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In a world where myth and reality collide, Matthew is a fierce and formidable wolf. Karen is a human, possessing a gentle and sincere nature, yet far from being fragile. One evening, Matthew comes to Karen's aid and finds his fate intertwined with this endearing male. However, revealing this truth is complicated, as the existence of werewolves is confined to the realm of human fiction. Can their love prevail, or this knowledge tear them apart?

Chapter 1 "Chapter one"

As Karen stepped into the valley beside the pub, a sense of unease settled over him like a shroud. The darkness seemed to swallow him whole, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He had ignored his brothers' warnings and had come to the reunion anyway, eager to reconnect with old friends and prove his independence. But now, as he stood alone in the deserted valley, he wondered if he had made a grave mistake.

The only sound was the soft rustling of leaves and the distant hum of music from the pub. Karen's heart raced as he scanned the darkness, his eyes straining to pierce the shadows. Suddenly, a voice called out from behind him, "Hey, pretty boy!" Karen spun around, his mind racing to place the face.

Ethan's eyes gleamed with a knowing glint as he drew closer, his words slurred and his breath heavy with the stench of liquor. "We were classmates, Karen. I can't believe it's really you!" He reeked of alcohol, and his eyes had a glassy sheen that made Karen's skin crawl.

Karen's instincts screamed warning. Something was wrong. He tried to step back, but Ethan's grip on his arm was like a vice. Panic set in as Ethan dragged him into the alley, his words slurred and menacing. Ethan's lips brushed against Karen's cheek, leaving a wet trail. Karen's skin crawled as he realized Ethan was trying to kiss him.

Just as Ethan's hands began to roam, a figure emerged from the shadows, their eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. With a swift motion, they pinned Ethan against the wall, their fist connecting with his jaw in a sharp crack. Ethan's head snapped back, his eyes glazing over as he stumbled backwards. The stranger's fists rained down on Ethan, each blow precise and calculated. Ethan's cries echoed through the alley, muffled by the stranger's relentless assault.

"Stop! Please stop!" Karen begged, his voice shaking with fear. "You're going to kill him!"

The stranger finally stopped, chest heaving, and turned to him. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice low and husky.

"Y-yes, I am. Thank you for rescuing me...I'm Karen," Karen stuttered.

" Mathew" said the stranger.

Suddenly, Mathew's eyes narrowed, his face twisting in distaste. "You smell...different," he muttered before backing away, eyes fixed on Karen with an unnerving intensity. "Go home, kid," he called out before turning and sprinting into the night.

Karen watched them disappear into the darkness, his mind reeling with questions. What had just happened? And why did he feel like he had just narrowly escaped something sinister? He shook his head, still trying to process the events of the night. One thing was certain - he would never forget this terrifying encounter in the valley.

As he stood there, trying to make sense of it all, Karen's nose twitched in bewilderment. He sniffed his body, wondering if the stranger's words were true. Did he really smell different? He couldn't quite place it, but something about his own scent seemed off. He shook his head, chiding himself for being ridiculous. It was just his imagination playing tricks on him. But the doubt lingered, haunting him like a ghost.

That night, karen had a terrifying vision about the stranger, and it ended in disaster. He was grateful the stranger intervened in time, and he hoped to express his gratitude someday.

"Karen, are you okay?" Wesley asked, peeking through the door. Karen's pale face replied, "Yeah, don't worry, just a bad dream." He stretched and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"The same nightmare again?" Wesley entered the room and sat beside his brother. Karen sat up, sighing. "No, not this time, but I'd rather not discuss it."

"Okay, but remember you can always confide in me or Sam." Wesley embraced him, and Karen reciprocated. "Thanks, brother. You're all I have left." Tears streamed down his face as he thought of his parents, whom he deeply missed. Wesley comforted him, "We'll always be together, the three of us." Wesley stroked his hair, and soon the tears subsided.

Karen wasn't one to cry easily, but family matters touched his emotional core. His brothers were his life; he had no genuine friends, only acquaintances who exploited him for his wealth. He knew it but remained silent, fearing loneliness if he distanced himself.

Meanwhile, Matthew woke up late, his head throbbing.

"Please, let it be just a dream!" He massaged his temples, hoping yesterday's events were just a nightmare. His mate couldn't be human! As an Alpha, he'd be a burden to protect, and their union would be catastrophic!

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chris appeared, and Matthew realized he'd slept on the couch. "You won't believe it, Chris. I met my mate last night!"

Chris gasped, "Where is she? You've been searching for so long!" Matthew corrected him, "It's a 'he', and I fled. He doesn't know he's mine."

Chris asked, "Why not? Didn't he sense it immediately?" Matthew explained, "He's human, not a wolf. It's impossible!" Chris teased, "Now you've found your perfect match, but you can't even...enjoy him! Haha, Luna really dislikes you!" Matthew covered himself, and Chris chuckled.

"You're right; I'm glad I'll still have you when I go into heat." Matthew's muffled voice replied, "You're satisfied with me, aren't you?" Chris winked, "You're the best, Matthew." Matthew uncovered his face, "I thought you only said that because you're horny!" Chris laughed,

"You're silly; I mean it. Your mate will be lucky to have you, but you'll keep him in the bedroom, especially when you're in rut!" Matthew shuddered at the thought; their union would be disastrous.

Maybe i should make Chris my mate; we trust each other, and our intimacy is great. "I know what you're thinking, and I've thought it too. If I don't find mine this year, I'll accept you." Chris smiled, and Matthew kissed his forehead.

"I can wait; I've found mine, but can't have him. It's up to you now." They made a pact, and Matthew hoped Chris wouldn't find his mate; it was selfish, but he needed an Omega for his pack leadership.

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