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Accidental Princess

Accidental Princess



Harper finds herself in back in time in another kind of world after being shot in a the forest , she wakes up to find herself in a castle ,there where she starts a healing journey full of romance ,hatred, revenge and a world full of dark mysteries and desires. But the questions remains how did she find herself here, how is this possible ? is it possible to mingle in with this people? will she fit in?

Chapter 1 Why me


Harper jotted up with a throbbing headache, As the first tendrils of consciousness began to weave their way through her mind, she became acutely aware of two contrasting sensations: the warmth of the covers cocooning her and the dull ache throbbing in her side. With a gasp, her eyes fluttered open, and she found herself bathed in the soft glow of morning light filtering through ornate royal blue curtains.

Confusion washed over her as she took in her surroundings. This was a no familiar space. The room exuded opulence, its walls adorned with rich tapestries depicting scenes of grandeur, while the furnishings spoke of luxury fit more of royalty. Yet, despite the lavishness, a sense of unease settled in her chest.

She gingerly sat up, wincing as pain flared from the wound she remembered all too vividly. She had been shot, the memory still fresh in her mind. But how had she ended up here, in this sumptuous chamber that felt more suited to a monarch than to her?

Furrowing her brow, she cast her gaze around the room, searching for answers that eluded her grasp. Was this some kind of dream? Or had she somehow been whisked away to a place far removed from the reality she knew? With each passing moment, the weight of uncertainty pressed down upon her, leaving her torn between the desire to unravel the mystery of her surroundings and the fear of what she might discover.

Outside she could hear the sound of a crowd cheering, the sort that she would see when a celebrity visited a town. Thoughts lingered in her mind and she couldn't help but fathom where in the world is she. With a wince of pain she struggled to get out of the big broad fluffy covers that ."Who uses such covers just to get a nice cozy sleep , what they are too heavy." She exclaimed and let out a long sigh when she managed to get out of bed.

Walking stealthily barefoot ,she could feel how soft the floor was, it was exciting she could feel as if she was walking on a fluffy comfortable surface. She managed to get by the window and pulled the cover to see outside .The view she saw was such a sight, since thousands or mabye millions of people she wasn't even sure, stood at a large field approaching whoever was talking. They looked so tiny and many like ants from a the floor she was in since it was like she was at the top floor. Upfront she could see the people dressed in royal blue and white outfits, giving royalty vibes. "Where the heck am I, this is all too new to me , I am I in a book ",She thought since as she looked further she could see this place looked fancy, from the drones up high ,fancy building, clean streets looked all too neatly well arranged from a far could be viewed from where she was.

Near the window she spotted some portrait pictures of people in royal outfits, their outfit portrayed royalty and modesty, what surprised her is that most of the portraits were for men and one for only one lady wearing a crown. Furthermore the men were all handsome and good-looking but what caught her sight is was one particular lad who looked to have asian qualities ,he was extremely gorgeous and handsome ,ooh she just seemed to phrase his face to her k pop idol back in her world.

The cheers were getting louder and louder each time , they were giving a loud applause appreciating whomever was talking at the moment. The view from a far seemed magnificent, as the sun rays illuminated and spread across the sky , it's bright lights lubricated the horizon making it seem all too magical. Harper however had never seen such an amazing view all through her life, to say she was astonished would be the truth. She even forgot about the wound around her waistline , that she moved aggressive it to take a good look at the morning sunshine that she let out a cry.

"Ooh goodness what am I doing , shit it hurts pretty bad(signs) It really hurts why am always so clumsy when it comes to this things." She exclaimed as she supported her self on a the bed stand .The cheers had died down and the room was badly quite, she could feel her body shuddering at the clammed up room .She noticed she was wearing a nightie cloth , and she was not liking it all ,what if someone saw her in the outfit ? no way she couldn't fathom it. With a lot of struggle she went to a walk in wardrobe to pick at least some cloth to cover up .

"What in the world , this is not possible how are they all men's clothing , this is insane" she refrained herself from cracking up because this all seemed like a funny joke to her. Ruffling through the fancy royal outfits she finally found something casual ,thou she wasn't really sure if it was appropriate for her to wear such cloths, but she had to the nightie was too short for her liking and by the looks of it the room was a mans .A blush come up her face as she picked a white t shirt and picked up a leggings that had been placed on the bed side it seemed someone had wanted her to wear it. But sadly the person had not considered her top part .As she wore the outfit she looked herself on the mirror and it was just perfect , surprisingly the outfit had a strong but calming cologne , the fragrance was straw berry mixed with a mint of chocolate .She smelled it for the longest while she didn't even seem to realize that she didn't even know the person to whom the outfit belonged to. But she couldn't care less , one has to live the reality before its gone. On another side of the castle , after the royal crowning ceremony all the royalties were dining and drinking celebrating King Wesley the third crowning .However the king's brother was not present he was long gone disappearing amongst the crowd to his room.

Harper was sited on the room reading a novel she had found on the bed stand when she was started by the door knob being opened .She quickly sat up waiting with eagerness to see who it was , she was actually a little bit scared in thoughts of who it was. The man had short cut black bangs which were styled perfectly with his strong chiseled face, sharp almond eyes with two different kid of eyelids, dark black orbs with a glistening spark beneath them, a smooth angled nose that sloped all too perfectly, as for his lips they had a shade of pink. The man cleared his voice and come forth closer to her, and she was surprised with her body because she was not scared at all.

"Hey there , am pardon me for barging in just like that I thought you were still unconscious but seems you walk up a while earlier, "the man said with such a soothing deep voice.

"Ooh , it ok , was I really unconscious I just remember being shot , that all ." Harper exclaimed.

"I found you yesterday at a fountain , you were all drenched and dripping blood. You seem not to be from around here right? "the man again asked .

"Ooh I am not from here, nor would I want to go back there, the people there wanted to kill me , (laughs sarcastically ) rather my parents wants nothing to do with me , they don't want anything to do with me , surprisingly I don't see them as my real parents....I am terribly sorry for mumbling all this at once , it probably isn't of importance right know." Harper said.

"Ooh its ok , that explains your shattered cloths, no offence but I asked my maid to change your outfit( seems to have realized something)pardon me again where are my manners (stretches his hand to Harper) I am Wesley Washington what's your name please," Wesley held out his hand to Harper.

"I am Harper Joy but I prefer Harper, and am thankful for your kind deed of helping me," she accepts the handshake but whimpered a little bit due to her wounded hand.

"Oops I seems to be forgetful today , so sorry don't false your arm so much it will hurt a lot, madam Moselle ."Wesley exclaimed as he helped Harper sit up.

"Ooh thank you, and I am really sorry for cladding in your outfit but I just didn't like the nightie it was so cold I hope you don't mind me please," Harper said.

"Its okay , it fits you well, I forgot to let the maid know you needed cloths to wear .But am glad your conscious know you've been unconscious for two days know. "Wesley said.

"What ! that why I feel uneasy wow that too long ,I hope am not of disturbance to you, I promise once I find a place to stay and work I will go ." Harper said .

"No no , why the hurry I don't mind you being here, its quite refreshing somehow , so please don't hurry .Because here at my castle we have many works that need workers so you don't have to worry at all you are more than welcome here .But, working will only start after you have healed okay. "Wesley said smiling at Harper who looked dazed.

"I don't know what to say ,that so touching , I've never heard such kind words all my lifetime , I am deeply grateful.(something seemed to click in her brain) Wait a minute did you say castle?, are you a king?"She asked Wesley.

"Yeah , actually I was crowned as King today, this is Rosmay kingdom , and yeah you are in a castle, "Wesley said almost chuckling at hoe adorable Harper looked while shocked.

He couldn't help but wonder how such a beautiful girl was not loved by her family , how cruel could they be. Wesley noticed the girl was a beauty from the word go. She was such a diamond to look at , Her face exhibited nothing but beauty.

"What am deeply sorry your majesty," Harper exclaimed as she rose to her feet to give a courtesy bow , but her wound betrayed her again winced in pain and held her hand.

"There there come down princess....,"but before he finished he was interrupted .

"Hey Dan come on not again ,don't lie Dan what's on your mind ,why are you feeding her lies huh! Suddenly a beautiful, tall young lady kind of looking like Dan with a mafia aura comes in calling him Dan ,...." Know Harper was heavily confused wait isn't he Wesley?

"ooh come on Lizzy can't you let me have some fun I mean just this once siz" Dan exclaimed.

"Nope , not gonna happen on my watch , pardon my manners am Lizzy Washington and this is my brother don't mind him he can be awfully tricky most times .Dan kindly say sorry and for goodness sake don't lie unless you wanna be sliced by the king" She said giving him a terrifying look.

"Isn't he the king ?Harper asked because at this point was awfully confused at this point."

Dan laughs out loud, "Well thanks dear but I was joking around I am Dan Washington the family's youngest sibling(whispers)I just like playing king coz why not, I'll never get that chance, so please pardon me of my behavior, "He bows slightly "I hope you will forgive me please ".He says showing puppy eyes, and here Harper thought only she could pull that out.

Harper blinked, her mind reeling from the sudden influx of information. She glanced at Dan, who was still giving her a sheepish grin, and then at Lizzy, who exuded an air of authority and grace.

"So, if you're not the king, where is he?" Harper asked, trying to steady her racing thoughts.

"King Wesley is probably mingling with the guests downstairs, since today was his coloration " Lizzy replied, her eyes softening as she looked at Harper. "But don't worry about formalities right now. You need to rest and recover."

Harper nodded, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. She had so many questions but knew she needed to take things one step at a time. "Thank you, Lizzy. And Dan, I guess I can forgive you this time," she added with a small smile.

"Good to hear," Dan said, his grin widening. "I promise no more tricks. At least, not today."

Lizzy rolled her eyes playfully before turning her attention back to Harper. "We should get you something to eat. You must be starving."

Harper realized she was indeed hungry. "That sounds great," she admitted.

As Lizzy called for a maid to bring some food, Harper took a moment to absorb her surroundings again. The opulence of the room, and not forgetting the kindness of these strangers-it was overwhelming but oddly comforting.

"Why are you being so kind to me?" Harper suddenly blurted out, her curiosity was really getting the better of her she just couldn't hold it in any longer.

Lizzy's expression softened further. "Because it's the right thing to do. Everyone deserves kindness and a chance to heal."

Dan nodded in agreement. "And besides, you seem interesting. We could use some interesting around here."

Harper couldn't help but smile at that. For the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope.

After Lizzy's instructions, a maid arrives with a tray of food. Harper's stomach rumbles, and she realizes just how hungry she is. Lizzy

Lizzy: "Eat up, Harper. You'll feel much better with some food in you."

Dan: "And don't worry, it's not poisoned." He winks, earning a gentle slap on the arm from Lizzy.

Harper laughs softly, feeling more at ease. As she takes her first bite, she hears the door open again. This time, the air seems to shift, and there's an rather weird unspoken authority that fills the room.

Lizzy: (stands up, with a respectful nod) "Wesley, you're back."

Harper looks up, and her breath catches. The man who enters is even more striking in person than in the portrait. Wesley Washington, with his regal bearing and kind eyes, walks in, exuding an aura of quiet strength.

Wesley: (smiles warmly) "Wow I see our guest is awake."

Harper, feeling a bit self-conscious, tries to stand up to greet him, but Wesley quickly gestures for her to stay seated.

Wesley: "Please, don't get up. You're still recovering."

Harper: (blushing) "Thank you. And am so grateful to you , thank you for saving me. I don't know how to repay you."

Wesley: "No need for repayment. I'm just glad we found you in time." He glances at Lizzy and Dan, noticing the playful glint in Dan's eyes. "I trust my brother and sister have been treating you well?"

Harper: (glancing at Dan with a smile) "Yes, very well. Though Dan here did try to convince me he was the king."

Wesley: (chuckling) "That sounds like him. Dan always did have a penchant for mischief."

Dan: (grinning) "Guilty as charged. But I was only trying to lighten the mood, you should have seen her face bro she was petrified."

Wesley: "Well, I'm glad you're feeling better, My name is Wesley Washington, the actual King of Rosmay. If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask."

Harper: (smiling) "Thank you, I am Harper Lesley Your Majesty. I'm just... grateful to be alive and in such good company."

Wesley: "Wow such a coincidence on the names , I've never met any one with such a striking name to mine, ooh and please drop the formalities, call me Wesley, please. Formalities can be tiresome. And you're our guest, not our subject."

Harper nods, feeling a warmth spread through her. There's something about Wesley that makes her feel safe, something that she hasn't felt in a long time.

Lizzy: (to Wesley) "We were just about to have her eat. Why don't you join us? We can fill her in on the kingdom and what's happened since she arrived."

Wesley: "I'd like that. It will give us a chance to get to know each other better."

As they all settle in, Harper feels a sense of belonging starting to take root. The uncertainty and fear that had gripped her since she woke up in this strange place begin to fade. With Wesley's calm presence, Lizzy's nurturing demeanor, and Dan's playful spirit, she starts to believe that maybe, just maybe, she can find a new home here.

As they ate Harper was in stress , reason being how would she start explaining on how she never thought such a place exists in short , how would she explain where ,she is from how can she say she's from another different kinda world, how , only time could tell.

Dan: So Harper am sorry if I am being too personal but what happened to you , how did you get that wound."

Lizzy: Dan come on let her eat in peace I mean the poor girl is hungry.

Harper:(Harper knew it was know all never she had to justify her presence)It ok really , I don't mind am actually its kind of complicated, all my life I've been from a strict family having curfews , doing all the chores , skipping school to do chores and my parents just didn't seem to care and an abusive father which am glad it never got to the bad side...rape....(she breaks down and Lizzy embraces her) well...he tried once but I managed to escape ,I couldn't tell my mum because she never understands so I decided to run away .(scoffs) But I guess this life hates me ,I got shot by God knows who ,and honestly I don't know how I got here ?

Wesley: What do you mean Harper?

Harper:(panics)I am I know its going sound weird but I am not from your kingdom nor I think this world , your world looks different ,I think magic...ohh I don't even know how I got to wherever you found me your.....I mean Wesley ...please I know its hard to believe but am also terrified .

Lizzy: Wow so that why you had those weird clothes I mean you were wearing men's clothes!

Harper: What am a bit confuse...(but realization hit her and she chuckles a bit) ooh am so sorry if I offended any one but in our world those are type of clothes worn by ladies , it may seem funny but they signify decency.

Lizzy: Wow that's new and trust me I believe you, and since you're not aware of this kingdom

And that's how the trio spent the evening as Wesley excused himself to attend to his guests who were still there for the evening party.

Harpers pov

The evening was extremely the best evening ever ,I didn't expect they would believe that I was actually from another world .They were unusually one of the best experiences in my life ...having such people in my life is such an amazing epic moment. I can't help but smile when remember how I've never had anyone to talk to, all my so called friends would not put their listening ear to listen to me ,

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Accidental Princess

Chapter 1 Why me
