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The Abused Fated Mate

The Abused Fated Mate

vivian stevens


Dane Maximus Alpha of Black Moon Pack, had it all-power wealth and secret abilities that could destroy world. But when he caught his wife cheating with rogue leader and endured her rejection of their mate bond, his world shattered. Injured and heartbroken. Dane's despair seemed insurmountable. Gianna Lawson once Alpha of Nightshade Pack, faced her own betrayal. Her pack was stolen. And she was banished. Forced to live as rogue. Burning with desire for revenge she crossed paths with Dane at his lowest point. In this tale of betrayal and vengeance, Moon Goddess offers a twisted blessing. Gianna and Dane are fated mates. Both scarred. Seeking retribution. They must navigate their shared pain and mistrust. Will they be able to rise above their thirst for vengeance? And find solace in their bond? Or will their pursuit of justice for their packs tear them apart? In a world where loyalty is rare and love is dangerous gamble Dane and Gianna must decide if they can overcome their pasts and forge a new destiny together.

Chapter 1 Betrayal

"Come on, Howard, you got this!" I shout across the training field to my warrior who's falling behind. He stumbles and lands hard on his butt.

"Keep moving, Howard!" I yell, urging him on.

Howard brushes it off and slowly rises to his feet, pushing himself to keep going.

I can see the potential in him, but he doesn't realize yet. The others continue running ahead without looking back. No one fun of him - I make sure of that.

"How are things?" I turn around to see Miles standing there shirtless with his arms crossed. "Looks like a blast I scoff sarcastically.

He shakes his head and joins me by my side. "Is it Howard again?" he asks, and I nod. "How are the other warriors?"

"Just like you said, an absolute blast," Miles replies with a grin.

We both chuckle, but suddenly I feel a tug in my chest. It's like my wolf senses something wrong, making me uneasy.

"Dave," I try to reach out to him, but he shuts me out immediately.

Feeling all worked up, I spin around to face Miles "Let's call it a day on training. I need to clear my head," I inform him.

"Are you okay?" he inquires with genuine concern.

"Yeah, just need some air," I reassure him with a pat on the shoulder before heading towards the woods.

"Dane," I hear Shanna, Miles's sister, calling after me, but I choose to ignore her and press on towards the forest.

As soon as I step foot into the woods, I break into a run until my transformation into a massive black wolf occurs. A mournful howl escapes my wolf's throat. It's unsettling to hear such a sound emanate from within him. Is there something I'm missing? I ponder to myself.

"Dave," I address him by name, yet Dave continues to ignore me.

He dashes off at full speed, his wolf paws splashing through puddles of mud as he heads towards an unknown destination. He doesn't even halt at our territory's boundary; Dave just keeps going. I sense we are about to venture into hostile territory where rogues and lone wolves roam freely.

"DAVE!" I scream through our mental connection.

He forcibly shifts us back to our human forms and severs our connection completely once again.

"What is up with this wolf?" I grumble angrily while scanning for any spare clothes nearby.

"Argh!" I exclaim in frustration as I kick at a fallen tree trunk, feeling no pain since I'm not in human form. Running my hand anxiously through my hair multiple times, I finally settle down on the tree trunk.

Please, oh please... I hear a quiet whimper. Stop it. An urgent call for help is ringing in my ears. My mind debates whether to ignore it or listen to the plea. Despite my resistance, a strong inner voice urges me to step in and assist.

Reluctantly, I turn back and follow the mysterious voice that whispers "please" once more. Expecting a distressed person in need of saving, I am dumbfounded by the crude reality that unfolds before me - a man and a woman engaging in intimate acts out in the open where danger lurks.

Disgust washes over me as I witness the scene - her torn dress revealing skin, their reckless actions devoid of awareness of potential threats nearby. Though a pang of recognition tugs at my memory, I quickly avert my gaze in repulsion.

With disdain pulsing through me, I grab the man's discarded clothes and mockingly clothe myself in them. A surge of anger fuels my steps as I walk away, but a sudden halt jolts me back towards the scene.

Amongst the scattered items lies a necklace that screams familiarity - Melissa's necklace, a symbol of our love. She is my everything, my heart and soul. Overwhelmed with emotions, doubts cloud my mind as I consider her presence here amidst strangers.

Picking up the necklace, her scent envelops me, mingled with an unfamiliar aroma - that of rogues. Denial creeps in as realization dawns on me - could she have betrayed me? The mere thought shatters my heart as I whisper a desperate "No."


That voice, so familiar, why didn't I realize it sooner? I turn to face the male wolf. He's five meters away, his scent giving him away as a rogue, not belonging to any pack.

He seems surprised. He knows who I am. The bastard is with my wife, my mate.

A growl echoes in my mind. No wonder my wolf was silent. My fists clench at my sides.

"Baby," that voice again.

Oh moon goddess, please let this be dream. I try to hide the pain, but it's crushing to see her betray me like this after all the love and time I gave her.

I never thought she could do this to me. Never imagined she would cross that line I feared so much.

She doesn't notice me standing there as she stands up and looks at her lover. Her eyes finally meet mine and the betrayal hits hard.

Instead of guilt or shame, she smirks at me, piercing straight through my heart while I stand there in disbelief.

She shot me right in my heart. I just stood there, watching her. No guilt those beautiful orbs that I once admired during our intimate moments.

"You're here," she said, shooting me twice. My heart won't stop bleeding.

Standing proudly beside her lover, she looks at me with a joyous before finishing me off with another bullet.

Why? That's the question burning inside me.

I could have torn them apart right then and there but I needed to hear her out first. Why is she doing this to me? Was I ever good enough for her? Did lack something crucial, pushing her to hurt me like this?

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