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Sinful Affairs

Sinful Affairs

Wizard of oz


Prologue I was just a wilting flower in my husband's house. I was married just for decoration but now as I got older my beauty is fading away. He has never for once seen me as a woman or loved me. He has cheated on me multiple times with women from outside, our maids, and even my close friends. I was unhappy, but I couldn't leave. After all what garden will want to keep a dying flower? I was just for decoration until he appeared. He was different, kind yet cold, gentle yet dangerous. His gaze alone made my tummy dance with joy. His lust for me burns and sizzles like a roaring wildfire, always consuming, never satisfied until my whole being has been consumed in its fire. However, I knew that someone like him would never be mine. He is a powerful man in society and I was a married woman, two different people. But suddenly it all changed, one glance from him and my life changed, never to be the same. The man I thought would never look at me, ends up touching me, kissing me, exploring my whole body. I thought it would end as a one-night amorous affair, but he keeps wanting more and I can't deny him the pleasure. Before I knew it, I was already too deep in this sinful affair. I should stop, right? But why does this sin feel so good?

Chapter 1 One

Chapter 1 Dorothy's POV I could inhale the smell of cigarettes and sex coming from the living room. He is at it again. The laughter of him with different girls in our room. I could tell who exactly they were. That is why the house is so filthy. There were our maids who are now his whores. I took a deep breath as I made my way upstairs to my wardrobe which is so close to my room. With every step I took, my voice filled my head with his infidelity, their disrespect, and my commitment. I wonder what is worse. "This is different," I think.

Getting back from work in the same place as your husband and catching him cheating on you with a woman you have no idea of her existence. That will be so much better in my case. But why do I have to come into him fucking my maids every day? It has become a normal cycle in my house. I returned home every day from hectic work and meet my whole husband fucking my maids on our marital bed, in my house. It is irritating but I have no power to stop it. I got to my wardrobe, removed my accessories and clothes, and headed to the bathroom. That is another reason to thank heavens because I can use any bathroom in the house. I finished taking my bath and changed into my comfy top and black sweatpants. Their moans were so loud, but I paid no attention to them, as I went to the kitchen to make my dinner. The maids were hired to do that but they are being used for something else, now. I made the easy meal I could for myself, toast bread with jaw and some juice, and settled myself down in the dining room. My maids' voices were still so loud then, suddenly it all went quiet and this is the moment I despise the most. His footsteps were so heavy and they gave me headaches, and it was the part he loves the most and the part I always tried to avoid. "Oh, you are back" I heard his voice behind me, of course he knew I was back, the security man always gives him a call on me every moment when I'm in the house. I pay him little attention as I continue to eat my bread. I was about to take a bit when he snatched it from my hand and ate it, spitting it out the moment it was inside his mouth. "Boring, couldn't you eat something better?" "That's because you were busy fucking our maids" Those words were on the top of my tongue as I stared at him. Those green eyes that have always hated me from the moment we met, his pretty blackish pink lips that speak lies in front of others, and his presence that brings nothing but torment. I despise every day I spend with him, but each day I have to endure. He stared at me like he could read my thoughts. "Seeing you so calm makes me so pissed. Nothing I do ever gets you angry" "No, it does. Everything you do infuriates me, you take away every single thing I love, you made me work in your space, you torment me because you hated me, and I do too, I want to tear you apart right now but I can't, I loathe you but I have to be with you," I replied within me. "What do you want, Elijah?" I finally voiced out. "To see you dead. Maybe then, I will finally be happy" He said as he lifted my jaw with his thumbs and stared at me like he wanted to squeeze the life out of me, with no desire for me. There was once a time that I thought I could make this marriage work, that I could fall for him and he could do the same. Apart from his face, which was like a work of art, I had never seen him naked but I could hear how the maid gossiped about him, and once I imagined it. How he will wrap his hand around me, how he will stare at me in eyes with those angry green eyes, and his lips on mine, my hand will snake through his blonde hair. How I will wrap my legs around his waist. I tried imagining that but it was so disgusting thinking about it. Elijah and I will never be that kind of couple, we don't lust after each other nor love each other. I slapped his hand away and he sneered. "Are the maids out of my bed now?" "Yes, but we made quite a mess so I advise you to sleep somewhere else" I stood up to him and he stared back hatefully. He was so much taller than me at 5'9, while I was just 5'4. "Can you for once not try to embarrass me? Sleeping with our maids in our house is so scandalous." "Well, I don't plan on stopping soon," he blurted out childishly while I grunted. Getting married to a cheat is one thing, getting married to a cheat who acts like an idiot is just too much. "Just in case you forget, the Wendells are hosting a party tomorrow to celebrate their daughter's engagement, so we have to be present. I hope you will be on your best behavior, Wifey" He chuckled, walking out on me. "Bastard," I muttered under my breath. He is the one who embarrassed me by fucking everything in my skirt. How long will I continue to cover up his stupid act? My two maids came out the moment Elijah went back upstairs and I looked at them with disgust. I didn't bother replying when they greeted me. They are just too shameless. I have tried changing them many times, but it won't change anything, because he always finds a way to seduce them with his looks and his money. Instead of going back to my bedroom, I went to one of the rooms in the house instead, to sleep. I can't even get comfortable in my house. The moment Elijah notices how relaxed I am, he comes up with an unreasonable act again. "Thank heavens! Tomorrow is the weekend. I won't have to worry about work. I just hope nothing bad happens tomorrow," I thought as I dozed off. The sound of my phone woke me up, the ringing volume was too much but I tried to ignore it. It had been a long time since I had a good night's rest, and I didn't want to be disturbed, but it kept ringing. There is only one person who can disturb me with calls. I stretched for my phone in the drawer and picked it up without opening my eyes. "Lilly, for Christ's sake, what is it this morning?" "Morning? It is 2 pm, girl. Don't tell me you are still sleeping by this time!" my best friend exclaimed while I grunted and checked my time. It was already noon, but I was still not pleased at her for waking me up. I have not had a good sleep in years, and my husband finally decided to not stress me. Maybe he was hoping I died in my sleep, maybe that is why he didn't ask the maids to wake me up with their loud moans. "Dorothy!" Lilly yelled on the phone and I had to take the phone away from my ear. "I can hear you clearly, you know" I complained while she laughed. "I'm sorry girl, I'm just too nervous," Her voice was down and that got me worried. "What happened?" "It's the Wendell family," she began. "I heard they were hosting a party for their daughter's engagement, and many top models were invited, but I'm the only one who wasn't. It won't look good on my image, so I was hoping that you could help me," She explained nervously while I smiled and stood up from the bed. "Get dressed in the next two hours, I will send my driver to pick you up in the most fancy car ever" "So, I'm going?" she asked tentatively. "Of course, you are going. I think Wendell made a mistake not sending you an invitation, but I will have the correct it in a few minutes, so yes, get dressed" She screamed out excitedly. "I love you so much. More than anything" I could imagine the expression on her face right now. "I know girl. See you at the party in the next two hours" "Love you," she said and hung up. I can't believe she was nervous because of that. I dialed Mrs. Wendell's number and asked for a favor, and just as expected she decided to make an exception for her.

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She trembled in fear as she made her way to his room. It is tonight, the time she will fulfil her duties to her master, which is serving and pleasuring her master in bed. After all, that is why he bought her. Who is she? Imogen, a beautiful young lady who just turned eighteen. When she was eight, she got sold by her mother to a famous auction house that deals with selling girls as sex slaves to the noble. After being tried at the auction house, she got sold to one of the powerful man in the country. The popular and feared noble man in the kingdom, Lord Simon Sebastian a man of many mysteries, cold-hearted and brutal, the rumours of his brutality spreads across the kingdom most especially to his slaves. However, imogen got sold to him as his slave, at that particular moment, she knew her worst nightmare has just begun. What happens when her master falls in love with her?And his cousin who she considered a friend also confessed her feelings to her. It would only make it more worse if people finds out that the two noble men is in love with a sex slave. Now, the real question is who does her heart belong to? "I will save your friend if you give me what I want" Her master said to Imogen who was on her knees pleading. "I belong to you, Master. You don't have to ask, my body already belongs to you" "Yes, it does. But there is something I don't have yet" He stated. "What is that, Master?" She questioned with her head down. Lord Simon squatted to her level. "Your heart, I don't have that yet. And I want it, I want it to be mine, mine only"

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