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The streets of issupor

The streets of issupor



A series of heart warming and heart wrenching stories of children living in the streets of issupor šŸ’“

Chapter 1 Escape


My hand trembled as I held the knife covered with blood. I didn't mean to do it. I covered my eyes with

my bloodied hands when I heard him grunt for the final time. I really hope he is not dead.

"No no God no" I kept saying as I rocked myself by the corner staining my really dirty clothes with red.

After what seem like an eternity I finally mustered the courage to look at the body. It was a bloodied mess and I really hope I wasn't looking at an intestine. I couldn't hold myself as I broke into another sob.

I sobbed as I went into the bathroom and washed myself. I sobbed as I put on the dress I was supposed to wear when I'd be sold. I really hope I wasn't late to make a run for it. I looked outside the window and it was pitch black. Those bad men were going to come by nine and it was already seven which means I have more than one hour to run for it. I packed all the food in the suite; Every single thing in the fridge.

After I was sure I had rid the room of any food I hung the backpack and it was lighter than expected which was disappointing. As I held the door knob I took one last look at the dead man and breathed deeply before finding myself in the long corridor of rooms. I moved fast but not fast enough to raise suspicions. I finally got to the reception and I said a silent prayer hoping the staff doesn't see me leave. When the cool night breeze hit my face, I was grateful.

I was grateful I wasn't the one lying In a pool of blood. I was grateful I didn't break anybody parts today. I was grateful I had a new hope. I adjusted the backpack and began the walk into the unfamiliar streets of ISSUPOR.

My heart rate quickened when another thunder struck in the distance. I needed to find shelter soon otherwise I might not survive this shower. My hair was a mess and it was tangled bad from months of not being brushed. It would take a miracle to get it untangled. But my hair was the least of my problems now. I wish there was a time it wasn't. I was too caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice when a car pulled over until they honked. Then the rain started.

"hey pretty girl" the driver said and I turned to see who it was. He looked no older than twenty and they were two others in the car about the same age. The way he was looking at me made me remember that my dress left little to the imagination. Now that it was pouring hard I'm sure it's just worse. That thought, sent shivers down my spine.

"what do you want" I shivered

"We want to give you a lift and take you some place warm" he smirked.

I know that look. It's a look I'm all too familiar with. "I'll do just fine"

"We can see how well you are doing" the one at the passenger side said and laughed with the driver.

The guy at the back didn't laugh he just stared at me.

"I am" I blurted and a tear rolled. I really hope they didn't see it. I hope it blended well with the rain.

"Just come on in" the guy at the back slightly opened the door for me. I don't want to. I just had two hours of freedom and I don't want to get back to being caged. "Just for the night" he added.

"Is it just you boys" I swallowed.

"No my sister will be there" the driver gave a frustrated grunt "Now get in the car"

I quickly did that and the one at the back helped me close the door. A feeling of claustrophobia gripped me. He watched me as he wiped his wet arm with a towel. When he was done he gave it to me and I started with my hair. It's so thick and dirty that the water dripping out hurt my eyes anytime they make contact. I wiped my arms and legs not oblivious to the boy who was beside me staring.

"So what's your name" the driver asked me

"Zazinn" I muttered and he nodded more to the beat coming from the radio than to me.

"I am Nasuma and the driver is Hasuma" the guy beside me smiled "he is Jazani" he pointed to the passenger seat in front of him.

"Nasuma as in darkness?" I muttered.

He nodded "and Hasuma as in light"

"The light of the day baby" Hasuma yelled and Jazani laughed hard.

"Pay them no attention" Nasuma frowned and stared out the window.

I nodded although I know he didn't see it. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Jazani staring at me. It gave me nausea and I placed my fore head on the glass not oblivious to the eyes that wear probably skimming

over my half naked body.

We finally reached our destination and the rain had come to a drizzle. I quickly stepped outside thanks to my claustrophobia.

"Easy lady" Jazani laughed "You always seem to be in a hurry Zazinn"

"I have claustrophobia" I wanted to say but kept quiet instead. I barely know this people and serving them with too much information can turn on me later.

The house was nothing special just a nice square with a door between two windows. It looked like something I would have drawn when I was very young.

"Follow me" Nasuma commanded and wrapped me with a wrapper. That's the nicest thing I remember anyone doing for me. So I did follow him. I followed him into the square house that seemed like a

dream....a home.

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The streets of issupor

Chapter 1 Escape
