

When I arrived home, I heard Jessica and Jesean talking.

"Sis, do you think Ate Jeaneia will leave us too, like Mom?" my youngest sibling asked.

"I don't think so, little sister. Ate Jeaneia loves us," my second sibling replied.

"But Mom said she loved us too," Jesean responded. If you're wondering where our parents are, they're gone. When our dad died, our mom left us and went off with another man, so I became both mother and father to my siblings.

"I'm here, and I brought something for you!" I said, making them both look at me. They stood up to hug me.

Just one kiss from them, and all my exhaustion disappeared.

After hugging me, Jessica took the plastic bag I was carrying, which contained food, and prepared it on the dining table. Once everything was set, we ate. I hurried to get myself ready because I still had another job to go to-I don't just work as a waitress at the bar.

I also work as a vendor at the market, but this time with my younger sibling.

Once I was ready, I helped Jesean get dressed. Jesean isn't in school yet, but Jessica is, so I have to work extra hard.

When we arrived at the market, I started selling.

"Fresh Pampano, ma'am, it's fresh," I said to the woman looking at the fish, prompting her to approach me.

"How much per kilo, miss?" she asked as she continued selecting her Pampano.

"350 pesos per kilo, ma'am, and it's fresh," I replied, and she continued choosing.

"Two kilos, miss," she said after making her selection, so I handed her a rag to wipe her hands.

"Ma'am, it's a bit over, is it okay? It's 2.4 kilos," I said, and she nodded, so I packed it up.

"That'll be 840 pesos, ma'am," I said, and she handed me a thousand-peso bill. I gave her 160 pesos in change. I was really happy today because I had a lot of customers.

It wasn't long before I had sold everything, and I was incredibly grateful that we finished early. Before heading home, we stopped by the chicken market to buy something for dinner. While we were walking, I noticed my younger sibling glancing at the toys we passed by, so I asked him.

"Do you want that, little one?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"No, Ate, it's a waste of money, and it's not important," he said. I knew he really wanted a toy like the ones his friends had.

Even though we didn't have much money, I wanted to buy him a toy so he could experience something my sister Jessica and I never did. I pulled him into a toy store where you could see all kinds of toys. The quality of the toys was impressive, but the prices were equally shocking.

After we left the toy store, I handed the toy to Jesean. I could see the happiness in his eyes. We then headed straight to the chicken market since that was our main goal. Once we finished buying the chicken, we decided to go home.

While we were walking, my phone suddenly rang-it was Sicily calling.

"Hey, bestie, are you ready? I'm on my way there," she said, which reminded me that today was Sir Adrian's birthday, and I didn't know how to make an excuse.

"Uh, you see, bestie, uh, well, there's uh, something, uh?" I was at a loss for words to explain to Sicily.

"You haven't gotten ready yet, have you? Am I right?" she said, and I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

"Yes, bestie, I haven't gotten ready, and I don't have anything nice to wear, so I'm not going. I'll explain it to Sir Adrian," I said, wanting to spend time with my two siblings, even if just for a day.

"Don't worry, I'll bring something for you to wear, but you need to be showered by the time I get there," she said. I had no choice but to agree, because, as I mentioned, I can never win an argument with Sicily.

We started walking home.

When we arrived, Jessica wasn't home yet, so I started preparing the ingredients for cooking. I washed the chicken and chopped the ingredients. I decided to cook chicken tinola, and once I finished cooking, I took a shower.

After my shower, Sicily arrived just in time.

She had a box with her. I have to say, Sicily is beautiful fair-skinned, with a well-shaped nose and a perfectly symmetrical face.

She looked even more stunning today.

"Bestie, I know I look beautiful today, actually, I look beautiful every day," she said, making me laugh, and she shot me a mock glare.

"Come on, let's get you ready," she said, sitting me down on a chair and starting to apply various products to my face.

It wasn't long before she finished her long process of making up my face. She handed me a paper bag, which I accepted and took to the room to try on the dress she brought.

Once I put it on, I had to admit it was beautiful, but it was a bit too revealing and fit me a bit too tightly.

I felt shy about coming out because I wasn't sure if it suited me.

"Wow, bestie, it looks great on you! I'm really good at picking outfits," she said, repeatedly insisting that it looked perfect on me.

A little later, Jessica arrived.

"Jessica, please look after Jesean while we're gone," I told my sister.

"Yes, Sister. You both take care. Where are you going, and why are you all dressed up?" Jessica asked.

"Well, it's our boss's birthday today, and we have to be there. I didn't really want to go so we could bond, but Sicily insisted," I explained.

"It's okay, Sister Just have fun and don't worry about us. I'll take care of Jesean," she said, and I nodded, hugging both of them before we left. We didn't want to be late for Sir Adrian's party, even though we weren't that important.

To Be Continued...

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a famous jet ski rider and a successful businessman. Tons of women are crazy and obsessed over him. He has reached the peak of his dreams, to the point where they seem almost unattainable. Even though many women are captivated by him, heā€™s not interested in any of them. He just wants to have sex, and that's itā€”no commitments, no drama, just sex, nothing more. All women are fascinated by his muscular, hard, and huge physique. He stands tall and handsome, a look no one can resist. Plus, his charisma is off the charts. His dark, cold, expressionless eyes can captivate every woman he looks at. But aside from that, he has a gorgeous and simple best friend: Luna Quinn Ferrer, a young lawyer. Sheā€™s simple yet stunning, soft and caringā€”the reason why he canā€™t forget about her. Then one night, there was a party, and she happened to be invited. She accidentally drank the wrong alcohol, which was mixed with a drug that made her body heat up. Unexpectedly, she became wild and unstoppable, seducing him with her gorgeous bodyā€”an innocent girl turned into a wild, seductive goddess. He was there to guide and watch her every move, ensuring no one else touched her. But when she begged him to touch her, his patience burst like a bubble. He touched her, licked and sucked, and even had sex with her. He was praising her all night. The next morning, he woke up to find her gone. He searched for her for days until he finally found her. She told him that she wasnā€™t ready for a commitment, which was exactly what he wanted too. He assured her that he had no feelings for her, which was a lie. She believed him, which is why she agreed to be his friendā€¦ with benefits. They enjoyed themselves every time they did ā€œit.ā€ But what if she finds out sheā€™s pregnant with his child? What will she do? Will she tell her ā€œfriendā€? But what if a woman from his past returns, introducing herself as his ex-fiance? What if she discovers they still have a connection, despite their so-called ā€œfriendshipā€ with extra activities? Will Luna Quinn Ferrer distance herself and hide their child, or will she fight for her feelings for Khaizer Javier, even though someone from his past has returned?

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