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First Female Alpha

First Female Alpha



Aliza's Point of View "Let me go," I said as I tried to get away from him, but I couldn't because he was too strong. Catherine walked over to me with an evil smile on her face. "Why," I asked, needing to know why she would betray me the way she did. "Why would you do this to me, to my father? How could you betray us like this? My father is your mate, and you did this. You acted like you loved me, like I was your daughter, but you lied. Why?" I asked, and she laughed. "You are dumb, just like your father was. I never loved you. I did all of this to get what I wanted. I never cared about you or your father. You two were just too stupid to notice how much I hated you both," Catherine said "You are evil. How could you say you never cared about my father? He is your destined mate," I said, and she laughed. "No, he isn't," Catherine said, which shocked me. Her claws started to extend, and she pushed them through my chest and pulled out my heart. I fell to the ground, and all I saw was blackness.

Chapter 1 Second Chance

Chapter 1

Aliza's Point of View

"Come on, Kayla. We have to get out of here. We can't let them catch us," I told my best friend as we ran through the woods. Suddenly, she fell to the ground.

"Kayla," I said. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her body to help her walk. I could hear the others getting closer.

"You have to leave me, Aliza," Kayla said

"No, I am not going to leave you, Kayla," I replied

"You have to before they get to us. You know if they catch us, they will kill us both," Kayla said. I had to get her out of there. I had lost too many people already. I couldn't lose her, too.

"I am not leaving you," I replied as I helped her up again.

"There you are. Where do you think you are going?" I looked up to see my mate, Cain, the guy who betrayed me, standing there.

"Stay away from me, Cain," I said

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Cain said. Cain took a step closer to me, and I took a step back.

"You are coming back with me," Cain said as he grabbed onto me. I kicked him where the sun didn't shine, causing him to growl at me.

"You bitch," Cain growled, and he punched me in the face causing me to fall to the ground. "I am going to make you pay for that," Cain said

"Enough." I looked up and saw the person who betrayed me the most, my stepmother Catherine, smiling at me.

"You didn't think it would be that easy to get away from me."

"Stay away from me, Catherine," I growled. I tried to shift into my wolf, but I couldn't. Catherine came toward me, but Kayla shocked me by jumping on her.

"Run, Aliza," Kayla said. I watched in horror as Cain pulled Kayla off of my stepmother, and my stepmother used her extended claws to slit Kayla's throat. I stood there shocked as I looked at my best friend's lifeless body.

I looked up to see Catherine and Cain looking at me, and I started running, but I didn't get far. Cain caught up to me and grabbed me.

"Let me go. I am your mate," I said, and he laughed

"I never wanted a weak girl like you as my mate. I, Cain Smith, reject you as my mate," Cain said. I could feel a little pain but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be from being rejected by my mate but Cain fell on the ground in pain. I turned to run, but two men grabbed onto my arms and held me tightly. Catherine walked over to me with an evil smile on her face.

"Why," I asked, needing to know why she would betray me the way she did. "Why would you do this to me, to my father? How could you betray us like this? My father is your mate, and you did this. You acted like you loved me, like I was your daughter, but you lied. Why?" I asked, and she laughed.

"You are dumb, just like your father was. I never loved you. I did all of this to get what I wanted. I never cared about you or your father. You two were just too stupid to notice how much I hated you both," Catherine said

"You are evil. How could you say you never cared about my father? He is your destined mate," I said, and she laughed.

"No, he isn't," Catherine said, which shocked me. Her claws started to extend, and she pushed them through my chest and pulled out my heart. I fell to the ground, and all I saw was blackness.

I felt like I was floating. I opened my eyes and was shocked at what I saw. I was seeing my life flash before my eyes. I saw my mom in the hospital. She was holding me as a newborn baby. I saw myself as a toddler playing in my room. I saw my first day of school. I was crying because I didn't want my mom to leave me there. I was seeing every moment of my life.

I saw the first time I shifted on my eighteenth birthday and how scared I was. I saw myself arguing with my mom after she told me the truth about my father and how he was a werewolf. I saw the day we moved to my dad's pack, the White River Pack. Every memory just kept coming until the memory of my stepmother, Catherine, ripped my heart out of my chest. Then, all I could see was darkness.

Suddenly, I was in a rose garden. A gorgeous woman with long golden hair and purple eyes was sitting on a bench. "Hello, my child," The woman said

"Who are you?" I asked

"I am Selene," The lady said, shocking me.

"You are the moon goddess," I said, and she nodded. "Am I dead?" I asked

"No, My child. You are in the in-between," Selene said

"What is the in-between?" I asked, and she gestured for me to sit beside her. I walked over to the bench and sat.

"You are in between life and death," Selene said and I frowned. "I feel terrible about what happened to you. Honestly, stuff like this happens too much. I am going to give you a choice, Aliza," Selene said

"A choice," I asked confused.

"Yes, you were meant for great things, but I am going to let you choose what you want to do. You can be reborn as someone else. You will be born as a baby and live a great life. You won't remember the life you had before. I will also promise you that no one will ever hurt you. Your life will be wonderful. Or, I can send you back as yourself. You will be sent back to a time in your past and will have a chance to change your future. You will have a chance to save your family and friends, but I will warn you that in order to do that, you will have to move into your father's Pack. You cannot run away. I will not stop you from running away but know that if you do, your stepmother will win and destroy your father and his Pack. The choice is up to you," Selene said. I thought about it for a while, trying to figure out what I really wanted. I could choose to get a new life, but I would forget everyone, which meant I would forget the people I loved, like my mom. I could go back as I was and not move into the White River Pack, but Catherine would win. I couldn't let that happen, so I knew what my decision was going to be.

"I will go back as myself," I said, and Selene smiled.

"I knew you would make the right choice," Selene said

"But how am I going to save everyone? Catherine is working with a lot of strong people. My mate is on her side," I said

"You are stronger than you know, Aliza. I already told you that you were born to do great things. It is your destiny to make things better for all supernatural beings," Selene said

"How," I asked

"I am sorry, but I can't tell you. You will have to figure that out on your own, but I am going to help you," Selene said and she touched my shoulder, making me feel a lot of energy for a moment.

"What was that?" I asked

"I have awakened some of your powers. They will help you when you return," Selene replied

"Powers," I said, shocked. I had never had any powers.

"You are very special, Aliza," Selene said with a smile. "It is time for you to go back. Remember, you are meant for great things," I heard Selene say, and then all I saw was darkness.

I woke up and saw that I was in a car. I looked over and was so happy to see my mom driving while I was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Mom, you're alive."

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Sofia Jones is a seventeen-year-old human who has never met her father. Her mother is never around because she would rather spend her time at the club than with her daughter. She isn't the most popular girl in school and only has one friend, Ella. Sofia has been in love with her best friend's twin brother since middle school, but she knows they can never be together, not only because he is the most popular boy who has been bullying her since freshman year but also because he is her best friends brother. Ethan Black is the most popular boy in school. He is the Quarterback of the football team, and he can have any girl he wants, except for the one he has been in love with since the fifth grade, Sofia. She is his twin sister's best friend, but that is not the only reason he can't have her. Ethan Black is a werewolf, along with his twin sister and the rest of his family, and Sofia is a human who knows nothing about werewolves. Ethan has been bullying her since freshman year. He feels it is better to push her away than to stay close to her. He knows he will meet his Mate soon since his eighteenth birthday is coming up, but something shocking happens. He discovers that Sofia is his Mate. Now, he is determined to make Sofia his, but will he be able to do that after the way he has been treating her? How will Sofia react when she discovers werewolves and other supernatural beings exist? What happens when the Vampire King takes a liking to Sofia and wants to make her his? Who will Sofia end up with? You will have to read to find out!

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