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The lost pride

The story is about a lady that has a promising future ahead but fate came in between her and her daughter dream.

Chapter 1 The parent


MOSHOOD was a hard working peasant farmer who survived on what he plough and what the little domestic animals produces. Although he is not that reach but with the little he got, he took care of his gorgeous Wife and Three beautiful kids he was bless with.

Mrs MOSHOOD (KHALISAT)Was a very beautiful young woman who manage to combine loyalty and caring. She does all it requires from a mother such as catering the children, going to the market taking of the little garden at home which they planted :African spinach, garden eggs, tomatoes and ugu leaf.

KANDE who was the first born of the family was of medium height, and had a skin like that of half-ripe palm nuts, smooth light coffee in colour. Her hair, closely cropped, fitted her skull like a hat atop a head that seemed to be thrust out of her shoulders by a Strong, long powerful neck. pretty as a picture with laughing brown eyes. People would stop and smile, bend over her pram and tickle her under the chin. Her dreamed was to be A doctor after completing her studies... Her junior ones are IBRAHIM and KAUSAR ware her play mate at home during weekend she also helps in doing their homework. Her best friend HAUWA whole they grew up together at the village and also a school mate that shares her feelings too...

She decided to reveal it to her friend because she can't face her mother with such issue in fear of not tempering with her heart disease! HAUWA advices that they should report it to school authority and also her mother but KANDE Insisted that they don't "If I talked about it I would feel it, it would be real It's weird to be telling my story. I'm only seventeen so it's not like I have a lifetime of things to say".My friend have been incredible. She has helped me, loved me and supported me the whole way.

Not too long tried all means to get back his relationship on track but all in vain because she couldn't listen to him. He then decided to send AUDU to meet HAUWA over the matter but it took time to convince her to meet KANDE. KANDE agreed to her friend plead, that since he understood he made a mistake in the past he wouldn't let it happen in the future.

KANDE reached S.S 2 and she was only 18, when she lost her virginity. Its all happen after school when Jhon pleaded with her that he has a surprise for her at home and so she told him she has to reach the market as usual inother To Help her mother out! So kneelt before her, that after seeing the surprise she maid go and he will even escort her.

She said why don't we also envite HAUWA to come along? He answered No that he too didn't envite his friends over. They stop dragging about and started walking towards the house and charting. They reached safely and found nothing One within the compound he quickly pulled out the door key from his pocket and unlocked it. The room was not that too dark because of the sun that is penetrating through the opened window, he ask her to seat on the chair beside her and give him One minutes, suddenly as he was removing his shoes his FOUR friends barged in without any excuse. She tried shouting at them for not knocking but EMANUEL pushed her on the bed as she fell down and tried to wrose up and to the door SAMUEL locke it and ISMAIL pull in the window to avoid any passby individual hearing noises. John got her hands strapped to the wall and started kissing her while he and his friends ware trying to undo their pants. Knowing what was about to happen she froze. Her whole body went numb. She couldn't move. They all raped her mercilessly After they are done, they got dressed and walked out of the room like nothing happened.they left her there thinking she just fainted and will wake up in few minutes . When they walked out the door, they took with them her pride, her security and her virginity.

Aftersomtimes, they haven't heard some movement or noice from the room, they quickly went in with fear on all their faces. They found her the way they left her she didn't move an inch now they are all paranoid thinking she was just dead and what to do next? Am idea came up to AUDU that they should run and leave the village. John by that time was more confused than them because he has cheated her and their relationship he knows even God will not let go of what he committed. Then SAMUEL brought the idea of discarding the body in the bush and pretend nothing happened and that action should be at night when everywhere is silent.

They all agreed with SAMUELs idea, they just had to wait for night hour. Miss MOSHOOD keep on pondering on what took her daughter so long to alight at the market because it's already 5:30 pm, it's almost time for closing the market and she suppose to be there since 2:00 pm. She just started to pack up and went home straight but to her surprise he just meet the younger siblings do she enquire, they said she isn't at home.

At about 6:30 pm, its time to execute their intention they get a wheelbarrow went out silently and they are lucky they didn't encounter any hurdles in their way. They discarded it at a far away place and return home to clean up the bloods stain on the floor and put back everything back to its place.

KHALISAT was terrified about her daughter not returning home after school so she first approach HAUWA house and enquire but negative do she move to the school but only made the gate man and he assured her that nobody is around. she was touched not knowing what to do next and just move back home because she left the other ones at home and can't afford to lose them all. She spent the night at the varenda stick her eyes to the door waiting for KANDE to show up and praying that nothing bad comes upon her.

The cold breeze and Birds sounds of the bush start to wake her up. As she is constantly regaining Her Strength back She had so many thoughts going through her mind. What if I tell someone and they don't believe me? Was it my fault? I thought John was my boyfriend, if he was, how could he and his friends do this to me? Not to mention the multiple feelings I had. Shame. Guilt. Anger. Fear. But most of all disbelief. How could this happen to me?

Miss MOSHOOD quickly stood up to return back to the school and report, so on her way from afar she saw a Man riding his bicycle with a girl strapped to his back and seated on the back seat coming towards her, she just folded her hands and as she wait for their arrival upon reaching where she is standing she realizes the girl has a uniform on her, as the man stops introduces himself as a hunter, so on his way back from the forest he meet her seated beside the terrain.

KANDE was taken into the house by her mom and was ask to narrate what happened she just started crying, so Khaleesat warm up a hot water and try to help her clean up but KANDE insist that she can do it herself! She spend 1 hour on the bathroom just picturing what happened to her and that she has already decided not to reveal that to anyone including her best friend. Miss MOSHOOD did all she could to get some clew about what happened but nothing she got.. She stops going to school, Over the next few days it finally sank in that it happened and she became completely oblivious to the things that were going on around her. All she wanted to do was sit in the room and listen to the radio so loud she couldn't even hear herself breathe.

"To be raped is one the most horrifying experiences, especially for an already confused 18 year old. After the rape her brain shut down. She felt numb, she felt like a shell. All her feelings the hurt, shame, anger, guilt, sadness, and confusion were all locked away".

Then she started to have the dreams-horrible frightening nightmares, vivid replays of the trauma. She couldn't handle it, she felt like she would explode.It was hard to deal with all the emotions that were overtaking me. I got very moody, and spent a lot of time in bed. Everything was so overwhelming. I had no motivation to do anything. I didn't shower, change my clothes or clean my room. I was thinking about suicide a lot. Thinking about all the years ahead of me made me panic. I had to kill myself, I didn't care if I went to hell, anything was better than the hell I was going through. I decided I would tell my parents about the rape, so they would understand a little after I was dead.something came up to her mind and She finally decided REVENGE at all cost.

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