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Mommy, Alpha Daddy is Home

Mommy, Alpha Daddy is Home

Dazzling Star


Betraying her own pack, when Camila agreed to marry her mate, Xavier she was unaware that the betrayal would sting her back more deeply and viciously. When she stood at the aisle in white, she was thunderstruck seeing her mate taking vows with her sister. That night she not only got the betrayal but also had to take the accusation of bearing someone else's child. After six years, her triplets' brought Xavier home announcing, "Mommy, Mommy, Alpha Daddy is home!" His reappearance caused the arrival of something evil and dangerous in her life. Something which would shatter her world.

Chapter 1 reject you as my Luna

Camila stared at the reflection of her glistening gown that wrapped her body and gave justice to her curvy figure. No one could ever dare to deny that she was looking heavenly in it.

Gently stroking her belly, she whispered, "Finally the day is here, my sweetheart. We can now finally be with your Alpha daddy."

"And I can finally be part of your wedding." A sudden familiar voice from behind flinched her. Instantly, a big smile appeared on her face.

"Jessi!" she exclaimed in an excited tone and ran to her sister, Jasmine.

"Is this real?" Tightly wrapping her sister in her arms, she murmured, "Are you really here?"

"Of course, I am here, you Dumbhead." Jasmine hugged her back. "What makes you think that I would miss this only opportunity to be a part of my big sister's special day?"

"Aww! This feels like heaven!" she said, but recalling something, she pulled away. "Are you really here for my wedding? Or did dad and mom send you to ruin my day?"

Suddenly, her composure changed. With a deep sign, she said, "Great! I don't have to put up with this act. I am glad you have not lost your intelligence and loyalty to the pack. Mom and dad send you on a mission not to build up a family of your own."

"Jessi, see, I am sorry I couldn't complete my mission. I mean how could I after all, Alpha Xavier is my mate? I cannot betray him."

Folding her arms, she glared. "And you are okay with betraying your family? Do you have any idea what our dad, Alpha of Aquaclan Howler, has to go through each day because of your betrayal?"

"I–" She paused and gulped hard, going out of words.

"Fine!" Jasmine unfolded her arms and added, "I will spare you a chance. You need to choose wisely."

After a minute of silence, she looked down at her belly and said, "Jessi, I am sorry. I am with his child and–"

In a firm voice she questioned, "Does he know about it?"

She glanced at her. "No! I will break the news after the vow ceremony as a wedding gift."

Suddenly she grinned. "Perfect!" Then she blew powder on her face.

Soon her vision blurred and she fell to the ground. "What– What did you do?"

"I told you to choose wisely, but you ended up disappointing me more."

"Jessi –" her voice weakened and consciousness gradually fell apart. "I trusted you–"

"So did we!"


Camila opened her eyes and saw Alex, Xavier's Beta, looking down at her.

In a concerned tone, he asked, "Are you okay?"

Suddenly, the bitter taste strangled her tongue. So she got up at once and spit it out.

"I gave you an antidote for Stinking Nightshade," Alex explained, "The taste will go away in no time."

"Jessi–" Recalling what had happened, she looked around. "Where– Where is Jessi?"

"She is with Alpha–"

Getting to her feet, she hastened, "Where are they? Is she going to hurt him?"

As she strolled away, Alex followed her behind. "Luna Camila, I need to tell you something and it's urgent. I met your sister before and–"

"Alex, that can wait. Right now, nothing is urgent then stopping Jessi from messing things up."


Turning deaf to his words, she rushed away. She checked every nook of the mansion, but was not able to find them.

So she went out in the woods and reached the wedding venue area. The aisle had a red carpet and was framed by an archway of twisted branches woven with vibrant flowers and trailing ivy. The trees on either side were filtering the moonlight, and they stretched their branches overhead, creating a natural canopy where small glass globes with flickering candles dangled.

The wooden benches on either side of the pathway were filled by the pack members. However, just as she stood at the beginning of the aisle, she was dumbfounded by the sight in the pavilion.

Xavier and Jessica were holding hands and looking at each other. Between them, the golden scepter with a moonstone on its top remained suspended in the air.

"No-No- This is not happening!" she murmured in disbelief and staggered down the pathway.

The more she got close, the more she realized it was not a dream but a reality. Reality was slapping hard on her face.

"Xavier!" she called out in a quivering tone.

He glanced at her, but his look carried hatred and coldness rather than love and warmth. He didn't care about her and turned back to Jessica.

"I claim you as my–" before he could complete his sentence, she ran to them and yanked his hand away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she rumbled at him. "You are supposed to marry me. I am your Luna." Then she glanced at Jessica and shouted, "And you, how can you snatch my special day? I am your sister."

Rolling her eyes, she replied, "Not after you were declared Rogue from our Aquaclan Howler."

"And now you are an outcast from Pyroclan Howler!" Came an unbelievable declaration from Xavier.

Shaking her head, she turned to him and helplessly asked, "Why– Why are you doing this? We were fine yesterday, but why not today?"

Suddenly, he grasped her arms tight and looked deep into her in rage. "If you are my Luna, then why are you carrying my Beta's child?"

"What?" Her eyes widened in shock. "That is not true!"

"Really?" He raised his brows. "Then why the hell do I know nothing about the child? Why the hell were you at the hospital with him?" Furiously, he pointed at Alex.

"Xavier, let me explain. I was keeping it from you so that I can give you a wedding surprise. Trust me, this is your child."

"Cut the crap, Camila," Jasmine said, "Father of the child has already admitted it. Your lie has already turned naked."

"What? That–"

Jasmine interrupted her interrogating Alex, "Tell me, last time, when I met you at the hospital, didn't you admit that the child was yours?"

Stepping forward, Alex said, "I can explain."

Jessica folded her arms, and demanded coldly, "Just answer yes or no."

"Yes, I did say that, but–"

"See I told you–" she said to Xavier, "Camila is nothing but a betrayer who first betrayed our pack and then you."

Helplessly, Camila looked at Alex. "Why– Why would you do that?" Her voice quivered and tears rolled down her eyes.

"I didn't know she was your sister. When she asked, I had no other option than to lie as you had asked me to keep it a secret. "

"Secret!" Xavier roared, "You guys wanted to keep your child a secret until the wedding takes place and then announce it as my child. You both have gone too far to take my place as Alpha. That was a nice act to play on, but you know what, you cannot defy me. I am Alpha for a reason."

"Xavier, trust me, this is just a misunderstanding–" Camila still tried to explain.

Turning deaf to her words, he said to Jasmine, "Let's proceed," and took her hands.

Trying to separate their hands, she begged. "Please don't do this to me. Please, you have already claimed me as your Luna and–"

"And today, at this moment, I reject you!"

"What?" Her heartbeat raised and chills ran down her spine.

"You heard me." In a loud voice, he announced, "I, Xavier, Alpha of Pyroclan Howler, reject you as my Luna."

Then shoving her, he yelled, "Now, get the hell out of here. Before my anger turns into destruction."

Holding her, Alex said to him, "Alpha, you are not doing this right."

"How dare you talk back to me about being nothing but a useless Beta?" Burning in rage, he grabbed the scepter and charged at him.

"Xavier, no!" shouting, Camila shoved Alex away and took his attack herself.

Loud thunder echoed in every corner of the woods and blinding light engulfed the area.

The Moonstone cracked, and dropped to the ground before breaking into pieces. Camila collapsed a short distance away. She blinked slowly, before losing consciousness.

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Other books by Dazzling Star

You Never Got Out Of My Heart

You Never Got Out Of My Heart



~You were there when my heart fell for you, but you were never there when my heart yearned for you, still, you never got out of my heart~ I stood at the restaurant door feeling numb seeing Newt with a girl. She was the same girl from the photo. They were sitting few inches away from me. I thought it was good to leave because it seemed like they were on their date. I turned around but suddenly Newt called. 'Prisha, is that you? Wow! what a pleasant surprise..." I slowly turned towards him, forcing a smile, and replied, "Hey! Newt, nice to see you..." "What are you doing here? Where is your other half, Kristen? It is little awkward to see you without her. I have noticed you two going everywhere together be it washroom as well," he mocked chuckling. Even though I didn't found it funny, I forced a smile and replied, "I am just wandering around the town alone. As I was bored staying home. And about Kristen, she might be busy somewhere." "Oh! anyway come and join us. I want to introduce you to my..." "Girlfriend," before his words were completed my mind had already said it loud. so, I hastily interrupted him, "I am so sorry. I need to rush back home. My mom called me twice. Bye..." Before he could respond, I was already out of the restaurant at great speed. The sky was blanketed with thick black clouds and soon one after another drops of rain drip down along with my tears. I paced few steps but was not able to go any further. I fell on my knees getting weak to stand and slowly my eyes got blur. Soon, I collapsed on the ground and before my eyes were forced to shut, I saw someone walking towards me.

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