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Legacy Forever : Marrying a Billionaire's Grandson

Legacy Forever : Marrying a Billionaire's Grandson

Irish G


"What if we divorce? You'll be relieved of all grandfather's pressure, while at the same time allowing you to pursue your original dreams that were put on hold." Gardenia Belle's ordinary life as a caregiver for an old man suddenly changes when she has to marry the billionaire's grandson, she experiences considerable turbulence as she faces many new and challenging things. However, love does not exist between the two. Lionel strongly rejected Belle's presence, he always thought that Belle was only using her grandfather while eyeing William's inheritance. "You should also know, Young Master Lionel. One of my big dreams is to marry Tom Cruise, not you." ***

Chapter 1 Complicated request.

"Belle, marry my grandson, Lionel."

The girl's eyes flickered. She tried to digest the meaning of Grandfather William's words at this time.

"Belle. You heard me, didn't you?"

Belle nodded. "Yes, Grandpa. But what does that mean? This sounds weird." She tried to laugh usually, but it sounded forced.

"Why is it strange?" The older man who spent most of his time in a wheelchair smiled warmly, and he understood that Belle was surprised, not strange, because his sentence was like lightning striking, sudden, and unexpected. "Please don't go anywhere, Belle. Stay in this house to care for me, and no nanny can take care of me like you. I'm sorry if it sounds very restrictive, but Grandfather doesn't want you to go far and stop working in this house."


"I know you're eager to pursue your big dreams after college, but ...." William snorted. His warm smile disappeared, and the expression there turned sad. He was unfortunate to realize that Belle's contract as a caregiver would end because William had promised that when Belle graduated from college, the girl had the right to leave his house.

However, the thought that the outside world could oppress the girl who had lost her parents scared William so much he couldn't sleep well for days thinking about the fate of the caregiver who had taken care of her for almost ten years.

"My request must sound ridiculous to you, right? I understand, but I'm very serious, Belle. Marry Lionel."

Belle swallowed. She knelt in front of William's wheelchair. "We don't even know each other, and I've only ever seen him through the photos in this house. How is it possible to marry him? Surely Grandpa's grandson already has someone he loves, he'll-"


Belle was stunned.

"I didn't allow Lionel to marry those women, and he was always cheated and used by them. My confidants watch him all the time. After his lovers get a lot of money or gifts from Lionel, they will have fun with other men."

"Has grandfather's grandson explained it?"

"I don't need any explanation from that brat. He lies more and makes his grandfather anxious. If Lionel makes the wrong move, there's a lot of loss for him, and I don't want to see him ruined by his foolishness."


"Listen to me, Belle. If you get out of here, who will take care of you out there? You don't even have relatives or family in this country."

"Grandpa, I've contacted my friend. She's waited long enough for me to be ready to try working in her father's office. Now I'm ready, so-"


Belle was taken aback again, and she was most aware that if William said 'No!', then some things would be strictly forbidden to do, but why did that one word that sounded like a verdict come to Belle?

They were not family. Belle only became his caregiver while starting college using the salary money from this job after taking care of William for five years, then tried to continue her education. Fortunately, William allowed Belle to go to college even though the time to care for the older man was cut.

William's legs have been paralyzed since an accident 12 years ago, and he changed caregivers five times in two years before meeting Belle.

William doesn't trust people easily, even his son and daughter-in-law. He still believes the reason for the car accident 12 years ago was an assassination plot prepared by his daughter-in-law to take over the company and inheritance.

Fortunately, William is still alive; he had asked his confidant to investigate the accident, and the results are pretty odd.

"You can get out of my room, Belle. If the reason you refuse such a big thing is only because you don't know Lionel yet, tomorrow the boy will come home. You can meet to get to know each other."


"Come out. My head is getting very dizzy."

Belle quickly moved on. She became anxious. "I can help you, and Grandpa wants to rest?"

"No. Just go out, Belle. Leave me alone, and I'll call you if I need you."

"Alright." Belle snorted as she approached the door. "I'm out now."


William turned his wheelchair around and aimed it near the wide-open window of the room. The spring air greeted his old face; half of William's hair had turned white, but it did not diminish his charisma and authority.

The man looked into the distance, imagining an old age that was not necessarily long. He did not know when death would pick him up. William only wanted to die when his heart felt relieved when he could truly trust others to continue the business and divide the inheritance to the proper descendants.

William did not want to die when his heart was still depressed.

"Was grandfather wrong, Belle? Was I wrong to want this much from you? Am I just a selfish man trying to imprison you for my own sake?"


"Why does your face look tense after leaving Mr. William's room? Is something wrong, Belle?" asked Emma, one of the servants in this mansion, as they passed by the stairs.

Emma had noticed Belle since coming out of William's room, and the girl had been daydreaming as she stood silently by the door for about five minutes before stepping aside.

Belle smiled awkwardly. "It's nothing, Emma."

"Are you sure? I don't think so."

Belle did not intend to tell anyone about William's request. She was sure that all the servants in this house would be shocked if they heard her confession, then raised a big wave.

"There isn't anything, and I was thinking about something else, but not about Grandpa William."

"Alright, I understand. I hope you're honest." Emma left for the kitchen while Belle silently stared at the servant's departure.

"Grandpa William's request turned out to be more frightening than when I had to face the lecturer examiners that day as if the angel of death had waved his hand." Belle snorted. She chose to sit on the stairs. "I never dreamed of hearing such a sentence come from his lips."

She stared straight ahead, and a few meters away was a wall filled with many photos of the Dawn family members.

William Dawn had two children, Claire Dawn and her brother, Tomy Dawn. Claire had married someone from England, and Lionel was born, but Claire and her husband had a plane crash when Lionel was twenty years old, and the young boy lost his parents.

Then there was Tomy Dawn, who was also married to Maria Theodore and had two sons, but Tomy married a manipulative woman who was good at acting. Maria tried to influence Tomy to take over the Dawn Family company.

As expected, Maria was the main culprit behind the accident that occurred in her in-laws.

If Claire were still alive, William wouldn't have had the heart to hand over the company to his daughter because he trusted her so much.

However, when Claire died, things became very complicated for William. Even though the company's ownership should have gone to Tomy as the surviving descendant, William became very hesitant since he discovered that Maria was a scheming woman.

Now, William's trust turns to Belle, a 27-year-old girl who is only his caretaker.


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