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Billionaire's pack

Billionaire's pack

Philip B Chang


Rose Bennett's life changes dramatically in the midst of New York City's luxurious society as she finds Alexander Blackwood, a mysterious and powerful millionaire. Rose's one-night stand at a lavish charity dinner becomes an unforgettable one when she discovers she is pregnant. Determined to alert Alexander, she prepares herself for his response, understanding that their worlds are about to collide in ways she never expected. Alexander Blackwood, a self-made millionaire with a guarded heart, is stunned when Rose contacts him with news that threatens to ruin his perfectly planned existence. With his reputation and economic empire at jeopardy, Alexander suggests a contract marriage. He provides Rose with financial security and support for their kid while insisting that their arrangement remain strictly business. However, as they begin to share their lives, the distinction between work and personal begins to fade. Rose moves into Alexander's magnificent apartment, where she must negotiate the perils of high society, business intrigue, and a haunting history. As they become closer, Rose's perseverance and warmth start to melt Alexander's steely shell. But lurking in the shadows is Victoria Hartman, Alexander's ambitious and manipulative ex-fiancée, who will stop at nothing to retake her place in his life and business. Victoria finds Rose's pregnancy and the marriage contract, releasing the embarrassing information to the media and sparking a public outrage that threatens Alexander's business. Alexander, burdened by his previous betrayals and current worries, accuses Rose of working against him, causing her to consider leaving. As family secrets are revealed and corporate rivalry grows, Alexander must overcome his greatest fears and vulnerabilities in order to earn Rose's confidence and affection. With the stakes higher than ever, will they be able to conquer the difficulties in their road and discover genuine happiness? Or will their pasts rip them apart forever?

Chapter 1 The first Encounter

Rose Bennett sat in front of the mirror, anxiously tightening the spaghetti straps of her lovely black dress. Tonight's event was a charity luncheon held by Blackwood Businesses, one of New York's most influential companies.

She had received a request from a friend, and although feeling out of place among the city's wealthy, she knew it was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. Meeting at this event could lead to a new profession and, more importantly, financial stability.

As she finished her makeup, her thoughts turned to the piling bills on the kitchen table. The strain was enormous, but Rose remained resilient. She took a deep breath, smoothed down her clothes, and muttered to herself,

"You got this. The Plaza Hotel's large ballroom was rather impressive. Crystal chandeliers provided a warm glow over the nicely dressed guests, and the air was alive with talk and laughing.

Rose stepped in, her eyes wide with astonishment. She felt out of place, but she remembered why she was there. She saw her buddy, Evelyn, waving from across the room. Evelyn had been her support during the hardest times, constantly urging her to keep going.

Rose approached, happy to see a familiar face.

"Rose, you look stunning!" Evelyn shouted, giving her a hearty embrace. Thank you, Evelyn.

"This place is incredible," Rose said, attempting to hide her uneasiness.

Evelyn nodded. "It is. And it's full of opportunities. Just be yourself and chat to others.

"You never know who can help." Rose smiled and nodded, attempting to heed Evelyn's instructions.

She looked around the room and noticed numerous notable personalities from various businesses. Even as she interacted and exchanged polite pleasantries, she couldn't shake the sense of being an outsider.

Meanwhile, across the room, Alexander Blackwood stood with a group of business acquaintances, projecting confidence and authority. His stylish clothes and strong presence made him the focus of attention.

Alexander was used to being in the spotlight, but now he felt uneasy. He had attended other parties like this, but they always appeared the same: superficial and predictable. His eyes searched the room out of habit, settling on a lady he had never seen before.

She was standing near the bar, her anxiousness showing in the way she fidgeted with her glass. Something about her fascinated him, a real quality that was uncommon in his world. Alexander excused himself from the conversation and walked towards the bar.

As he approached, he saw her tenseness. He smiled warmly, attempting to put her at ease.

"Hi there, my name is Alexander," he said, offering his hand.

Rose glanced up, shocked. She recognised him right away: Alexander Blackwood, the billionaire who organized the gathering.

She grabbed his hand, her heart pounding. "I am Rose. "Nice to meet you." "Likewise,"

Alexander said, his gaze fixed on hers. "Are you enjoying the gala?"

Rose nodded, attempting to settle herself. "It is fantastic. "A little overwhelming, but amazing."

Alexander chuckled. "I get that."These events can be stressful, especially if you are not accustomed to them."

They had an easy chat, much to Rose's astonishment. Alexander was affable and attentive, unlike the distant tycoon she had anticipated. Rose's initial uneasiness faded as they chatted.

Hours passed, and before they knew it, the gala was wrapping up. Rose had spent the whole of the evening conversing with Alexander, deeply immersed in their discourse.

She had learnt about his climb to fame, his love of philanthropy, and even some details about his personal life. He, for his part, had listened closely as she discussed her challenges and goals. As the last visitors left, Alexander gave Rose a contemplative look.

"Would you like to continue our conversation somewhere quieter?" the man said. Rose paused for a second, the practical side of her mind advising prudence.

But there was something about Alexander that compelled her to trust him.

"Sure," she said finally. "I'd like that."

They ended up in a quiet, upmarket pub a few blocks away. The atmosphere was cozy, and quiet music played in the background.

They sought a quiet spot and began a lengthy, in-depth talk. Rose was amazed by how simple it was to communicate with Alexander. Despite his position, he was approachable and genuinely interested in what she had to say.

As the night progressed, the mood intensified. charged. They exchanged tales, jokes, and even vulnerable moments. There was palpable electricity between them, a magnetic draw that neither could resist.

When it came time to depart, Alexander volunteered to accompany Rose home. They walked through the downtown streets, the cool night air contributing to the bizarre atmosphere of the evening.

Alexander paused as they approached Rose's apartment block.

"I had a wonderful time tonight," he added quietly, his gaze drawn to hers. "Me too,"

Rose said, her pulse hammering. Before she could think about it, Alexander leaned in and kissed her. It was a delicate, cautious kiss that soon intensified as they both surrendered to the moment.

They were both out of breath by the time they separated.

"Would you like to come up?" Rose inquired, her tone just above a whisper. Alexander nodded, his eyes darkening with want.

"Yes," he answered simply.

What began as a simple gesture evolved into a night of passion. They were two people who, despite their differences, felt comfort and thrill in one another's embrace.

For one night, they forgot about their troubles and surrendered to the profound connection they experienced.

As the first rays of morning broke through the windows, reality began to sink in. Alexander lay awake, watching Rose sleep soundly beside him. He knew their lives were completely different, yet he couldn't get over the notion that he wanted more than simply a one-night affair.

He eased carefully out of bed, taking care not to wake her. Before departing, he wrote a message and placed it on her bedside table. As he went outside in the early morning, he couldn't help but ponder about the future.

Rose awoke to an empty bed, and her heart sank somewhat. She saw the message and picked it up, her fingers quivering.

"Thank you for a memorable evening. Let this not be the last. "- Alexander."

She read the message several times, a range of emotions whirling inside her. Hope, dread, and exhilaration.

She had no concept of what lay forward, but one thing was certain: her life had taken an unexpected turn. While Rose was clutching the letter, her phone vibrated with a message from an unknown number. She opened it and found a text from

Alexander said, "We need to talk." "Could we meet tonight?"

Rose's heart raced. She had no clue what Alexander intended to address, but she knew it would change everything.

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