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Raine Meadows is a pretty baddass girl who is hellbent on living her life to the fullest despite the low standards of her background. Her house gets invaded and she moves to live with her best friends brother . However he picks up interest in her . To Jayden Arslan it was just physical attraction no strings attached. He made this known to Raine who agrees despite warnings from her friends. But things take a rough turn when the feelings get beyond physical attraction.

Chapter 1 RAINE

Cold winter mornings were meant to be for staying indoors and relaxing. They were for sitting before the hearth with hot cocoa or watching a good movie or even reading a good book. The cold weather wasn't one to toil under.

However when you had to pay your tuition and rent and so many other things you needed to do with money, all that you could think of was to get your a** to work or you'll be fired.

I wrapped my hands around my torso trying to cover myself from further coldness. But that didn't work. The weather was freezing cold and I should have brought a sweater or even a jacket. I strolled down the sidewalk slowly looking at the dark skies which promised further rain.

I loved winter. It was my favorite season of the year. I enjoyed the cold weather but not too much though. I just loved the season for no specific reason. I had some nostalgic Moments of my family during winter.

I shook my head not wanting to think of my family now. I had more other things to think about like the fact that my manager was going to kill me for not being able to make it to my shift last night. I had rather gone on a date with some hot dude which had not ended well. He turned out to be an asshole in every aspect.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that the rain had began pouring down heavily until the wind blew the rain in my direction. I flinched at the feel of the cold water on my body and looked up. Damnit! 'SMASH IT ' was still a good distance away and so was my home. I looked around for a cab but the streets were as empty as a graveyard.

I found a little shed and stood under waiting and hoping for the rain to cease but it just kept on pouring like there was a leak in the heavens. How much unlucky could one get on a rainy day? I was stranded under the rain in the middle of the city and cold.

Then a thought suddenly came to my mind. I shook it off immediately. There's no way I'm calling that asshole for help that's if he'd even answer his god-damned phone. However as the rain continued to splash on me, I decided to swallow my ego. Bringing out my phone I dialed his number.

"What's wrong Raine?" His voice came over the phone when he picked up on the third ring.

"What makes you think anything is wrong Ryat?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. His laugh echoed over the phone and I rolled my eyes.

"It's Friday and by this time on Fridays you are usually busy at the club where you work at. You'd never call me during you're working hours unless something is wrong". Ryat responded in the laziest tune ever.

He was right. I never called him during my working hours. We rarely spoke over the phone at all. We were always busy with our own lives that phone calls weren't part of our schedule. However we always made sure to meet at least one time in a week to catch up.

"Whatever. I'm stuck in the rain ". I admitted and waited for him to scold the life out of me. 1, 2, 3

"How can you be stuck in the rain? You know you are allergic to rain water ". He yelled and I smiled. Told you.

"Don't get hyperterical over it. I didn't get drenched in the rain ". I lied. The rain water had fallen on me and soaked some of my clothes. But the sooner I go home and get my drug the better.

"Where are you?" He asked his anger changing to concern. I immediately sent him my location so he could know where I was. "F**k Raine you just know how to get on my nerves don't you?" He said the frustration and anger evident in his voice.

"Can you help me first before thinking of how to kill me? "I said. I wasn't really drenched yet but if I stayed for much longer I'd be definitely bathing in the rain water.

"Fine. Stay put I'll see if I can come get you". He said and hung up before I could even reply. Such an asshole.

Ryat was my brother and my only family. As much as we loved each other we couldn't stop getting on each other's nerves especially me. He'd have strangled me one day if I hadn't been his sister.

I placed my phone in my pocket and waited for Ryat to come pick me up. I looked at the raindrops as they fell on the earth and had a strong urge to put my hand out. However I'd get a panic attack and faint if I ever so much as stepped into a bathtub talk less of drenching in the rain.

After a whole ten minutes I began wondering if Ryat had lied to me. No he couldn't do that. He was so paranoid about my safety that it made me want to puke sometimes. He had always been the protective older brother playing the role of a brother and a father at once. I decided to wait for him a while longer.

I pulled out my phone to call him when I didn't see him in another fifteen minutes. However I stopped when I saw the headlights of an approaching vehicle. I looked closely and saw a red BMW approaching. That wasn't my brother's car so whoever it was shouldn't be my concern.

However my attention was drawn again when the car stopped directly before the shade where I stood such that I could see the man who sat behind the steering. I would have ran off if not for my stupid phobia. I stood there scared hoping it wasn't a kidnapper.

He turned his head and his slate grey eyes net with mine. He looked at me emotionless for a while. He had a bored expression on his face like he didn't want to be here . His left hand rested on the steering wheel and starred at me like he could see my soul. It was none other than Jayden f**king Arslan, my best friend's brother. Why the hell was he here?

"Are you getting the f**k in or should I tell Ceylan you'd rather stay in the rain than let me drop you home?" He asked in a raised voice so I could hear despite the noise from the heavy downpour.

Realizing he was here for me, I quickly moved to the other side of the car and opened the front passenger seat. I settled in and shut the door before he sped off. He kept his eyes on the road, one hand on the steering and the other occasionally adjusting the gear when necessary.

The sight of someone doing nothing but drive a car with a stone cold look on his face was supposed to be anything but sexy. However Jayden made everything he did looked like he was seducing everyone around him.

Despite him being my best friend's brother, he had said not up to five sentences to me since I knew him ten years ago. I stole a slight glance at him and observed his features. He had slate grey eyes surrounded by long dark lashes, a well sculprured face that looked like a piece of art and pale pink lips which always held a blank expression.

At twenty seven he was a self made millionaire and the CEO to a million dollar jewelry company with it's main base in New York. However that was all I knew about him. We never spoke to each other or did I ever ask Ceylan about him. We had more better things to discuss than her asshole brother who couldn't muster enough manners to so much as say 'hello' to me.

The ride was silent. That wouldn't have been a problem since I sometimes preferred silence. However I was curious how Jayden ended up picking me up when I had called my brother. Ryat wasn't that close to Jayden either so it was impossible he had asked him to.

"How did you know I was stranded?" I asked him breaking the silence in the car. He simply kept on driving without so much as sparing a glance in my direction.

"Ceylan told me". He replied just when I was about to give up on hoping for an answer. Oh. I didn't bother asking how Ceylan knew. I just assumed that she was having a drink with my brother when I called and had asked her brother to pick me up.

The ride slipped back into silence and I buried my attention into my phone. I opened my call app and saw so many missed calls from my boss. Shit I was in deep trouble. I sucked in a breath and called him back.

"Raine you finally decided to call me after so many missed calls". His angry voice came over the phone and I rolled my eyes. Zach was always angry at me for one reason or the other. I got the feeling he hated me but I wasn't sure why though.

"Hello Zach". I replied trying to sound cheerful though I was nervous.

"Come see me tomorrow before noon it's important". He said and before I could protest that I didn't have a shift tomorrow, he hung up. I was definitely in trouble. Big one.

"Get out". Jayden's voice came pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked and saw that he had pulled up in front of the building where I rented an apartment. He looked at me like I was some kind of trash or worse like I stunk.

"You don't have to act like such a jerk. A bit of politeness won't ruin your ugly looks any worse". I spat out irritated at his asshole behavior. I got down and slammed the door so hard I was sure it could break. I ran into the building without looking back once. Once inside, I entered the elevator to the second floor where my apartment was.

As I walked down the hallway to my apartment I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. I turned around and found no one in the hallway. Turning around I continued my trip however I still got the feeling of being watched. The strange eerie feeling got all my nerves at alert. I hurried down the hallway to my apartment.

I was met with a horrific sight. My entire living room was in shambles. It looked like a boxing match had taken place in there. A picture of me that hung on the wall had fallen to the ground and broken. Several other things were thrown about. I crossed the mess and got to my room to find a worse sight.

My sheets were ripped off my bed and thrown on the floor and my clothes had been taken out of my wardrobe and thrown on the floor as well. I couldn't understand what happened here or how the person who did this had access to my apartment.

I was about leaving when a peice of paper caught my eyes. It lay on my bedside table neatly folded. Curious, I crossed over and picked up the paper.

"Did you like my beautiful surprise Raine? Don't worry I'll see you soon". It read. I immediately recognized the handwriting. It belonged to none other than my ex boyfriend Liam. He hasn't stopped bugging since we broke up and now he's a invading my apartment.

Too scared to sleep in the apartment for fear of Liam showing up again, I grabbed my coat and headed to Jack one of the people in the building I spoke to. After so much pleading he took me to Ceylan 's place which was a long drive.

She made me a cup of hot chocolate while I explained what happened. I wasn't sure she was listening since she was so engrossed in her phone the whole time.

"The guy's a sick ass". She said once I was done with my story. She looked at me with anger in her grey eyes. She was as good looking as her brother except with good manners.

"I'm scared to stay in that place anymore. What if I had been in the time he came?" I asked and shivered at the thought of what could have happened.

"It's been two years already. The dude needs to suck it in to his skull that he's never getting another chance with you". Ceylan said. She shut her eyes for a while before opening them. "Don't worry I know where you can stay till you get another cheap apartment".


"I'll tell you once I've sorted it out ". She said with a smile that meant she was up to no good.

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