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Her Life Of Love After The Journey Of Death

Her Life Of Love After The Journey Of Death

Starry Lotus


Betrayed by her deceitful bangle maid and killed by enemy, she got a second chance at revenge. Vowing to be ruthless towards those who threaten her, she embarks on a journey to become stronger than anyone, determined to reach the pinnacle of power. However, complications arise when a man she saved seeks her hand in marriage. What will her journey be? Will, she fall in love with him? Her love life will be happy like others or will she get more tangled with war?

Chapter 1 Death and Reincarnation

Her body was exhausted and heavy. She was tired and after some time she fainted because of tiredness. Before fainting, she saw the world was shattering like glass in front of her eyes. It was like the destruction of the world. She was falling slowly like a leaf falling from the sky.

"Would I die again? Where was the start and where will be the end? I don't know. I am so sleepy."

Such a thought came to her mind before fainting. Her eyes closed and she was falling from the air.

The beginning of the start.

In a place, some people are chasing a girl. The girl was running with all her strength. The chilling chasing was echoed in a deep forest. Her deep exhausted breath can be heard through her running.

"Stop. Stop there."

She didn't stop running. Because if she stops then they will torture her like a weak animal. They are chasing her like mad. At one point she stopped on a cliff. They came together with her.

"Now where will you go? You can't go nowhere now."

Someone said with a cold cruel sneered voice.

She was smiling to hear his talk. She looked down. When they saw her deep enigmatic smile, they were surprised.

"Are you thinking of jumping? Do you think you can?"

The other party questioned with a full of doubt.

"Is jumping so hard?"

She said with an innocent face curiously. Her voice was full of defiance.

"You think, you have any other choice? If you don't go with us, then how can we find that thing you concealed from everyone."

His voice was full of authority and creepiness. Also, his face was ugly and his eyes were filled with greed.

"Master, why are you talking with her? We can get that thing if we kill her."

Someone beside him said with a completely spiteful tone.

"Shut up. What do you know?"

He said with a voice that was full of anger and cold chillness in his eyes. The other person felt a chilling reminder to his bone like a sword was cutting his bone. So, he didn't talk anymore.

"Oh, so you all... no, no I need to ask what do you want? What thing I have?"

She asked him. Although, she was surprised her face was without any emotion. Because she knew that even if she told them the truth they won't believe her.

"Don't deny anymore. I know you have something magical. If you gave that thing to me then no one will kill you anymore."

His assurance voice was full of malicious threats.

"Do you think I will believe you? You all are the bad guys."

Her tone was full of resistance.

"But you don't have any choice. Your maid told us that you have something magical that is like divinity."

He was saying and was advancing with a face that was ugly and filled with greed.

"Who said?"

Saying that she jumped from the cliff.

"My maid told them a lie. Why did she do that? I was treating her like my own sister but she betrayed me."

She was sad and tears fell from her eyes. It felt like a backstabbing to her. How can people become so greedy that they can also harm innocent people?

"Quick go down and see where she fell. I need to see her body even if she dies."

Then they go down to the cliff. But couldn't find her.

In some unknown place, someone regains consciousness.

"I am so tired. Where am I? I remembered I jumped down from the cliff. My head is in pain. I didn't die. The cliff was so high. I am alive even after when I jumped from a high cliff? But when I got to live and didn't die, then it was good. I can revenge for myself."

When she opened her eyes, she was in another place. She was surprised but didn't know where she came.

Suddenly she felt unbearable pain in her head. Some vague memory floated in her head.

"What is this? This is not my memory?"

She said to herself.

Then she looked at herself. When she looked at herself, she saw her clothes weren't the clothes she was wearing when she jumped down from the cliff. When she noticed her hand, she was more surprised.

"Ah, hand...this is not my hand. So I am in another girl's body. Then all of this memory was this girl's memory."

She analyzed the situation and said, "So she died and I possessed her body. Ahh.. this pain again. Is this the body's girl's memory? Her name is Mo Lan. She was living with her grandfather and her grandfather is sick. So she went to the medicine store to buy some pills but she had no money. They didn't give her medicine. So she came to the mountain, but some scum people tried to force her. She has no spiritual power to defend herself so she committed suicide. She hit her head on the rock and when she died I entered her body. So god gave me a chance to revenge and now this body is mine. I will revenge for herself and take good care of her grandfather."

Then she stands up and walks forward to the forest. The moonlight night in the forest is beautiful. The more she walks, the deeper she enters the forest. But which road will she take in this forest to reach the village? After walking for some time, she got tired and wanted to rest. Suddenly she saw those who wanted to rape Mo Lan. So she thought about getting revenge. She does wonder how to kill them. Unexpectedly, she saw a little big stone a little far away from her. She silently brought the stone closer to her.

Now she looks at them. She saw there was one man less. There were five of them. She thinks about where is another man and starts looking for the man back and forth. Suddenly she saw the other man go to pee. She thought this was the chance to kill him and get revenge. She took the big stone and slowly got close to him. With that stone in her hand, she hit him hard on his head. He fell to the ground. She checks him to see if the man is alive. The man is alive. Then she hit him some more. Now the man is dead. She gets afraid to see the blood and presses her mouth. So that no sound comes out of her mouth.

"I killed someone. How can I do this?"

She said in her mind. After some time she thought about what she had done. This was the first time she killed someone in her life.

"No, no, I can't forgive them. They did the crime, so they deserve to die. It would be good if I killed these bad people. Then later I don't have to be afraid anymore."

She said in her mind.

Then she collects all of the dead man's things. After she moves away from him and hides behind a big tree. Now she notices the things she fetched from him. There's some spirit stone and a sharp dagger she got from him. Now she gets ready to kill them with the dagger in her hands.

She puts spirit stones inside her clothes. Now she is ready to kill the other four men. She saw they were drinking wine. She suddenly got an idea, if they get drunk then it will be easier to kill them.

"When I kill them, I go home to see her grandfather. I need to hurry."

She talks to herself.

Again she looks at them. They are drinking wine and talking within themselves. She wanted to hear their word so she went little forwards.

Suddenly one of them said, "We wanted to have some fun but that little girl committed suicide. Does that make sense?"

Another one said, "Whatever you say, the girl was very good-looking. She was just fourteen years old, but a rare beauty. If she didn't die, we can enjoy and later sell her to a brothel to gain some gold coin."

Hearing their talking, her anger increased to double. Now she wants to kill them all. She thinks scum people like them don't deserve to live. To think they wanted to do that to a little girl who was only fourteen years old. They are all animals.

"I will avenge you, Mo Lan. Don't worry I won't let anyone touch your body. Because this is not only your body, now it is also my body. So who wants to touch me with lecherous eyes and immorally, I will kill him or her. I won't forgive anyone. I promise."

She said in her mind furiously.

They are all drunk. So drunk they can't even stand up anymore. She thinks now is the best time to kill them.

"I won't wait anymore. You lecherous, immoral, shameless corrupted people deserve to die."

She wanted to sneak attack and kill them all. But She changes her mind in a moment. Suddenly one thought came to her mind.

"No, I won't sneak attack. I will play with them. How good play it will be?" Saying this she was walking towards them.

Seeing her one of them says to her, "Oh fairy, you came to see me. You made a good choice."

Another one says, "Yes, yes you made a good choice to come to us. We will make you happy.'


She said in her mind.

One of them said to her, come to me I will love you. Another one said, come to me I will love you more than him. They started the argument within themselves. She was happy because she wanted them to argue and fight themselves. She was thinking about when they began to fight between themselves. So she starts acting innocently, pitifully, pure and simple, naively a girl who doesn't know anything.

"I want to entertain you. But I don't want all of you to torture me. I am afraid all of you."

They say to her, "Don't be afraid we will protect you."

She says to them with an innocent look, "No, no, you don't have to do that. My mother said girls can accept only one man as their husband. But here are four of you. How can I marry four husbands? What will my mother say to me? You all say, won't she be angry that I didn't hear her."

All of them say together, "Oh, don't worry. You will marry me."

Again she says to them, "My father said you can marry a powerful man who can protect you. Who can't protect me doesn't deserve to marry me."

"I am more powerful than them. So you should marry me."

They said together.

With a pure and simple look, "How can I believe you all? I cannot marry someone who is not powerful. So you all fight with each other and whoever wins can marry me. What do all of you say?"

She told them.

"it is a good idea."

All of them said together.

They all started to fight with each other. They fight and say to each other, she will be mine. Two of them killed the other two.

"I am the winner. Now I will be with her."

The two survivors said together.

"You are not the winner. you two are still alive. You want to share your wife with another man. My father said, who shares his wife with another man he is a jerk and a bastard. I don't want to marry a bastard who shares his wife with another man."

She told them.

Hearing that, they start to fight with each other. One of the two killed another. Who survives the fight was seriously injured. She was very happy to see him getting injured.

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Her Life Of Love After The Journey Of Death

Chapter 1 Death and Reincarnation



Chapter 2 Enter The village



Chapter 3 Going home



Chapter 4 Discover the double jade space



Chapter 5 The dagger king



Chapter 6 The way of saving him



Chapter 7 Saving him



Chapter 8 Became His wife



Chapter 9 His Promise



Chapter 10 Nine elemental and true qi body



Chapter 11 Beat him



Chapter 12 The Shitted Groom



Chapter 13 Unknown guest



Chapter 14 In another city



Chapter 15 Mo Family's people



Chapter 16 Alone Again



Chapter 17 Don't follow



Chapter 18 Twin martial soul



Chapter 19 Inside of the second floor



Chapter 20 The Lotus Soul Technique



Chapter 21 The breakthrough energy pill



Chapter 22 The seven colored fruit



Chapter 23 Came out



Chapter 24 In A New City



Chapter 25 Cursed kingdom



Chapter 26 Trying to scare



Chapter 27 Assassin



Chapter 28 Pill Auction(1)



Chapter 29 Pill Auction(2)



Chapter 30 Pill Auction(3)



Chapter 31 The spirit fruit tree



Chapter 32 The dead city(1)



Chapter 33 The dead city(2)



Chapter 34 The dead city(3)



Chapter 35 Out of the dead city



Chapter 36 Inside of the Black Forest(1)



Chapter 37 Inside of the black forest(2)



Chapter 38 Black Abyss(1)



Chapter 39 Black Abyss(2)



Chapter 40 Black Abyss(3)
