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Dear, my Omega

Dear, my Omega



What is a reader's most agonizing experience? Was that when the writer put the story on hold? Or would you prefer that your ideal relationship split up or not end up together the way you had hoped? For Eon, it's incapable of seeing the character he likes to be boycotted, driven by the author, on the shore to the field, but unable to be happy until everything's over. So, when God gave the covenant, that hand had not hesitated to hold it, willing to trade it all in exchange for his genuine smile. "In my heart, you're the only one. "Until this cruel world puts an end to it, until the wheel of fortune stops turning, me and you will be inseparable."

Chapter 1 Dear, my Omega

A wet day in the late evening. At this time, most stores close early due to a lack of customers; even if they remain open, no one will enter. There is only a hazy LED light at a cafe at the end of the street. Yes, there aren't many guests here, so the staff is simply counting down the minutes till the working shift ends.

- Eon, you may head back home first. I can now take care of the shop by myself.

The coffee shop owner went out of the kitchen, handing the youngster waiting behind the stall a box of pastries. She grinned:

- If you don't go soon, the rain will get heavier. Here, take some cake with you.

- It's fine, I'll wait a bit longer. Barely fifteen minutes are remaining.

Eon shook his head. Furthermore, he is watching the author post the final chapter of the novel he has been following on the internet; if Eon does not read it as soon as it is released, one or two minutes later, a swarm of people will be on the main page and discussing it, which make him feel uncomfortable.

After the hostess entered the storage room, Eon kept opening the phone and watching the novel. "Dear, my Omega," a recent flood of online books about the Omegaverse world, depicts the narrative of an Alpha and an Omega's love. To be honest, Eon is so used to all types of love affairs that Alpha and Omega are destined to be together. It was enjoyable at the start, but after reading too much, Eon became more interested in the Beta. Unlike Alpha and Omega, which have distinct features, Beta is identical to regular people. Yes, it is no different. But what's wrong with doing Beta? Can you still go with Alpha or Omega? Why is Omega always at the bottom, and always the worst? And why are all the Alphas constantly on top and get all the advantages?

The series "Dear, my Omega" that Eon is reading is nothing more than the most real confirmation of what he feels uncomfortable with. The main alpha of the series, Vega Herrart Northorn, according to Eon's commentary, is right for a junkie blindly defended. He was established as the Prince of the Northern Empire. In the blessing ceremony of the six-year-olds, Vega receives the blessings of the "God of Light Luminier" and "The God of Lightning Voltva", and Luminier is even one of the five supreme gods, so he naturally becomes crown prince. Vega is clever, wealthy, and powerful, so no one dares to criticize him, which breeds hubris and self-righteousness. It's clear how much this brat will suffer if he ascends to the throne. The other person, Lucas, is an Omega. He has no parents and belongs to the Omega class, the lowest in society at the time.

Lucas receives "The Blessing of the Devil", with a strange color of eyes and hair, so he's seen as a bad omen,

alienated by people. Well, the poor, weak Omega pattern needs an Alpha's refuge.

Following that, like in all previous Omegaverse novels Eon used to read, Vega meets Lucas, treats him as a toy, and takes him to the palace. But don't think it's all because the circumstances in Eon's follow-up are many times more miserable. The Omega male lead often has to endure the anguish of tears in a variety of ways, including being loathed by the Alpha male lead, before falling in love and living happily ever after, correct? Sorry, but it does not function with this series.

From the first to the last episode, all Lucas needs to do is cut his flesh to acquire blood, and then watch Vega use it to "heal" another male Omega, who is his mistress. Of course, the author was extremely brilliant in using words; otherwise, no one would understand how Vega looks at Lucas. Because the novel contains Lucas' rebellious passages and, sometimes, even composes outsiders to poison that male Omega, some gullible readers are doubtful that Lucas is a nasty guy and demand that the author replace the protagonist.

- But... Lucas has been portrayed in a supporting role since Vega brought Evis into the castle.

Eon gave a deep sigh. He has been following this dog-blood novel since it first came out with a few dozen chapters, thanks to Lucas. He was praying for Lucas, hoping that someone would rescue him from that jail, hoping that an Alpha would arrive and save Lucas. But today is the final chapter, and according to the present scenario, optimism turns to hopelessness. Fortunately, Lucas is still alive.

- Eon, it is too late. Aren't you heading home?

- Oh, my God, you are correct. Thank you for mentioning it.

Eon hurriedly picked up the cake box from the shopkeeper, went into the staff changing room, changed into his customary clothing, and brought the transparent umbrella with him. Before departing, Eon said farewell and walked through the rain, which was becoming heavier. The phone in Eon's jeans pocket suddenly vibrated, and the screen flashed the phrase "Dear, my Omega - The Last Chapter: A New Beginning".








"Under the rain of blood and piled-up bodies, Lucas stood in front of the demon god, holding the silver blade that Vega once gave him, pushing it into Evis' neck and bringing him step by step to the altar. If the Demon God desires a new body to reincarnate in, or if he wants to destroy the planet, he will happily make his dream come true by offering Evis to him. Lucas knelt on the cold stone pedestal, pointing the knife at Evis's chest and shouting:

- Demon God, I will offer this sacrifice to you with my own hands!


With just one sharp sound cut through the wind, Lucas' knife slipped from his grip and dropped to the ground. The blade that Vega held tightly in his hand, without knowing when, pierced into Lucas's heart which was pounding in his chest, hot blood oozing from the wound and soaking a piece of his tattered shirt. Evis escaped, immediately returned, and rushed into Vega's arms, as Lucas slowly sank into a pool of blood, taking his final breath on the cold ground.

Lucas has died, therefore the ritual is no longer effective. Evis rapidly cleansed the shapeless demon deity with the favor of the "Moon God, Lune". Vega hugged Lucas' cold body, tears streaming down his face. He whispered:

- Why...? Why did we have to reach this point...?

Five years later, the Northeus Empire welcomed its new King and Queen. Vega grasped Evis's hand and kissed him with the blessings of the Empire's people. After the ceremony, Vega brought a bouquet of white lilies and visited the tomb located in the garden behind the royal palace, where fragrant flowers and exotic grasses grew. He quietly remarked,

- We will live well, for your part too." Rest in peace, Lucas, my first love.

~The End~"









Eon cried pitifully, took out a tissue from his pocket, and blew his nose. He should not have any hope in this novel!! What is the meaning of "Why did we come to this point" and "My first love"? Vega is unworthy at all! That bastard Alpha doesn't deserve a happy ending! Eon sniffled, his tears gently dropping on the snapshot of Lucas which had downloaded on his phone. VegaEvis supporters even praised the finale, claiming Lucas deserved to perish. But why can't Eon find any comment defending Lucas but his own!? What did Lucas do wrong? It was Vega's nonsensical, half-hearted "love" that drove Lucas to that conclusion!

- Sniff... Sniff... Lucas, my dear Lucas...

Eon does not cry easily, but this is the first time he has grieved so hard for a character that passersby thought he had just been dumped by his girlfriend. But there was nowhere for Eon to express his rage; the webpage was already packed with VegaEvis fans, so Eon just gave the story a one-star rating, shut off his phone, and tucked it in his pocket.

The rain increased stronger and heavier, and each raindrop dropping on the umbrella canopy dampened Eon's mood. Neither he nor Lucas had loving parents, but he was fortunate to meet some decent individuals. What about Lucas...? Even though Eon knew the story was set up that way, Lucas is still... Until Lucas died, no one paid heed to his sentiments, and that jerk Vega even buried him in the garden inside the palace. It's no different than imprisoning Lucas in the cage, which took away his smile yet again. What a dickhead! It's so horrible!

- If it were me... If it was me...

Eon raised his face to the heavens, gazing at the white rain that covered the entire sky. Yes, if it were him, he would adore and treasure Lucas. Even if he is an Omega and is being pursued by the Demon God, Eon will always bring a smile to Lucas' face. So that's why...

- Gods, if you are real, please allow Lucas the opportunity to experience true happiness...

As soon as the request was out of his tongue, Eon opened his eyes and turned on his phone. Still, nothing has changed. Oh, how sad... He was waiting for a comment defending Lucas. Suddenly a message appeared on the screen:

"Congratulations, your request has been granted"

-What type of joke is this...?

Eon frowned. He was already furious with the ridiculous finish, and now someone took the time to write a message with no beginning or end just to pull a trick on him. Eon attempted to resend the message to discover who it was, but each time he hit submit, he received an error message and the phone number he supplied was blank as if the message had come from nowhere. Without a choice, Eon attempted to remove the funny message when a huge force from unknown sources forced him onto the road, which was steadily overflowing due to the sewers' inability to discharge rain. But instead of caressing and kissing the earth, Eon felt like he was never touching the bottom, as if he were sinking into a lake. Water entered Eon's nostrils, forcing him to choke. After that, his consciousness began to distort, and he eventually blacked out.

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