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Her Cloned Alpha

Her Cloned Alpha



Imagine having two mates with the same face. Well, I don't have to imagine because I am currently living that life. Alpha Seven was perfect, until he was not. He was the love of my life, until he told me that he didn't give a damn about me after taking away my virginity. My life took a major turn just days after my coming-of-age ceremony. Unbeknownst to me, the heartbreak and betrayal from Seven were just the tip of the iceberg. Just when I was starting to rebuild my life, he showed up and begged me to come back to him. It wasn't long before I noticed that something was different about him. He wasn't my Seven!

Chapter 1 Surprise, Surprise!


"Run! It's a bomb!"

Someone shouted over the music playing from the speakers. Suddenly, a deafening boom shredded the air.

A high-pitched noise rang in my ears. The half-eaten sandwich in my hand fell to the grass as I looked up.

Windows shattered, sending smithereens my way. The magnificent building I had walked out of a few minutes ago, suddenly went up in flames.

My muscles froze up, and so did my brain. People ran helter-skelter as they screamed at the top of their lungs. A dark cloud of smoke and dust filled the air.

The fire continued to ravage the building. From where I was standing, I could feel the heat on my skin. Slowly, my foot moved forward. I dragged myself towards the door of the building.

"No, no, no," was all I could say at this time.

The hair on my skin turned brittle as the heat increased. Against all the noise, I could hear my heart thudding against my chest.

Smoke burned my eyes as I drew closer and closer to the door. My cheeks burned too. Just as I was about to climb up the platform, the flaming door swooshed open.

Something... no, someone on fire jumped out in a trice. The fire seemed to be alive. It was so bad that I couldn't make out the face or clothes on this person.

Before I could blink, the body of fire charged at me. It was then I saw the most terrifying eyes, red and blazing.

"Help," a voice called.

I almost jumped out of my skin. Taking a step back, I try to avoid his hand that was stretched out to me.

The same voice called again, "Winter..."

"Aaaahh!" I screamed in fear, opening my eyes wide.

The book in my hand fell to the floor as my body jerked on the couch. I opened my eyes to a dimly lit room. Rubbing my face, I realized that I just had that nightmare again. It was the same one I've had every day for the past three years.

Sweat beaded down my temples. My shirt was pasted to my skin. Fanning myself with my hand, I gasped for breath as my heart continued to pound.

It took me a minute to pull myself together. I exhaled deeply and ran my fingers through my damp hair. The nightmares were getting more rampant these days. I never had them during the day.

Oh, my!

When I look at the window, I find that the curtains are drawn. The moon was out. My phone was on the table before me. Tapping the screen, I found that it was already past seven o'clock.

There were several missed calls and texts from Seven. I was supposed to be meeting him by 7:30!

Jumping to my feet, I turned on the lights, grabbed a can from the dresser, and sprayed my damp hair while combing it with my fingers.

I had only nine minutes to get ready. Can't keep Seven waiting, can I?

If our previous dates were anything to go by, this one would be a little over the top. Seven had been busy during my coming-of-age ceremony. It was a small one, so he requested that we have dinner tonight so we could celebrate.

Just the two of us.

Ah! I can't wait!

I quickly put on the new dress I got the other day. It was short and tight. After running my favorite strawberry lipstick over my plump lips and smacking them, I fixed my hair one final time and blew my reflection a kiss. "Perfect!"

I slipped on my favorite pair of heels and grabbed my phone and purse. Leaving a mess of clothes on the floor, I rushed out of the room.

Seven, my boyfriend, was the absolute sweetest. Despite all that he went through in the past few years, he never failed to treat me like a queen. His queen.

Oh, did I mention that he was the Alpha?

Everyone called him Alpha Seven, but I was the only one in Blood Crest Pack who got to call him by name. He was the love of my life and my mate. Tonight, I was confident that he was going to propose to me.

I mean, he could've had any woman before I came of age, but he chose to date me instead. I knew that we were made for each other. Now that I was eighteen, we could finally make things official.

Winter Sharp, Luna of Blood Crest Pack! Sounds good, doesn't it?

Only I know how many times I have fantasized about Seven proposing to me. Call me desperate, but I can't wait to walk down the aisle and finally give myself to him-the only man I had ever loved.

The excitement I felt almost burst my heart open as I made my way to Seven's palatial mansion. The walls towered over me, but from where I was, I could see that there were white and red drapes on the balcony of his room.

Maybe he wanted us to have dinner up there this time. The last time, we dined in his garden, surrounded by sweet-smelling flowers. The one before that, he took me for some fine dining at the best restaurant in Philadelphia.

With a spring to my feet, I gained entry through the gates easily and headed for the front door. The maid who answered the door smiled as soon as she saw me.

"Good evening, Miss Sharp!"


"Alpha Seven is waiting for you upstairs," she said politely.

I smiled back at her. "Okay, thanks."

The smiles and jealous stares from the domestic staff said it all. Seven had outdone himself yet again. Feeling special, I ascended the stairs under their gazes.

The entirety of the third floor was Seven's chamber. Although he lived alone, this mansion was quite big. Well, this was going to be my home very soon.

"Baby! I'm coming in!" I called out, grabbing the doorknob and twisting it.

Prepared for a big surprise, I pushed the door open. The room was brightly lit as I expected it to be. But something wasn't right...

A crunching sound emanated as soon as I stepped into the room. I looked down to find shards of glass on the floor. There was a red streak stain on the rug by the king-sized bed.

The door that led to the balcony was opened. From where I stood, I saw candlesticks, food, and silverware scattered on the floor.

Red roses, my favorite flower, were also littered everywhere.

"Baby... Seven!" I called out again, looking around the large room. No response came. Where could he have gone? And what the hell happened here?

Worried, I took out my phone and dialed Seven's number. The call didn't go through. I decided to check the bathroom.


A scream escaped my lips before I could stop it. There Seven was seated on the edge of the bathtub with his hair soaking wet. His shirt was unbuttoned all the way down, giving me full privy to his Greek god-like abs.

When he looked up, he raised one of his eyebrows at me. His eyes sparked for a second. What was that I just saw in them? Cruelty?

Seven slowly stood up without giving me the usual smile. He peeled his shirt off and dumped it on the tiled floor.

"Strip!" he commanded in a voice I couldn't recognize.

I couldn't believe my ears.


"Don't make me repeat myself or do it my way, Winter!"

With two quick movements, Seven unbuckled his belt and slipped it off. My heart spiked to my throat. I felt a strange chill envelop me at this moment.

"What's wrong, Seven? We were supposed to have dinner. What happened here?" I asked, reaching out to turn off the tap that was running.

It didn't stop me from noticing how fast Seven frowned. I have never seen him frown before. He always smiled. At least, for me.

"Are you deaf? I said, take off your clothes!" he roared.

I flinched.

What's going on? Why is Seven acting strange? Tonight of all nights!

Seven tilted his head and regarded me with the most terrifying eyes. "You want me to do this my way, don't you?"

The next second, he slipped off his pants. Only then did I see the huge bulge in his underwear. Shit!

It had been a long time coming. Although Seven and I have been an item for more than two years now, we never did more than make out. I wanted to have sex with him many times, but I held back just so I could give him my virginity on our wedding night.

After taking a deep breath, I said slowly, "Seven, I get that you want me. I want you too, but not in this state. You don't look too good. Tell me what happened here first. I could help-"

"Shut up!" he roared again.

Seven took a giant step towards me. Before I knew it, he seized the neckline of my dress and ripped it apart like it was nothing.

"Hey!" I shrieked, clasping my bosom which was now almost bare.

A menacing glint flashed in Seven's eyes. He inched closer to me and grabbed my neck.


I could barely get out that plea before Seven pushed me out of the bathroom and turned, slamming my back against the wall.

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Other books by IcyDandelion

Open Marriage: It Takes Two To Tango

Open Marriage: It Takes Two To Tango



"You only miss the sun when it starts to snow." Zara Hall was a lover girl, who only had eyes for Scott even though he treated her like trash. After they got married according to their grandmothers' wishes, Zara saw hell at the hands of Scott. He not only refused to show her off to the world as his wife, but also blamed her for his parents' death. To muddy the waters even further, Cora—another childhood friend of theirs—stuck to him like glue. Zara did all she could to win Scott's heart. One day, he asked her for an open marriage. She agreed because she loved him. However, he got angry after he saw her with another man. One thing led to another and Zara had no choice but to ask for a divorce. Surprisingly, Scott was unwilling to let her go. The messy battle soon became messier when she falls pregnant for him. Zara is torn between the devil and the deep blue sea as she works her way to the top to restore her family's lost glory. Meanwhile, Scott realizes that he can't live without her. Cora continued to pose a threat to their happiness. She pulled all the stops just to break them apart, using her child as a pawn. Later, it's discovered that the accident that occurred several years ago was orchestrated. Zara continued to shield her baby from the whole drama, but there was only little she could do as Scott tries everything to win her back. "I'm sorry for not valuing you, Zee. Please, just give me a second chance," he said on his knees in public. Would Zara get back with him for her son's sake? Who's behind their parents' murder? Wanna find out what exactly the future holds for them?

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Her Cloned Alpha

Chapter 1 Surprise, Surprise!



Chapter 2 Passion



Chapter 3 Heartbreak



Chapter 4 I Am You



Chapter 5 Murder



Chapter 6 Community Dick



Chapter 7 No Body



Chapter 8 The Real Boss



Chapter 9 Painful Goodbye



Chapter 10 Sick



Chapter 11 Hidden Safe



Chapter 12 The Horror



Chapter 13 Back From The Dead



Chapter 14 New Friend



Chapter 15 Shocking News



Chapter 16 (Un)wanted Pregnancy



Chapter 17 Unexpected Kiss



Chapter 18 She's Dead



Chapter 19 Ground-breaking Discovery



Chapter 20 A Stalker



Chapter 21 Surprise Visitor



Chapter 22 Will You Marry Me



Chapter 23 A Bargain



Chapter 24 I Wanna Go Home



Chapter 25 Car Accident



Chapter 26 Moving In



Chapter 27 Rough-handling



Chapter 28 Bad News



Chapter 29 Crippling Depression



Chapter 30 Suicide Attempt



Chapter 31 Friendly Intruders



Chapter 32 Master Manipulator



Chapter 33 Cheating Fiancé



Chapter 34 Blood



Chapter 35 Ruthless Jerk



Chapter 36 Running Away



Chapter 37 A Rescue In Time



Chapter 38 Short-lived Peace



Chapter 39 Abduction



Chapter 40 Psycho
