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Marrying my son's dad

Marrying my son's dad



You can't call it a one night stand if you were drugged right? Well the world doesn't see it that way, instead they see her as the unfilial daughter who despite all her father had done for her, went ahead to sleep with a man who wasn't her fiance and ended up getting disowned by her dad. It was an event that had ended up tarnishing her reputation in less than a day and she had to flee to a quiet city in her state to fix her broken heart and prepare to have a baby she didn't see coming. The only person who seemed to support her was her nanny Vidalia, her ex fiance Ralph and his cousin Gloria who is also her best friend. But tables turn when she realizes that the so called cousins had been sleeping together right under her nose. Leonard Williams, young rich and handsome, he's everything a woman would ask for and could get any woman he wanted but his hellbent on finding the lady he had spent a night with three years ago and an allergic reaction brings her to him, along with a plus one, his son or rather their son. He's willing to do anything it takes to protect his new found found family and destroying Ralph Louis sterling is number one on the list.

Chapter 1 The encounter ( Clarity's POV)

I think Valentine's Day is my second favorite holiday after Christmas; the air is slow and sensual, and I swear I can feel the romance boiling in the pit of my stomach. I smiled at myself as I glanced at the red box beside me on the passenger seat; after saving for a few months, I finally had enough to buy my boyfriend a black hand tailored Italian suit, which I was sure he would love. Recently,he and his cousin Gloria have been attending meetings to expand our IT and security company of which I'm proud of their efforts.

He has been working so hard to ensure our future stability, and I often feel like I am not doing enough, so now that he has returned, I took it upon myself to plan a nice getaway for him for the entire night.

Earlier this week, I sent him a list of options to choose from, but he was too busy, so I chose one that I thought best suited him, and I even paid for the entire night. It was a nice cottage on the outskirts of town that would be ideal for a relaxing getaway because my man was a low-key type of person who disliked crowds. I was extremely skeptical about this night, and I still am, as it was the first time in months that I would be sleeping away from home without my son. Despite leaving Claude with nanny Vidalia, who had cared for me since birth, I could not t the fact that he would be fine, as he had promised.

I stopped by the flower shop to get him his favorite flowers, tulips. I gave them to him once, wanting him to know what it was like to receive flowers, and he loved them so much that I felt obligated to buy them for him each time I was there. It was always funny how he would gift all but one to Gloria and the one that was left, he would always leave it on a vase stationed at his nightstand so that it was the first thing he saw when he woke and the last when he slept it was the most romantic gesture I had ever seen an I found myself falling more in love with him. Following the delivery of the flowers, I drove twenty miles to a breakfast establishment called Bidders. Although it was located in a different city, Ralph always thought the drive was worthwhile because they had the best lattes anywhere. I found a nice parking where it would be easier to leave and when I was satisfied with the spot I got my fanny pack and hightailed myself into the eatery. People gave me a few strange looks, but I felt I deserved it because, really, who wears a silk dress, flip-flops, and a fanny pack around their waist? After waiting for fifteen minutes, I was finally called to get my latte and I even got a bento sized cake that was on display, the design had 'I love you all over it' so I couldn't resist the vibe.

I was making my way out of the eatery when I saw a group of people gathered, I decided to check it out quickly before I left, just Incase they were sharing money. I quickly dropped the things I got in my car before jogging over to see what was going on and to my dismay, it wasn't free money, instead it was a grown woman gasping for air and a large patch of hives on her skin. I had seen this before, it had appeared on my son's body and it was as a result of an allergic reaction to peanut. Nobody there knew what to do and the ambulance was taking long to arrive so I decided to take matters into my hand. I understand I had a date with my man but a life was on the line and I would hate to leave when I know I can help her. I quickly searched through my fanny pack for the spare carry-on EpiPen I always had in case of any emergencies with Claude and thankfully it was still there.

" Let me through, I think I can help." I said as I made my way towards the woman wheezing on the floor the crowd immediately parted for me and I settled down on the floor beside the wheezing lady.

" Do you have problems with needles?" I asked quickly as I uncapped the pen. The lady shook her head indicating a no, her eyes had reddened and I knew her case was getting worse. I quit administered the drug to her on her laps, I immediately saw her harsh breathing reducing but the hives were taking their time to leave.

" Th.. Thanks." She murmured with a soft look on her face.

" It's nothing." I replied as I helped her get up, the earlier crowd had dissipated when they realized that she was fine. " I can drop you off at the hospital , it's just along my way back." I offered.

" Thank you." she said again with tears pooling beneath her eyes. " I hope it won't be a bother."

" Not at all ma." I replied as I helped her into the back seat of my car. I expected the drive down there to be a quiet one but my partner thought better of it.

" What's your name child?" She asked when the road was finally on the road.

" Clarity, Clarity Carter." I answered with my eyes still on the road.

" Bonnie Williams." She reciprocated " And I think you and my son would make a great match." She added with humor in her voice, she was trying to make light of her situation and it was fine by me.

" Mrs Bonnie , with how beautiful you are, I doubt if I could ever be a match for your son." I humored back.

" Ohh believe me child your beauty is no match for that of those rascals." She giggled out and I felt myself relax in her presence.

" You say those, how many are they?"

" Just two and you're free to pick which ever you like."

" I doubt if they'd be any pleased knowing that their mom is out here offering them out for marriage to a random girl she just met."

" Ohh believe me child they'd be more than grateful, finding a wife is more of a hassle to them , I mean none of them is even dating. so if they knew that his mother dearest had found one they'd be more than ecstatic." She replied with another smile, the drive down to the hospital continued on a lively note and I unknowingly found myself missing days like this with my mother.

After we were done with the registration, we made our way to the room that she was admitted to stay and she made me promise to visit again, she even got my contact details so could call to remind me Incase I decided not to return and I had smiled at her before reassuring her that I would come visit her again. After the little pitstop, I got back on the road to see my man but this time I was happier, I guess that's what talking to a mother felt li

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