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Faye Adams


"Sarah's heart was shattered into a million pieces when her husband betrayed her. But she refused to let the pain define her. With a newfound strength, she began to rebuild her life - only to find herself entangled in a web of family secrets, lies, and revenge.  As she navigates this treacherous new world, she must confront the darkness of her past and fight for a chance at true love and happiness. Will she find the courage to forgive and heal, or will the weight of her past crush her?

Chapter 1 The Beginning

"How can he forget our 3rd wedding anniversary?" Sarah's muttered, and her gaze looked complicated and lost.

This was her third wedding anniversary with her husband, her childhood sweetheart but he was not at home on a special day like this. They have been married for three years, and yet in those 3 years he has not treated or even considered Sarah his wife. Sarah held on, hoping he would change.

While Sarah was lost in thoughts, reminiscing about the memories of the past-their high school and college days-a servant walked into the room.

"Young madam, the madam of the house is downstairs." The servant muttered with a sneer. The servants in the mansion barely respected Sarah because of how she was treated by everyone in the Smith family

Sarah straightened her back and looked up; her eyes, which had been filled with emotion a moment ago, turned clear without any form of emotions in them.

"I will be downstairs in a bit." Sarah drawled, and the servant left directly. Sarah sighed. Her mother-in-law always came to trouble her every week.

Soon, Sarah appeared downstairs. From the stairs, she could see her mother-in-law, who was playing with the tea cup in her hands, and the servants that stood beside her, waiting upon her orders.

Sarah rushed down. The atmosphere was tense but she tried her best to be brave. Holding onto her gown in a tight grip, Sarah came to stand in front of Mrs. Smith.

"Mother, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting." Sarah had not finished her words when Mrs. Smith slashed the tea in her hand on her face.


Sarah gasped in surprise; her mouth opened wide from shock. "Mom, what is the meaning of this? Sarah asked, trying to get rid of the tea stuck on her body, her eyes teary from the pain.

"You wench! How dare you call me a mother? Who is your mother? Your mother is dead, and I am not your mother!" Mrs. Smith said, her voice a little bit high. She glared at Sarah with hatred in her eyes.

"But..." before Sarah could finish her words once again, Mrs Smith directly landed a tight slap on her face, making her face swoop to the side from the impact of the slap.


Sarah held her cheeks in surprise with her head bent to the side, tears directly fell down her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

Sarah was puzzled by the sudden outburst, she looked towards the servants wondering what was happening but they all ignored her and looked away. The servants did not even bother to bring over a wet towel to help her clean her body.

"You dare to comfort Emily? How dare you do that? She is pregnant with the heir of the Smith family, which you have been unable to achieve, and you dare to make her miscarriage!"

"Who gave you the right to confront Emily? You useless bitch!" Mrs. Smith muttered, looking at Sarah with disgust in her eyes.

Sarah felt her world crashing down on her, how could her mother-in-law say such mean things to her? The tears refused to stop running down her cheeks, she raised her hand and used it to wipe away her tears before looking up.

The servants sneered looking at how pitiful Sarah was, not only did her husband have an affair outside but he also got another woman pregnant and now her mother-in-law was busy scolding her.

"What do you mean, Mom? I should not go to Emily. She is busy having an affair with Josh! He is my husband and not hers; why should she be allowed to get pregnant and give birth to his child?" Sarah asked, her face harrowed in pain.

"Yes, that's right! She should be allowed, because you cannot bear a child! Ever since you married my son, you haven't been able to conceive-not even a miscarriage! Are you still a woman?" Mrs. Smith sat, glaring heavily at Sarah.

"Josh never comes home anymore since he married you, my son has not been happy ever since he got married to you! Whose fault is it? Yours!" Mrs. Smith yelled.

Sarah felt the whole world crashing down on her shoulders, when she had married Josh three years ago his family had been fanning over her because of her shares and money but after they got it then everyone started treating her coldly.

Sarah remembered how Josh had left her on their wedding night years ago saying he had work to do, he had not laid his hand even once. How was she expected to get pregnant? He was either outside the country or working late nights.

He did not spend much time with her at home, how would she get pregnant?

"Mom...You..."Sarah opened her mouth to say something, but the sound of two people walking into the living room stopped her. She turned around, following her mother-in-law's gaze, and looked at Josh walking in with Emily.

"Josh... You came, Mom. Mom, she is accusing me of causing Emily's miscarriage and not getting pregnant. Please explain to her. Please..."Sarah said immediately she saw Josh, happiness appearing in her teary eyes.

Emily walked behind Josh with a passive expression, but her face clearly showed how proud she was feeling.

Josh stood next to Sarah with a cold and expressionless face, placing a file on the table, which echoed with a loud sound. Sarah followed his eyes, surprised, and stared at the file in which 'Divorce Papers' were written on the front page.

"What? What...what are these for?" Sarah asked, taking a step back in surprise.

"Sarah, sign the divorce papers and leave here, I am tired of this marriage. I have someone else I love, I do not love you anymore." Josh muttered without any form of remorse.

Tears rolled down Sarah's cheeks. She exchanged looks between the divorce papers and Josh; she could not believe her eyes. "Josh! Why.... Why... Why are you doing this to me? She stammered in shock.

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Alessandra Benedetti, a young woman renowned for her beauty and preserved innocence, is the daughter of the esteemed consigliere of the Vincenzo Crime Family. Familiarly called Sessie by those who admire her kindness and obedience, she is slated to marry the second son of the Don. She vehemently opposes the union because Tiziano embodies everything she despises in a man, leading her to have a fling. Her brief romance with a classmate is discovered by her father, who takes extreme measures to ensure her purity for her intended husband. Stricken with guilt over her lover's death, Alessandra tries to escape, but her first taste of independence on the streets of Chicago proves deadly, especially given her last name. Alessandra defies her family's teachings by intervening in an assassination plot, saving a man she knows she should have stayed away from-especially since he's a Santoro, a family her own should avoid at all costs. As things spiral out of control, he discovers that the woman he's completely drawn to is the enemy. He should stay away, but he's not willing to let his first shot at something real slip through his fingers. Renzo Santoro finds himself willing to allow his desire for her to grow, even though she's everything he should despise. Alessandra knows better than to defy her family in that regard again, but she's beginning to learn that defiance is the only way to feed her hunger for callous hands, noxious tattoos, leather jackets, and utterly dark eyes. Their worlds are so far apart and should remain that way-if only Renzo would stop appearing at every turn. And Renzo, now obsessed with the startling effect he has on her, is beginning to discover another obsession: everything and anything "Sessie" represents.

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