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Reason to Stay

Reason to Stay



Vanessa Collen had spent the last five years living on the edge, constantly looking over her shoulder. Since the day she turned sixteen, she and her best friend Elena had been on the run, fleeing a past that threatened to consume them both. Nights were filled with whispers of danger, and days were a blur of new towns and assumed identities. Yet, it wasn't until the howls of werewolves echoed through the dense forest that Vanessa's world truly shifted.They had stumbled into the territory of her mate-an Alpha whose presence was as undeniable as the pull she felt towards him. When Vanessa woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar room, Elena nowhere in sight. Panic set in, but it was swiftly met with the overwhelming scent of pine and cedar, a scent that grounded her yet set her heart racing. He was there, watching her with a mix of curiosity and determination."You're safe now," the Alpha's voice was a deep rumble, his gaze steady. "But I can't let you leave."Torn between the primal bond she felt towards him and the desperate need to find Elena, Vanessa's mind raced. Could she trust this Alpha to help her? Or was she destined to continue her search alone, risking everything in the process?

Chapter 1 On the run

Chapter One: The Edge of Darkness Vanessa Collen had spent the last five years living on the edge, constantly looking over her shoulder. Each day felt like a step deeper into a labyrinth of danger and uncertainty. Since the day she turned sixteen, she and her best friend Elena had been on the run, fleeing a past that threatened to consume them both. Nights were filled with whispers of danger, and days were a blur of new towns and assumed identities.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the dense forest that surrounded their latest hideout. Vanessa's instincts were razor-sharp; she could feel the weight of unseen eyes, the sense of being hunted. Elena was beside her, silent and tense, their unspoken bond stronger than any words could convey. They had evaded countless threats, but tonight felt different. Tonight, the air was thick with anticipation. It started with a distant howl, the kind that sent shivers down Vanessa's spine.

The sound echoed through the trees, a harbinger of the danger closing in. Werewolves. They had always been cautious of supernatural territories, but somehow, they had stumbled into the territory of her mate-an Alpha whose presence was as undeniable as the pull she felt towards him.

"Vanessa, we need to move," Elena whispered urgently, her eyes wide with fear. Vanessa nodded, but her feet felt like they were glued to the ground. A magnetic force tugged at her heart, a primal bond she couldn't ignore. As the howls grew louder, she knew they were running out of time. They sprinted through the underbrush, branches clawing at their clothes and skin. The forest seemed endless, each step a struggle against the encroaching darkness. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the dense forest. Vanessa's heart pounded in her chest, each beat a reminder of the urgency of their flight. The underbrush snagged at their clothes, branches reaching out like skeletal fingers as they tore through the woods, driven by the primal need to survive.

"Elena, keep moving!" Vanessa urged, glancing over her shoulder. She could sense the rouges gaining on them, their malevolent presence a dark cloud on the edge of her awareness.

Elena's breathing was ragged, her face pale with fear. "I can't... I can't keep up," she panted, stumbling over a protruding root.

Vanessa skidded to a halt, grabbing Elena's arm and pulling her upright. "Yes, you can. We've made it this far, and we're not giving up now. ""But they're getting closer," Elena whimpered, her eyes wide with terror.

Vanessa could hear the distant growls, the sound of paws pounding against the earth. The rouges were relentless, and they wouldn't stop until they had their prey. She tightened her grip on Elena's arm, her voice firm but gentle.

"Listen to me, Elena. We've faced worse than this, and we've come out stronger every time. You have to trust me. We can do this."Elena nodded, her resolve strengthening as she met Vanessa's determined gaze.

"Okay. I trust you.""Good," Vanessa said, a small smile flickering across her lips despite the fear gnawing at her insides. "Stay close to me, and don't look back."

They started running again, the forest a blur around them. Vanessa's senses were on high alert, her ears straining for any sign of the rouges. Every snap of a twig, every rustle of leaves set her nerves on edge. But she couldn't afford to let fear take over. Elena needed her to be strong.As they raced through the trees, Vanessa's mind flashed back to the countless nights they had spent on the run, always looking over their shoulders, always moving forward. This life had forged them into survivors, and she wasn't about to let the rouges take that away."We're almost there," Vanessa said, though she had no idea where "there" was. She just needed to keep Elena's spirits up, to keep her moving.The growls grew louder, closer. Vanessa's heart skipped a beat as she realized the rouges were nearly upon them. She pushed herself harder, her legs burning with the effort. Suddenly, she caught sight of a rocky outcrop ahead, a potential hiding spot."Over there!" she shouted, veering towards the rocks. Elena followed, their footsteps pounding in unison. They scrambled up the rocks, Vanessa pulling Elena up with all the strength she could muster. Once they reached a narrow ledge, Vanessa pressed herself against the cold stone, pulling Elena close. She held her breath, willing their pursuers to pass by. The growls and footsteps grew deafening, the rouges so close Vanessa could almost feel their hot breath. She squeezed Elena's hand, silently urging her to stay calm. Time seemed to stretch on forever, each second a lifetime as they waited.Finally, the sounds began to fade, the rouges moving past their hiding spot. Vanessa let out a shaky breath, relief washing over her. "I think they're gone," she whispered, her voice barely audible.Elena sagged against her, the tension draining from her body. "We made it," she breathed, tears of relief streaming down her face.Vanessa nodded, her own eyes wet. "We made it," she echoed, hugging Elena tightly.For a moment, they allowed themselves to rest, to savor their narrow escape. But Vanessa knew they couldn't stay here for long. They needed to keep moving, to find a safer place to regroup and plan their next move."Come on," Vanessa said, helping Elena to her feet. "We need to find somewhere safe for the night."Elena wiped her tears away, her expression resolute. "Lead the way."Vanessa gave her a reassuring smile, and together they descended the rocky outcrop, moving deeper into the forest. The danger was far from over, but they had survived another chase. And as long as they had each other, Vanessa knew they could face whatever came next.As they made their way through the trees, Vanessa's thoughts turned to the Alpha. His promise echoed in her mind, a beacon of hope in the darkness. Maybe, just maybe, they were getting closer to a place where they could stop running. A place where they could finally be safe.

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