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Cursed by Destiny

Cursed by Destiny

Nicole Jesse


....by the way, let it be clear that I, alpha Duncan steel of white fang pack reject you as my luna and mate. It doesn't change anything though... I i'lll see you at the altar". In a modern world of werewolf packs and ancient traditions, alpha heir Arya was forced to surrender her pack and title and marry the arrogant and ruthless alpha Duncan steel, who rejects her as his mate. She accepts her fate but when she discovers a plot to end her life, she flees. Years later Arya returns with a burning desire for revenge , but alpha Duncan steel seeks something different', forgiveness and a second chance , what will Arya choose?

Chapter 1 One

"Keep reading, Arya." Alpha Elisha gestured to his daughter, his voice laced with sadness.

"...The Nightshades Pack hereby surrenders to the white fang Pack, as of today. Renouncing all claims to our territory." Arya paused, her brows furrowing and her jaw clenching in anger. "We also submit our titles, including those of Alpha...and Alpha heir..."She choked on her words, swallowing hard as she fought back tears.

"Father." She called, holding up the paperwork, "what is the meaning of this?!" She snapped, throwing it across the dimly lit study, causing the sheets to scatter on the floor. "Why would you draft a treaty? We've fought so hard till this moment and suddenly...you just want to give up?!" Her eyes clouded with tears.

"I know it's difficult, my dear." Alpha elisha replied, his voice solemn. "But we don't have a choice. It's either this, or risk total destruction of our pack. Think of the innocent people that would would suffer."

"But still!" She paced,the moonlight casting her shadows on the walls. "This isn't right!" Her voice faltered at the end. "They forced us into this, why should we give them everything? Including our birthright, we have been Alphas for generations!" She said, her voice rising.

"I know." He replied, putting a hand on her shoulders. "But we must think of the safety of our people, not just our pride. It's better to surrender with honor than to fight and risk losing everything, including the lives of our people. As hard as it is, I think this is the right decision."

Arya turned to look her father in the eyes, "I understand." She sniffed. "But that doesn't make it any easier. What will happen to you, to us?" a rear drop rolled down her cheek.

Alpha Elisha let out a small sigh as he looked away, "how can you be worried for me at a time like this?"

"What are you talking about?" Arya asked with a small frown. She could tell something was off and he was hiding something. "There's more?"

"You didn't finish reading." He said sadly as he dropped into his chair. "As part of the treaty, you are to marry the Alpha to show your total surrender."

"Marriage?!" She scoffed, her hand flying to her hips. "You must be joking. Please tell me you're joking, Father." She croaked.

"I'm afraid I'm not, Arya." her father said with a grim expression. "As my daughter and heir, it falls to you to uphold this treaty and do what is best for our pack. I know you may not see it now, but in time, I think you'll understand-"

"I don't want to understand anything, Father!" She snapped in between tears. "I mean, how can you even come up with something like this, without consulting me first? Don't you think of me-"

"Of course I do!" he cut in. "But I'm thinking of the greater good! Our pack will be saved, the family business too. We'll thrive under the white fang pack protection. We'll be safe-"

"Aargh!" Arya cried and screamed, running her hands through her hair, she wanted to kick and punch all at once. "The family business! Greater good?!" She said, "for once think of me as a daughter not an heir!-"

"I cannot do that because you are both of those things!" He screamed, "I'm making a right decision for this pack, do you think it's easier for me? Do you think I'm willing to give you away to that ruthless bastard?!" A cold silence filled the room, Arya sobs the only thing piercing the silence.

Alpha Elisha brow furrowed as he looked down at his feet, his shoulders slumped. He sighed heavily, then met his daughter's teary eyes.

"The other title members support my decision and the elders of both packs have decided." He began in a cold, detached tone. "They'll be arriving tomorrow morning with the Alpha. I've asked your PA to get you ready for the wedding ceremony." He took a deep breath, then his shoulders sagged further. "I know this isn't what you want, but it's what's best for the pack-"

"Of course." she replied with a bitter shrug, her voice cracking as tears finally poured down her face. "How could I even forget, the family business and the pack always come first." Her eyes flashed with anger and hurt as she turned and stormed out of the room.

The next day, Arya sat alone in her dressing room, staring blankly at the mirror, while wearing a tacky wedding dress that she was sure her father had picked out.

"This is all my fault," she reminded herself, "I'm just a...wolfless alpha heir, a weakling." She mumbled to herself. "I should have fought harder." her eyes rimmed with tears.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the door flew open and her a staff came running in."My apologies, my Lady," she bowed breathlessly. "The Alpha and his elders have arrived." She told her excitedly, but it only made Arya feel worse, her heart sank as she sucked in a deep breath.

She suddenly got on her feet and exhaled. "I can't do this!" She snapped. "I won't marry him. I don't love him, I don't know him!"She paced, taking off the veil and the delicate necklace around her neck, before heading outside the room.

"My Lady-"

"Stay away from me!" Arya pointed and snapped. "I need some air!" She murmured. Feeling overwhelmed, she found her way to the gardens.

There, she stood, trying to catch her breath while thinking of an escape plan but suddenly, she felt a shadow fall over her, causing her heart to skip a beat. Quickly, she turned, and her eyes met with the blue ones of the handsome stranger. For a moment, they just stared at each other, as Arya felt an in explainable flutter in her chest. She broke off first, darting her eyes everywhere but at him.

"You must be arya." He began in a cool masculine voice.

"W-Who are you?" She asked, stepped back.

The man scoffed. "Do I really need an introduction?" he retorted, his tone annoyed.

Doesn't she recognize the mate bond? he wondered. He had been sitting in the living room with the others when a strong scent hit his nose, an he followed it, which led him to Arya. The woman he was supposed to marry was his fated mate.

As he looked at her, he felt a surge of emotion he couldn't name. All he knew was that he couldn't take his eyes off her.His heart was pounding in his chest, and he felt his body flush with heat. Arya suddenly met his gaze but her eyes were wide with contempt,

"You're him-Alpha Duncan steel, aren't you?-"

"We need to talk." he replied, his voice hard.

"I don't think there's anything to talk about." she replied, her voice wavering slightly.

"Oh, I think there's plenty to talk about." he said, taking a step closer to her. "Starting with the fact that we're about to get married and instead of getting ready, you're here planning to escape."

Arya felt her heart pounding in her chest. She wanted to deny his accusation, but it was the truth."I don't want to marry you, I don't know why you even agreed to this." She admitted.

Alpha Duncan scoffed. "Agreed to this?! Even in my dreams you wouldn't be my first choice. The elders simply believe that this union would be the way to seal off your Alpha bloodline. So, you ought to be grateful to us for sparing your pathetic lives!" He spat.

Her expression darkened, but he wasn't finished,

"Unfortunately, you don't have a choice, Arya." He continued, his voice laced with irritation. "And I'm not a very patient person. So if I were you, I'd suck it up, get my veil and at least pretend to be a happy bride. By the way, let it be clear that I, Alpha Duncan steel of the white fang Pack reject you as my Luna and mate."He whispered harshly in her ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down her spine. Arya looked up at him in shock and disbelief, her eyes wide with realization.

"It doesn't change anything though...I'll see you at the altar." He said as he turned on his heels and walked away.

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