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The Billionaire's Heart:A Tale Of Unexpected Love

The Billionaire's Heart:A Tale Of Unexpected Love

treasure edwin


Maxwell is the only son of the Morgan family head, his father is sick with a mysterious sickness, and to cure his father's illness, he needs to eat some types of ancient pill to be able to gather enough energy to cure his father. In the process of getting the first pill, he had to sign a marriage contract with a girl named jasmine. Will he face more obstacles in getting the rest of the pill, and will the two have feelings for each other as they journey together as contract married couples.?

Chapter 1 New Gained Strength.

In the meeting of the Morgan family House,there was conflict among the family members, the current head of the family james Morgan was in a tight situation, the members of the Morgan family were beginning to lose faith in him because he was ill with a condition that has not been able to be cured by many doctors who had visited him. "Am at a loss right now, the sickness of mine is not giving me any chances in holding my current position as the head of this family" James said with an ugly face.

"Jamesssssss this decision of making your son take over as the family head this soon is outrageous, your son just miraculously returned back to the family after all these years he has been missing with no trace". Ryder shouted angrily from the other side of the meeting table.

"He has no knowledge of the family affairs for 17 yrs now handing over the family to him is like child's play",

Ryder continued yelling while smashing the other side of the table where he was currently sitting with his right palm", the table turned into dust disappearing into the air because of the impact of Ryder's palm.

Ryder had just entered the 3rd stage of the 2nd grade mystic realm, so he had the confidence to go against James due to James' illness. The other members of the Morgan family were all frightened and afraid of Ryder because of his new gained strength. Ryder was the elder brother of James and the second in command of the Morgan family. Ever since James fell ill Ryder had taken over most of the Morgan family, he even takes decisions for the family without James consent, James only has few loyal family members at his command. Suddenly a voice the opposite side from where ryder was sitting a voice suddenly spoke "I only came back to reunite with my father after all this while we've been apart, now knowing I have responsibilities to take as the family head I will gladly abide by it" everyone at the meeting room turned around to look at the person speaking close to james they realized it was maxwell, the only son of the family head.

Everyone at the meeting looked shocked at what they had just heard from Maxwell's mouth. Initially they thought that after returning back home from running away as they thought, they presumed that he would just sit quietly and not talk about the matter, because they all thought of him as a useless person. But none of them replied to him just to give James a little bit of a face.

"You ungrateful cousin of mine you know nothing of this family, me and my father has been working hard for this family since you were gone and now you want to come and take the responsibility of the family head like it's some sweet you could snatch from a baby's hand,i personality will not allow that" Jackson said with an angry expression.

Jackson was the first son of Ryder, just like his father he had an arrogant behavior making people fear him wherever he goes. When he was a little kid,before maxwell left the house he always bullied maxwell making him feel not useful in the family, he always saw himself superior to maxwell and better than him in every aspect so it was only normal for him to be rude to maxwell in any opportunity he had.

"yes I agree with Jackson if anyone should be the future head of the family it should Jackson or me not you who is not even familiar with the family, you know nothing absolutely nothing, I don't even think you are educated enough" Jack said with confidence

"my son is right as the situation is right now James your son doesn't have the education to lead this family in the future" Morissette added

"both you and and your son combined aren't as educated as i am in a percentage of 16" maxwell said with a calm look on his face

"how dare you talk to me in that manner, I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget"

As Morissette raised his his hand to slap maxwell, maxwell who was still sitting on his seat unfazed he got up from his seat with lightning speed and appeared behind Morissette and used his head to smash the table, every other family member present opened their mouths surprised by the dominant strength that maxwell possessed, Jack seeing what was Happening to his father rushed towards maxwell while getting ready to give him a punch in the chest, maxwell saw him and caught Jack's arm twisting his hand, Jack was shouting;

"my arm my arm let go" the pain jack was to much that his face was turning green, Jackson who was on the other side of the table saw that maxwell was trying to dislocate Jack's arm he then leaped from the end of the table, his target was to punch maxwell in the face using a superman punch, while his body was still above the ground he shouted

"fall before my punch you insect maxwell...."


Before he could finish his statement he was slapped to the wall mid air by Maxwell with no effort at all, as Jackson back hit the wall he coughed out a mouthful of blood because the force of Maxwell's palm and the impact on the wall was too much for him.

Ryder who saw this happening was walking towards maxwell saying

"you dare show your arrogant behavior in front of me I will discipline you today" ryder said with anger and no fear in his mind

As he was approaching maxwell he was stopped by a figure who everyone recognised to be moses,who was the right hand man of James,

"You dare stop me, this matter does not concern you," Ryder said with caution in his statement. Ryder knew moses was stronger than him so he had to be careful while facing him.

"I know the matter does not concerns me but have no right to interfere because your son was caught in a crossfire conflict between maxwell and jack" moses said as the two of them looked at each others eyes unfazed by the other, suddenly old master Bu entered the room on his automated chair being pushed by a servant everyone saw him and showed him the utmost respect including maxwell who just arrived at the family house.

Old master Bu was the oldest and eldest member of the Morgan family so his presence was to be respected by the entire family. He then asked;

"What is the reason for this commotion in the meeting today? Since nothing has been resolved, family head James, can you please end the meeting," he added.

James then struggled to say the words; "meeting has been postponed till I decide to have another family meeting"

Everyone is dismissed, "James added.

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