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Married to the cold hearted billionaire

Married to the cold hearted billionaire

Anni writes


•He is rich •He is handsome •He is wealthy When he stands out in the crowd he is well know... Don't let us talk about his muscular build body cause he is freaking hot He wins award ceremony for the most popular and successful billionaire every year that sometimes he gets tired of it.. He owns Two countries in New York and other branches in Korea, Japan, China,Canada and other countries WHO IS HE? Leopard Mcquire...He is the richest bachelor billionaire in New York City As long as Valentino is the most richest billionaire in New York he is also cold, arrogant and proud of himself He is as cold as a ice and Valentino hates for women's is so much that all is employees are all male and no one knows why he hates the tourch of women. What happened when she came into his life and changed his destiny WHO IS SHE?? LOYAL ROSEAN MAPLE the daughter of the popular and hourable family in New York.... Loyal is the crazy, stubborn sassy and full of lives but all that changed when she was involved in an heartbreaking scene... She then became calm, gentle and an introvert and the word love became dead to her.... due to that fact her parents decided to get her married to the famous Leopard Not because of her interest but because of her parents business. Will loyal Become who she was before... Will she trust the word love again.... Will Valentino also believe in love... Will Valentino become a happy person and not a cold person again...

Chapter 1 Cold hearted CEO


The whole hall was full..the rich are the only one present the Billionaires why cause today is the Award gifting Day of the richest and successful billionaire and the media is present

It's live and every single Billionaires is present in the city of New York everyone reached they are called out for the 2023 award Billionaire Day of the award

But someone among them is not thinking about day infact he doesn't feel like coming it's was his secretary that passuded him to come




The M.C has spoken the name when Robert maple stood up dusting his shirt

"I am sure the real deal of the year"Robert said walking up the stage proud and full of himself

🗨️He is so full of himself

🗨️Yeah...even leopard is better

🗨️Don't even compare... leopard is so cold and arrogant

🗨️Ya I know bro

"Hey twinne who do you think will win"Xavier asked his twin Olivier

"Obviously leopard"Oliver said and they looked at him

"He is unpredictable acting cold as usual "Oliver said

"Befriending him "Xavier asked

"You know how Leopard Mcquire is we have been going to befriend him for the past one year now but it's not working so just leave him"Xavier said

Oliver looked at leopard once more and signed out

🎤The winner is no one but....

Robert maple then came to stage and smirked at leopard

🎤The winner isn't you Mr Robert maple is no one but LEOPARD MCQUIRE!!!!!!!!


The whole hall was crowded with claps and smiles all over the place of the hall

Robert maple walked angrily out of the hall with shame

🗨️ Robert maple !!!!!!! Shame on your life

🗨️He got so much ego

🗨️He is proud and arrogant of himself

🎤LEOPARD MCQUIRE!!!! we welcome you to the stage

Leopard Mcquire walked out of the corner of the hall he was sitting

His face was hidden not until the light showed on his face...he is the definition of a hot, handsome young man even with his coldness

🗨️His muscular build body is a killer

🗨️I just wished he can notice me

Leopard ignored all the comment and went to the stage while he received the award

🎤Mr leopard Mcquire can you tell me how you feel about this award

"I feel... normal "leopard said

"Huh"the m.c said

🎤 Say something about your successful career over this year's and how do you always get the award every year "

"I don't know what to say I'm outta here "leopard said leaving to his car as his guards opened the door for him and drove off leaving every one shocking

Xavier and Oliver stood up and left in their cars...



Loyal came downstairs dressed in a bumshort and a black crop top with a matching black hoodie with a white sneakers

She looked around the large sitting room and found no one there

"Where is everyone"loyal mumbled sadly cause she is hungry and she was about to enter the kitchen to get food when Robert her brother entered the living room angrily

Loyal looked back at who pushed the door soundly and she saw Robert walking to the bar

"Robert"loyal mumbled and went to meet Robert who already opened a drink and drank it

"Brother brother what wrong"loyal said already crying seeing her brother in distress

"Hey my little loyal "Robert said and pulled loyal into a hug

"Why are you crying brother please stop"loyal said crying while in her brother arms

"Stop crying baby huh" Robert said patting her hair

"How will i stop crying when you are crying "loyal said and robert used his hands and wipe his tears

"Look I'm not crying" robert said facing her

"Really" loyal said and robert nodded cleaning her tears

"Why were you like that earlier " loyal asked

"Office"robert mumbled remembering what happened in the hall

"Ok big bro I'm hungry " loyal said

"Where is nanny kate "robert asked

" Okay then let's go the restaurant"robert said

"Really"loyal said

" Yeah so go change " robert said and loyal went upstairs

" I really miss the my old loyal" robert mumbled going upstairs



The biggest company in New York every one want to work there but also not every one is employed if you don't meet the requirements of leopard you are not employed

And if you make a single mistake your fired immediately

Three ferri and a black mercedes c300 arrived at the front of the company when two hot long pairs of legs stepped out out of the car everyone around who were muttering and gisting all kept quiet

That is the rules when leopard mcquire entered quietness followed he doesn't like noise make noise your fired

Leopard walked elegantly into the elevator which took him to his office on the Top floor

He got in and was welcomed by romeo his manager and secretary

Romeo is the only employee that has spend fifteen years with him without argument while cause he is closer to romeo than any other person

"Morning boss" romeo greeted

"What mine schedule today " leopard asked sitting down on his seats

"You have a meeting with Red wine company.. another meeting with the dream owned by Xavier and Oliver and meeting with Mr and Mrs Mcquire"romeo said dropping the file

" Cancel the one with mom and dad" leopard said

" But...."

" I know what they want to talk about so get it cancel also with DREAM"Leopard said

" Why "romeo said

" Just cancel said and send me the documents for the new wine" leopard said and the Office was welcomed with a knock

"Come in" romeo said

The manufacturing producer then entered and leopard didn't brother looking up

"What is it Mr Thomas " romeo asked

"We lost the business deal with Mr oxford " mr Thomas stuttered

" What !!!!!"romeo exclaimed

'i..I .. can.•••exp•••"

" Keep your explanation to yourself cause your fired "leopard said heading out and stopped

" And romeo go pick leonard from school" leopard said coldly before heading out

" Please help me" mr Thomas pleased

"Sorry I can't help "romeo said and called the security to take him away

"Im going to pick that annoying leone ahhh"romeo said

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