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Married To The Formidable President

Married To The Formidable President



Married for months but still a virgin. Drugged by her husband and stepsister, she ended up with a mysterious lover. Her husband accused her of infidelity and found a convenient reason to divorce her. She lost everything, her properties, her virginity, her inheritance and her home and was thrown on the street. No parents, no home, no roof over her head, Camille Christopher sought for death and wished she could stop living but death seemed to perceive her yearning and flee from her. She became pregnant and her world came crumbling. Where does she turn to when she doesn't even know who got her pregnant? Travis Chase, the youngest billionaire in the city and a handsome dude, was in search of the woman he had one night stand with... Four years later, he stumbled upon two boys who are a miniature of himself and thundered "who is your mother?". Let's read and find out!

Chapter 1 Defiled

The Sunlight shone upon her tired face. She opened her eyes wearily and felt weak and tired. The sun rays poured into her eyes, and she shut them quickly.

Gradually she opened her eyes gently and allowed it to adjust to the light in her surroundings. Where is she?

She raised herself to a sitting position and tried remembering what happened. She lifted the quilt and was surprised when she found herself naked. What happened to her? Why is she here? When did she pull off her dress?

She remembered vaguely that Diana had helped her into a room last night. She didn't remember anything else besides...

Ah! Someone had taken advantage of her, she'd been raped! She lifted the quilt again and checked herself.

The hickey, the blood stain and the pain of being torn only proved that she had been taken.

She is married and there is no way she can excuse herself or explain to Colton Williams that she had lost her first time to someone else.

She stood up quickly, picked up her dress on the floor and dashed into the bathroom. Just then Colton walked in with his mother and Diana.

"That's right, she had really been taken. Take the photos of the blood stain bedspread and let's leave" That's Cheryl .

She's Colton's mother. "I have enough reason to divorce her and be married to the love of my life" Colton chimed and held Diana close to his heated body and kissed her.

"Easy my love. We will be married soon and I will become yours fully. My sister has been pushed out of the way" Diana said, sounding really excited.

Camille heard their words and couldn't believe her ears. Her husband and sister connived together against her?

She waited until the sound of the footsteps had gone far before she walked out of the bathroom with her dress on. She hurried her steps and walked away.

Hardly had Camille left when Robert Dain got into the room. He checked through and didn't see anyone.

"Hello boss, the woman is gone. But I will show you the proof of her innocence". Robert said and took photos of the blood stain on the bed.

Camille has always been a strong woman. She had married Colton Williams out of an arranged marriage.

They were only four months old in marriage. Though they didn't love each other, they agreed to nurture their feelings for each other first before going intimate.

But despite the fact that she hadn't gone intimate with him, it doesn't make her less his wife. But she can't imagine that Diana would set her up so as to be with her husband.

Camille arrived home in a taxi and went into the house:

As soon as she stepped into the sitting room, she was greeted with a ferocious stare. The glare coming from Colton was capable of making someone miss steps.

"Whore, you still have no shame left in you and you took those miserable feet of yours into this house" Cheryl Williams cursed.

"You are married and still thinking about sleeping with someone else? Are you so cheap and casual that you don't know your status and where to turn to when you need someone to meet your needs?"

Colton thundered.

Hypocrites, Camille thought. He pretends to be upset and yet knows about all that happened. He was the one who brought her the drink that sent her hypoxia.

"This marriage is over. I can't pretend to know what you've done nor turn my eyes away. You are a loose woman and a slut" Colton eyed her irritatingly.

"What right do you have to say horrible words at me when you were the one who drugged me? What kind of a man drugs his wife so as to trap her?

Do you think I do not know of your escapades with my sister? You wanted a divorce right? You should have said it rather than trying to create a reason for it", Camille snapped at him.

Colton was temporarily rendered speechless. How did she know about him and Diana? Had they left a clue behind?

"How dare you accuse my son with no evidence? A bitch like you should hide her face or better still drive herself into committing suicide.

But here you are rattling pretentiously after spending a night with your lover" Cheryl accused her.

"If you know what is good for you, sign the divorce papers and leave, otherwise, I will make your life miserable and a living hell" Colton threatened.

Before he finished his statement, Camille had walked past him and was going upstairs but Cheryl hurried her steps after her and pulled her by her hair.

Camille's scalp was hurt as her mother in-law dragged her around the room. She threatened and said her son can't wait on someone else's left over.

Camille's body already felt hurt and turned. Now dragging her like this she went out of strength. She didn't know how long it took, but she knew her eyes became dizzy and then blackout.

Camille opened her eyes three days later. She found herself on an infusion. She felt weak. She remembered the last thing that happened before she passed out but didn't know how she ended up in the hospital.

No one was with her in the hospital. She thought how cruel life is and her eyes welled up. She was forced into this union despite knowing they both have no chemistry between them.

Her stepmother insisted she would be married to the Williams family. Colton is the second master of the Williams family.

They are one of the four richest families in California. Since Colton wasn't the heir to the Williams enterprise, her step mother made it mandatory that she should marry Colton?

Her daughter Diana should be the only girl in the Christopher family so that the young master of Wilson's family will choose her as his heir.

But Garet Wilson returned from America with a woman he got married to. His parents got infuriated and stripped all titles from him. He remained a member of the Wilson's family but cannot be the heir.

She didn't know how and when her husband and Diana got entangled with each other. She was there lost in her thoughts when a man walked in.

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The world of high finance and personal ambition collide at Sterling Enterprises, a towering symbol of success in New York City. At the heart of this empire is Alexander Sterling, a commanding and wealthy executive known for his ruthlessness and unyielding standards. His personal assistant, Emily Clark, is an exceptionally talented and dedicated professional who manages the complex demands of his life with remarkable efficiency. Despite the professional boundaries, a subtle attraction begins to develop between them, complicated by Alexander's demanding nature and Emily’s own career aspirations. As their relationship deepens, Emily becomes increasingly aware of the tension between her professional dedication and personal feelings for Alexander. The dynamic shifts further when they had a one night stand in Paris on a work trip and after realising the feelings they have for eachother, Alexander proposes a private relationship in which Emily feels disrespected by that. Emily leaves the company, seeking new opportunities elsewhere, following a confrontation over her perceived favoritism and the ongoing passive-aggressive tactics of a jealous colleague, Julia Thompson. The climax unfolds as Alexander realizes the depth of his feelings and the significance of Emily’s role in his life and business, It becomes overwhelming when he realises Emily has a child which could be his. In a dramatic turn, Emily becomes unreachable, prompting Alexander to face the repercussions of his actions. The denouement reveals Alexander's struggle with the void left by Emily’s departure and the personal growth he must under. Will he find Emily or have no choice but to move on? If he later finds out the child is his, will he abandon her due to media pressure or will he put her first?

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