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A Hybrid Mated to the Alpha

A Hybrid Mated to the Alpha



Being mates does not guarantee you forever love. Specifically, as a hybrid, not all packs may like you. Some will disregard you. But how can my mate view me as someone he loves?

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

After I had finished getting ready, Zion and I left the hospital and went to the room where we were scheduled to meet. Alpha Primo was seated at the head of the table, and Beta John and Gamma Sherra were seated across from him on the right. We sat on his left, followed by Azure and my parents, and then Zion and I joined us. Amyre, Eve, Hera, and Yula's parents came in while we were sitting there as well. Gamma Sherra was seated next to Amyre, while the other individuals were seated at the opposite end of the table.

Alpha sat back and cleared his throat, getting ready to begin the conversation.

"Today, we have gathered here to talk about the situation with Yula Zev. It has been more than three years since Yula was expelled from this pack. Is there anyone who is aware of her current location?

While I waited for someone to react, I took in the surroundings of the room. When Eve looked at Amyre, she bowed her head, and I couldn't help but notice it.

"Eve, do you have something to say?" I inquired about it. First, everyone looked at me, and then they turned their attention to her. Her face became pale, and her cheeks were crimson. Her face was flushed.

"Speak now, Eve." The order by Alpha.

"Yula lives in the woods near the territory."

And she responded. It was only a partial truth. I was able to sense her feelings, and I noticed that something was off.

"Eve, you reveal more information than you actually do. In this situation, there is a fundamental problem, and we require the complete truth. Are you aware that she resides in close proximity to the territory? Have you ever had any business interactions with her?

I inquired further by asking. With a quick glance in Amyre's direction, she bowed her head once more. The moment I turned to look at Alpha, I saw that he had also seen. As he gazed at his son, all of a sudden, his face turned red with rage.

"Eve, I command you to tell me everything you know at this moment!"

Whenever he spoke in an authoritative manner, she trembled with fear.

"I can't."

It was her response. Jennifer gave her the impression that she was aware of something as well. Amyre was slouched over, filled with remorse and guilt.

"I am aware that each of you is aware of something, but you are not sharing it with us! I am sorry to inform you, Mr. and Mrs. Zev, that your daughter has passed away. Yula assaulted me today, and I hate this news.

The room was filled with loud sobs. In order to find solace, Yula's mother went to her partner. As tears began to well up in his eyes, he gently reassured her by gently stroking her arms and gently shushing her. Amyre gave the impression that he was about to pass out at any minute, and the girls bent their heads respectfully. Eve decided to speak after she had listened to Mrs. Zev's tears for a brief moment.

Her home was located on the outskirts of the area. There were times when I assisted her, but it was only because I was compelled to support her.

"Assailant? Who is it?" I inquired about it.

"I am Amyre, the Young Master. He compelled both of us to continue being her friends and to take her food and supplies despite the fact that we wished to cut all of our affiliations with her.

Remarked Hera. As he stared at her, Amyre was completely taken aback. I don't believe that he ever intended for his secret to be revealed to anyone. The moment that he turned to face an extremely enraged Alpha, he was at a loss for words. Alpha was trembling with rage and had a beet-red complexion. After what seemed like an eternity, Eve sat up straight and resolutely as she delivered the truth with tears in her eyes.

It is true that she is correct, and I will no longer live in terror. To tell you the truth, it's possible that I was the one who started the attack. I am willing to take any form of punishment for my acts, even if it means my own death. I sigh. The day before yesterday, when I had a disagreement with Luna, I went to Yula's cabin. All I needed was someone to talk to, and I believed that such a conversation would not be harmful. She was talking in a wild manner because she was irritated because Luna's life was going very well. I became enraged and retaliated aggressively toward her. When I left, she was in a really angered state. She was yelling obscenities and destroying stuff. I promise you that I never imagined she would go to such extremes with things!

She hid her face and sobbed while she did so. Aside from the sniffles and sobs, the room finally lapsed into complete silence.

The deeds you took came dangerously close to taking the life of your future queen! Are you aware of the trouble that you have caused? To our great relief, she made it! On the other hand, the Zev family was unable to save their child! In addition, Amyre, you are the one who is to blame for this entire predicament. What do you have to say about yourself?

"I wasn't thinking."

He had a low voice when he spoke.

"Do you have any idea if she was acting on her own? Are there any other rogues that she was a part of? Are you aware that this has made it possible for a substantial number of additional attacks to take place?! Double the number of guards on each shift, effective immediately, Beta John!

"Dad, it is not even remotely accurate. Yula led a solitary kind of life. In the beginning, when I didn't have a complete understanding of the issue, I made several attempts to put her at ease. Initially, I was going to quit assisting her and urge her to leave, but she was unable to make it on her own successfully. I had a lot of feelings of guilt, and I kept her close to me for my own personal reasons. After spending so much time with Yula, it was difficult for me to finally let her leave. I felt compelled to assist her since she was gradually losing her mind. What I had yet to learn was going to take place this. Dad, I am truly sorry for this.

He broke out in tears and got down on his knees.

In this matter, I will leave it up to your choice, Alpha. I cannot express how grateful I am for the truth, but I am even more pleased that my partner is still alive. We are going to leave your territory first thing in the morning. It is only for the purpose of attending school and saying farewell to her parents that she will return. In the meantime, please prepare the necessary papers, and we will discuss the terms of her return at a later time.

With a forceful tone, Zion conveyed the impression that he had already made up his mind about our entire future. I was happy to have a new beginning, but I also felt a little anxious about it.

"Luna, you-you're leaving?"

My mother inquired about it. As I turned to gaze at her, I found myself wincing.

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