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Crimson Nights

Crimson Nights



Jake caught his girlfriend in bed with his friend and he went to the club to chill when he met her... "Marry me" she declared "Excuse me" Jake was shocked. "I need to secure my inheritance and you need a new beginning" Will Jake settle for Arabella Sinclair or will he go back to his ex Emily who is ready to do anything for money and fame.

Chapter 1 Betrayal

Jake had always thought that the dull hum of the city at midnight was his favorite soundtrack. It was a quiet reassurance that life, no matter how turbulent, continued moving forward. But as he turned the key in the lock of his apartment that night, he was greeted not by the silence but by the hushed whispers and soft rustle of sheets.

Curiosity piqued, he stepped inside, his footsteps quiet on the worn wooden floor. The living room was dim, shadows cast long by the moonlight filtering through the curtains. His heartbeat pounded louder with each step, a drumbeat of dread as he approached the slightly ajar door.

A breath caught in his throat as he pushed it open, the scene before him unfolding in slow, agonizing motion. There, entangled in the very sheets they'd shared on different nights, were his girlfriend Emily and his best friend Mark. The room froze for a moment, a snapshot of betrayal and disbelief.

For a second no one moved, Emily's eyes widened in shock, and Mark's face turned a shade paler. Jake stood there feeling a chasm open within him, swallowing the love and trust he had freely given. Words failed him and all that remained was raw, shearing pain of a heart shattering in silence.

He walked back to the living room in a daze. He could not think of anything at that moment. He was shocked beyond relief. He wanted to give her the best. Jake and Emily started their relationship in high school. They both love acting, and they're in the industry, but Emily has a bit of fame, while Jake only acts in minor roles.

Mark looked at Emily. " You clean up and meet at my place". He was putting on his clothes tiredly.

" I didn't know he'd come home, thought he was having night shoots today". Emily hasn't recovered from the shock.

"You have to tell him, we're in love," Mark yelled angrily. He had always wanted this day to come. The day he will win against Jake. He has always been a backdrop for Jake. " You're signing with my company, and we're in love" he declared, and left the room. He met Jake in the living room. He smirked and left.

Emily put on her clothes slowly. A lot of thoughts were running through her mind. A part of her wants to apologize to Jake, but the other part isn't ready. She loves Mark and that's final.

Emily walked to the living room and met Jake looking in a daze. She almost knelt down to apologize but quickly controlled herself.

"Let's get married tomorrow" Jake looked at her, his eyes filled with tears. He's ready to forget about it and get married to her.

"Sorry" Emily was shocked. How could he just forget about the past and get married to her? She sighed.

"I'll forget about everything" Jake declared. He's not ready to leave her. He loves her with everything he has. He can't let her go.

"I'm sorry, I love Mark" she declared, without stuttering or thinking twice. She has made up her mind, she must be a star, she must be popular.

"You can't love him Emily", Jake was shocked. He thought she wanted to apologize. He would have hugged her tight and told her not to apologize, but who would have thought?

"Let's break up Jake. You can't give me what I want" Emily did not bother beating around the bush. She pushed their love to the floor because of fame and money.

"I can make money, Emily, I can take a good script and make money." Jake almost knelt down. He was in tears now. He can't let her go.

"I'm sorry, Mark got me a good script. I'll start shooting next month" she declared and walked out without looking back.

Days after Emily and Mark's betrayal, Jake moved through life in a daze, his heartache gnawing at him like a persistent shadow.

Determined to escape the memories that haunted his apartment, he decided to take a long walk through the city, letting the night air clear his mind.

He found himself at an upscale bar, it's warm glow and soft jazz offering a brief respite from his turmoil.

Seated at the bar, he ordered a drink, hoping the burn of the whiskey would dull the ache in his chest. He gulped down the whiskey, cringing at it's burn. He noticed a woman at the far end of the bar, her elegance and poise unmistakable. She had an air of confidence, yet there was something in her eyes that mirrored his own sorrow.

Their eyes met, and she smiled, a small knowing smile that seemed to see right through him. She walked over to him.

" The weather seems cool, don't you think?" She smiled at him and sipped his whiskey"Ahhhh" she screamed at the burns.

"What?" Jake looked at her in disgust. He hates ladies, he doesn't want to have anything to do with them.

" Seems you are heartbroken." She mocked. " What happened? " She asked. Though she knew his problem, she found him funny.

"What do you want " Jake asked. He was getting furious.

" Let's get married " she said.

" Excuse me" Jake raised a brow. He was surprised at her audacity.

" I need to secure my position in my family. Grandpa promised to sign the company to me once I got married," she declared.

" You must be drunk. Where's your guard " Jake looked around .

" I'm Arabella Sinclair" she introduced herself. Jake almost choked, she laughed and picked up her bag. " Here, call me after you make your decision ". She dropped her card and walked out of the bar.

She looked elegant and classy. Arabella Sinclair is the richest young lady in city Z and she's the most beautiful spinster .

" I'll take you to Eden crest now" her guard said. She looks professional and rigid.

"Kelly take me to Opals garden" she requested. The Eden crest is the popular estate of the Sinclair family. Arabella is tired of staying in that mansion, her cousins Catherine and Eliza are the only problem she has in Eden Crest .

Kelly opened the door for Arabella. She entered quietly, thinking about the man in the bar.

He looks handsome with his sharp jaw and filled eyelashes. He looked sexy with his beard.

Jake looked at the card and smiled. Arabella Sinclair. He smirked" she thinks I'm stupid, she's fake", he mocked.

He took out his phone and checked her name on Google. He opened his mouth in awe. He had just met Arabella Sinclair and she proposed marriage.

He sighed and reclined on the chair. His phone beeped and he checked the caller. It was his other friend or his only friend, Evans.

"Hey, where are you? I'm at your place" he said gently. Obviously, Evans is trying hard not to make Jake feel bad.

"How's Emily?" Jake could not help it. He missed her every day. He could not spend a day without thinking about her.

"I called to tell you about her .... She's the protagonist in the new movie survival", Evans said quietly, unsure if he was doing the right thing or not .

"Survival" Jake repeated and smiled.

" I'm sorry if you're vexed " Evans apologized.

" If you were to choose between Arabella and Emily, who would you choose?" Jake asked Evans . He wants to be sure if he's doing the right thing.

" Of course Arabella", Evans replied without thinking twice, but after a second thought, he asked " why do you ask". He sensed something wrong.

" Be ready to be my ring bearer " Jake got up and walked out of the club. The city's digital billboard was showing a soap advertisement and Emily was an ambassador.

Jake sighed " I'll get you, I promise", he declared, and picked up the card, he dialed the number on the card, and it was picked.

" Hi, this is opals garden. Who do you want to speak with", the lady at the other end said professionally.

Jake smiled in amazement. She's really a queen, but he's not interested in her. He wants Emily back no matter what.

" I want to speak to Arabella Sinclair" he said confidently. He was a young man who had a big dream.

He was brought up in an orphanage and he had no family. He was probably dumped. He mocked himself sometimes. That's why Emily dumped him. Her family wouldn't accept him.

"Hello" Arabella said. He didn't hear what the other lady said, but now he was talking to the almighty Arabella.

" It's Jake" he said unsure of his decision. " I know" Arabella replied.

Arabella had just got home from the bar. She took off her clothes and dropped them in the wooden basket and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

She wore a bathrobe and walked to the dining room to have dinner when the lady brought her phone.

" Ma'am you have a call", she gave Arabella the phone. She smiled, knowing who the caller was.

" I'll agree to your proposal on one condition," Jake said. Arabella smiled.

" What's your condition " she asked, mixing flour and eggs for pancakes.

" I'll be the main actor for survival the new movie trending now" Jake said, unsure if she'd accept his condition .

Arabella smiled , she knew his reasons. " Are you still into your ex? I might get hurt" she said quietly, but Jake heard clearly.

" This is a contract marriage, Arabella," Jake said. He wouldn't want her to fall in love with him because he's not ready, but Arabella thinks otherwise. She promised to put her might in the marriage and make it work.

Arabella lost her parents when she was still a child. Her grandpa was so fond of her because her father was his favorite child. She took over the company at a young age. She wanted to feel the warmth of a family.

" Well the Sinclair entertainment company is directing the movie. Since you are interested, why don't you come over to meet the director and have a pancake with me." Arabella hung up without thinking twice.

She smiled and turned, she saw Kelly staring at her " Don't nag me" Arabella smiled and turned to the sink to wash her hands.

" You can't fall in love with him" Kelly warned. She's Arabella's best friend. Kelly is the daughter of Arabella's father's trusted man, and she protects Arabella.

"I think I'm in love. I want him to be happy. Send James to pick him up" Arabella said, and continued her cooking.

A few minutes later, Arabella was done . She set the table for two, waiting patiently for Jake.

Jake sat in the car quietly. James looked at him and sighed. Why can the almighty Arabella fall for someone like this .

When Arabella called him to her office two weeks ago, she was interested in him. She met him at Eliza's shooting location.

Jake was uncomfortable with James stare. They entered opals garden and drove for five minutes before seeing the Mansion. Jake was shocked beyond relief .

How can a lady's house be this big? He was really impressed. James opened the car door for him, and he walked inside the mansion looking like a lost kid .

" Welcome" Arabella smiled and welcomed him inside. " I prepared dinner, but I don't want to eat alone." Arabella went to the dining, and sat down, gesturing at him to seat with her.

" I'm not here for dinner" Jake said impatiently and sat down with her in the dining. Arabella sighed.

" Can't you be a bit kind? I've never had dinner with anyone except family dinner". Arabella tried to make him feel pity for her .

" Are you going to agree to my condition or not" Jake asked angrily. He looked at Arabella without feeling any ounce of pity for her.

" I'll agree" Arabella sighed and nodded at Kelly. Kelly left the dining and entered with a middle-aged man putting on a suit and tie.

" Miss Sinclair, nice meeting you in person" Mr falon stretched his hand for a handshake, but Arabella ignored him.

" Meet my husband to be Jake.I want him to be the protagonist in your movie", Arabella declared without thinking twice.

Jake was shocked at her straight forwardness. He did not expect her to introduce him as her husband to be.

Mr falon was shocked but considered the goodies he'd get if he helped her out. " I'll surely do what you want " he smiled handsomely.

He looked at Jake and considered him to be so lucky to have a kind-hearted woman like Arabella, but the man he envied was blinded and could not see the good side of the woman.

Author's note:

If you're not satisfied with Jake please yell

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