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Not too blind to love

Not too blind to love



SYNOPSIS Isidora Cristaldi a blind yet remarkably gifted shewolf, gets her sight restored days after a chance meeting with her mate; Martinez Rodriguez who was also heir to the throne of the golden claw pack. However the supposed happiest day of Isidora's life had soon turned into the saddest one when she opened her eyes to meet great confusion followed by a heap of sadness waiting for her. Martinez had abandoned her after dumping some proofs with her, accusing her of infidelity and to make things even worse her twin sister had also left her with a suicide note. Loosing both her mate and sister on the same day. Isidora attempts to take her life but is saved by someone familiar. Four years after, a completely transformed version of Isidora returns to golden claw pack but is yet again welcomed by another kind of shock. This time, she finds out that her so called late twin sister was about getting married to the current alpha of the golden claw pack who she didn't recognize at the time as her long lost mate. At this point an entirely different journey is then set to unfold amidst an atmosphere charged with the remnants of past pains, questioning, doubts, passion betrayal and revenge.

Chapter 1 Isidora pov


I sniffed. It should be less than a month since I became a partaker of this reeking ghetto smell. It was awful but I trust Elizabeth, she should know best. She has been my eye since my birth into this choice less world of mine featured by eternal darkness and the sound of unfamiliar voices.

Elizabeth is my twin sister, even though like everyone else I also could not tell how she looked like but I could tell she meant well for me.

Which was why I couldn't ask her the numerous questions bubbling in my head. I was afraid the questions will inconvenience her. But inwardly I was curious about why we even had to come here?

"Why did we have to leave the orphanage, why did we leave teacher Joyce?"

At the mention of the orphanage, dim memories flashed in my brain. I recalled one of the books I read from the braille years back describing the nature of storms. It sounded so beautiful that I yearned for just a glimpse.

I sighed quietly. There was too much to remember, nice things. The orphanage was friendly to my sister and I. We had the necessary things we needed. I thought about Teacher Joyce once again, the kindness in her voice, I also reminisced on the voices of the other children and the scattered sound of their happy laughter that never died. Maybe the sadness of the recent days had triggered this nostalgia.

I shook my head vigorously, tightening my lips. I needed to stop thinking.

I have to figure out what to eat as there was barely enough food in the house. And with Elizabeth always out I was very much limited on what to do.

I have been meaning to tell Elizabeth about Adolphus and his recent antics. I couldn't tell what time it was yet but I had the gut feeling that he will come like he always did every day without missing. I wanted to let Elizabeth know that he discomforts me and I am scared particularly of how vulnerable I was.

As I was about to stand up and proceed to the kitchen to look for food I got that familiar whiff of rottenness, the smell of decayed cabbage.

I gasped, that signature smell belonged to only one person.

"Isidora my baby, come to daddy" The sly derisive voice called.

Yes it was him. My head swelled with apprehension. I imagined him smiling with a dark chipped teeth he must be enjoying pestering me. I could still remember the day I told him my name I was trembling as I pronounced each word he was out to hurt me if I did not do so.

"Erm I stammered as I took some steps backwards.

"Who are you?"

"My baby don't tell me you are pretending not to know it is me"

"I don't know who you are. Let me be my sister will attend to you when she is back"

He chuckled not moved by what I said

"You keep playing hard to get" he said as he started walking towards me

"Adolphus stop you are scaring me"

"You shouldn't be scared my baby I am here to protect you"

"I can protect myself just leave"

He chuckled again

'Not today" he replied with his hoarse voice

He came close to me as he traced his finger on my chin down to my cheek. He was smelling of alcohol of smoke

"I am stone. Fucking Adolphus the rouge that run this ghetto. I am sure you do not want to be in my bad books"

I was motionless with fear too scared to say something and more scared on what he is about to do to me.

I scouted the narrow alley with my ears, no one was in the alley. Usually my ears has become my eyes or practically every other sense of mine apart from my eyes is more elevated. Teacher Joyce has told me that God has given me ten eyes instead of two when she was teaching me the braille method.

"You don't dare reject me I am going to make your stay here very dreadful. Just come to me my Isidora, just come."

He said as he bent his lips to kiss my hair. I was feeling nauseous and I just wanted him to let me be.

I weighed my odds on what to do if he should try to cross his boundaries, holding firmly to my support stick.

"Adolphus." I whispered.

"I already said no to your feelings I am not interested"

"And why if I may ask?"

He asked still moving his fingers on my cheek.

"Please stop I don't like your hands on me"

He laughed again.

"You know you are a nice fine girl and I don't want to hurt you"


I was a bit confused not sure if he was expecting an answer from me.

"I don't want to take you by force just allow me to do what I want"

He whispered it to my ears slowly while gripping my wrist tightly

It was at this point I knew I had to defend myself.

That instant I struggled to rid my hands off from his grip and I reached for my cane, swinging it violently in his direction. I felt the hard hit of the cane followed by a painful groan. I knew it landed squarely on the center of his head. I made a rough estimate of where he must have crouched few steps away then I landed a blow there and he true to my guess, he actually screamed in pain.

I haphazardly raced to the door in the way had started to practice earlier.

As soon as I got out, something magical happened. Something that has never happened before. I realized I could hear voices and they where directing me on what to do. I was in short of time, hence I didn't have the luxury of time to analyze what was going on.

I raced down the narrow alley with the voice still directing me, I followed the inner guide with mixed emotions, the first was fear the confusion then funny enough, gratitude.

I knew some people especially teacher Joyce had said something about me being gifted and having some sort of powerful aura but I didn't know it was to the extent.

I was jostled back to reality as I heard sounds of footsteps from far behind. I know Adolphus must have gotten up. It seemed for that moment I had grown little abilities like that of Elizabeth.

As I was wandering around the path confused on what to do and the danger that I am faced with. I heard the sound of a car and before I could figure out where to take cover the car screeched loudly and my heart leaped out of fear.

"Dear Moon goddess." I whispered in anxiety.

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