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Alpha Cassano

Alpha Cassano

Monica Wild


"From now on you're mine, Natalia," Lucas said, breaking the silence between us. Suddenly, I turned to him with a look of protest. "No! You got what you wanted last night, didn't you?! So the business between us is over," I pointed out, not wanting to make any business happen between us. I turned back towards the highway outside the window. "You think so? Unfortunately, I am currently your owner and you already agreed to that before you went on stage last night, right?!" Lucas said again, "There is no choice for you, Mrs. Alexandra but to agree to your contract with me." ** Lucas Cassano, Alpha, is known as the cold-hearted man. His reputation is impeccable, and he is wealthy and handsome, but no woman has ever managed to melt his heart. Even though he has Abigail as his Luna, he has never given his heart to any woman. Natalia Alexandra is a smart young woman who is struggling with the cost of caring for her comatose mother in the hospital. One night, she doesn't expect to go to a women's auction and end up in the hands of Lucas Cassano for two million dollars. The two agree to a secret relationship when Natalia discovers she is pregnant with Lucas' child. Can Natalia melt the Alpha's heart and change the destiny between them, or will Natalia's fate end like other women who tried to conquer the Alpha's heart, unrequited?

Chapter 1 0001

I had just entered the ladies' restroom when a woman came out of one of the stalls and approached me; she was my division mate in the marketing division of this office, Diva.

"Oh, Natalia, it's a good thing you're here, do me a favor, will you go replace me at the auction tonight?"

My eyes widened in surprise as I looked at her. I needed help understanding the topic she was talking about. I was just about to say something, but Diva interrupted first.

"I'll pay you, ten thousand dollars, just for tonight, you have to replace me at the auction tonight, at a hotel."

Hearing the amount she mentioned, my mouth gaped slightly, and my hand reflexively touched my mouth.

"Please... I'll pay you now, just for tonight."

Diva pleaded with her eyes that implored me to help her.

"You'll pay me ten thousand dollars to replace you tonight at the auction?" I asked, making Diva's wishes clear, and she nodded vigorously. Her face looked troubled. Ten thousand dollars was a large sum, especially since I needed money for the treatment of my mother, who was in a coma in the hospital.

"Okay, but it's only for tonight, right?!" I asked again, and Diva nodded, smiling with sadness and relief. Diva sent me the address of her flat so I could come there tonight and help her prepare.

I stared at the dress with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Do I have to wear that dress?" I asked, feeling a little panicked. The dress was too revealing, and I wasn't used to wearing too revealing clothes.

"Just for tonight," Diva said as I stared at the dress and swallowed dryly.

"You'll look amazing in this dress," Diva says again as she helps me dress and put on the dress. Looking at myself in the mirror, I see another woman there, more beautiful, classy, charming, and voluptuous. Diva distracted me from my amazement at myself with her compliments.

"Give me your account number, I'll transfer the money now."

After giving Diva my account number, a few seconds later, my eyes widened again at the amount of money in my account, which I had never imagined would be filled with.

"T-thank you," I stammered; my eyes rose to look at Diva, and she gave me a small smile.

"I thank you too, the event is in the hotel ballroom, go, here's my invitation tell the receptionist that you're filling in for Miss Louis and just mention your name. The hotel address is on this invitation. "

I looked at the invitation Diva gave me and took it. I leafed through it for a while.

"What kind of auction is this?" I asked just out of curiosity. It was my first time going to a party, and so far, I've only been busy with work and taking care of my mother.

"You'll find out later. Good luck," Diva said with a smile on her face. She looked happy with my help, so I smiled back.

When I arrived at the ballroom door guarded by two people in all-black suits with bow ties, a man greeted me kindly and asked for my invitation. I handed over the invitation that the woman had given me.

"I'm filling in for Miss Louis, my name is Natalia Alexandra."

The man looked at me with a friendly smile, but I felt he was doing his job.

"Please come with me, Miss Alexandra," he said as he moved away from the ballroom entrance. I winced at not going in there, but I followed the man anyway. He led me to another entrance that had a black curtain covering it. When I was inside the room, I saw several women gathered there. I stared momentarily at the gathered women, all wearing black party masks and seeming to be talking to each other. The man from earlier came over and surprised me momentarily by handing me a party mask, just like the ones the women in this place were wearing.

"Put this on, My Lady," the man said, and I took the black party mask and put it on.

"Come with me, you'll need to fill out some paperwork before the auction."

I could only follow the man who led me deeper into this room. A few women whispered as I passed by them. I gulped and looked down in nervousness. They were all, more or less, the same as my current appearance, wearing provocative dresses. I felt something was wrong but didn't want to assume too much.

I filled out some paperwork asking for my full, personal bio. After I completed it, the man asked me to wait with the others in the room. I stood alone in one corner since no one I knew was in the room. A waiter offered me a drink, and I took a glass of champagne and sipped it.

A few minutes later, a woman came with a paper and announced the women's names, and I heard her mention my name. I left my place to gather with some women who started gathering.

"What is this event exactly?" I muttered, still unsure. All I knew was that it was an auction, but what kind?

"You don't know?"

A woman standing beside me answered my muttered question with a question. I turned to her with a questioning and curious look.

"This event will bring us together with our new owner."


"If you're lucky you'll be a mistress, otherwise you'll just be something they use once and throw away."

I was surprised to hear the woman's explanation. The woman's instructions, which mentioned the women's names here, caught my attention. She told us to line up neatly and go to another door connected to nowhere. As the curtain opened, I heard voices and could see the atmosphere inside the ballroom. I stood in the front row and was dazzled by the stage spotlights.

"Now you understand, right, what's this show?"

"Natalia Alexandra, 100 thousand dollars for the first bid."

I gasped at the amount the man mentioned. The man also mentioned my identity explicitly, and now I understood the purpose of filling out some documents.

Oh my God, what have I done?

I spent the next second in a state of nervousness and fear. My body began to tremble and falter as I heard people down there offering me crazy prices. Then, someone interrupted everyone in the room and said, "One million dollars."

Suddenly, I felt nauseous and dizzy. My palms began to sweat. I looked up at the person who said that, but my vision was too poor to focus.

"Sold! Natalia Alexandra, Two million dollars. That's the highest bid for tonight."

As I re-entered the room earlier, my legs faltered, and I staggered into one of the walls, thinking I was going to fall to the floor. However, someone wrapped his arm around my waist and held me up. I instantly turned to look at that person. The moment our eyes met, I felt strange, as if I recognized the owner of this black sharp. I felt familiar, but right now, my mind was foggy.

"W-who are you?" I asked haltingly. Then he scooped me up to get closer to him, and as our skin touched, something inside me called arousal quickly rose to the surface.

"I am your new owner."

What? Owner? So he is-

Then the next second, he kissed me with all the passion he had, making me affected by the kiss, and damn it, I welcomed it and wanted more than just a kiss. His caresses on the exposed skin of my back ignited my passion until I pressed my body shamelessly against him. I was signalling for him to ravage my body with his pleasure immediately.

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