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Suffering In His Hand

Suffering In His Hand

Catherine Oriel


Three black cars were chasing a taxi. The taxi driver tried to speed up despite knowing it was dangerous. Other vehicles complained about their speed due to their sudden overtakes. However, the three black cars didn't care. Their only focus was the woman inside the taxi. "ZIEYAH! STOP THAT FUCKING TAXI!!" shouted the man leading the two other black cars while firing his gun. His throat nearly burst from the intensity of his shouting. **Zieyah Nicole Luxqinne's Point of View:** I bowed my head, covering my ears from the loud gunshots. H-he really won't leave me alone! "Miss! This is too dangerous, we might get hurt! Let's just stop!" pleaded the taxi driver, who was unwittingly dragged into this mess. "N-no, sir!! He'll kill me if he catches me!! It'll be the end for me if he catches me. Please, sir! Drive faster!" I stammered and begged, tears streaming down my face along with cold sweat from fear. My voice was nearly hoarse from the terror. My whole body trembled, and I couldn't explain the feeling coursing through my entire system-fear. I was terrified of being caught by him. I could also sense the driver's fear. After all, he got involved because of me! This is my fault! Moments later, we heard another gunshot, and this time, it hit some part of the taxi, causing it to swerve. "They shot the tire!" shouted the driver, desperately trying to brake. The taxi spun around, and I clung tightly to the side of the car. The noise of the car tires skidding was deafening as the driver tried to bring the car to a halt.

Chapter 1 Never can escape

Chapter 1

"They shot the tire!" shouted the driver, desperately trying to brake. The taxi spun around, and I clung to the side of the car. The screeching sound of the tires was deafening as the driver struggled to stop. Finally, the car came to a halt, and the driver breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"W-we can't stop here!"

"T-thank you, sir!" I said, tears in my eyes, as I quickly handed him five thousand pesos and hurriedly opened the door to run.

I need to get away!

As I got out, Khairro's car stopped, followed by two more black cars with his men. I kept running, not wasting any time.

But before I could get far, he violently grabbed my arm.

"Bullshìt, Zeiyah! Do you think you can escape from me, huh?!" he yelled, his jaw clenching as the veins in his neck bulged. His grip on my arm tightened painfully, almost breaking the bone.

"It hurts! Khairro!" I cried, my voice hoarse and tears streaming down my face, trying to free my arm from his grasp.

"Get in!" he commanded coldly, his sharp, icy gaze piercing through me as he dragged me into his car.

He's Khairro Justin De Jeon, a damn motherfucker crazy! Psychopath! Abusive man! I don't want to be with him anymore!

"K-Khairro!" I screamed as he threw me to the floor of my room, causing me to land heavily while clutching my now red and aching arm from his earlier grip.

"How many times do I need to tell you that you'll never escape from me?!"

"No matter how many times you try, you never can escape from me," he shouted, his gray eyes glaring coldly at me.

I sat on the floor, trembling and bowing my head in fear as tears welled up in my eyes.

Never escape from him? Is this really my fate? No matter how many times I tried, I can never escape! He always finds me before I get halfway! What chance do I have against this man? An influential and wealthy man with countless connections to other powerful and wealthy people, even the president of the country is close to him. It's not surprising that even politicians and high-ranking officials support him despite his illegal transactions. Who wouldn't side with a man like him? A rich man chased by women and known internationally, with his company ranking first in the Philippines and other companies in different countries. He's a De Jeon, a name synonymous with business success.

They never saw the bad side of this man. Killing is normal for him. I've seen him kill repeatedly, so I know. Yes, I know he can kill me if he gets tired of me.

Why me? Why do I have to suffer for my parents' sins? Why did they leave their sins to me?! Why didn't they take them to hell with them?! Khairro is furious and punishes me because my parents killed his parents. And he killed my parents and took me to punish me. I hate mommy and daddy! If they hadn't done that, I wouldn't be suffering like this! I could be studying and living a peaceful life if they hadn't resorted to violence!

He remained silent for a few minutes, seemingly thinking of a suitable punishment for my repeated escape attempts.

"You know what, Zeiyah," he said, sitting down to level with me on the floor, placing the barrel of his gun under my chin to lift my face toward him.

"I'm getting tired of you," he said, his voice dripping with danger and death, doubling my fear and making my tears flow.

"What if I shoot you right now and end it all?" he smirked menacingly.

"P-please... " I cried, trembling uncontrollably, as if struck by lightning.

"Oh, look, you're trembling. After all these years of tormenting you, you're still scared to death, huh?" he laughed, his finger ready to pull the trigger while grinning.

"Please! P-please, Khairro! I'll do anything, just please, I'm begging you, d-don't kill me..." my voice grew weaker, my tears flowing like a waterfall. After saying those words, he smirked, as if waiting for me to say that.

"You'll do anything, huh? You always do the opposite of what I want, and now you're ready to do anything?" he taunted.

"Y-yes," I replied weakly.

"That sounds interesting," he said, standing up while staring at me.

"Stand up and undress yourself in front of me, right now," he ordered, causing my eyes to widen and my fear to intensify.

He sat on a single-seater sofa, crossing his legs while holding his gun.

"Go on, Zeiyah, undress yourself," he repeated, excited as if watching a movie.

He's truly insane! U-undress m-myself in front of this devil? Fuck it! I-I can't do that!

"Zeiyah oh Zeiyah... what are you waiting for? Christmas? Undress!" I panicked as he pointed his gun at me again.

"Zieyah oh Zieyah...., what are you waiting for? Christmas? Undress your self!" I panicked as he pointed his gun at me again.

Even though I didn't want to, I had no choice because he would surely kill me.

With trembling hands, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and slowly lifted it to take it off. As I did so, I could see his mocking grin, clearly enjoying the show.

Next, I slowly lowered my grey pajama pants to remove them, tears streaming down my cheeks as I shook.

After removing my shirt and pajamas, I stopped and just stood there, covering myself with my hands.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked in a cold voice, sounding frustrated.

"I-I'm done..." I stuttered.

"It's not done. Do you know what the word means? Also, your undies-remove them all!" he said with a baritone and husky voice, and lust in his dark grey eyes.

I had no choice but to obey his commands, as the gun remained pointed at me.

I closed my eyes tightly and bit my lower lip to stop my sobbing. I couldn't take it anymore.

Slowly, I unhooked my bra and removed it, followed by my panties.

"Oh damn," he said in a husky voice, covering his mouth and laughing.

He was literally crazy.

"Zieyah.... I didn't know you had such a good body. Fuck," he said, sounding deranged.

"Your waistline...." he said, gazing intently at my waist.

"Big boobs...." he looked at my breasts with lust.

"White skin...." he stared at my skin.

"And your...." his gaze slowly moved downwards.

"Oh.... those scars on your precious body. Did I make those?" he said, almost regretfully.

This man-I really couldn't understand what was going on in his mind. He was too playful.

"Do you mind if I make you my slave? At least I could find some use for you."

Khairro Justin De Jeon POV

Damn, I didn't know this woman had such a beautiful body.

She made me hard right now.

She's just standing naked in front of me, trembling. I know she's scared.

I initially planned to kill her right after her parents, but I wanted her to suffer at my hands first instead of just living a luxurious life. But then, I lost my patience with her repeated escapes. I'm ready to kill her now, but before I do, I'll bring her to heaven using my manhood before my gun.

"Come here, Zieyah," I said huskily while tapping my lap, signaling her to sit on it.

But she just stared at me, trembling. Tsk.

"I said come, Zieyah. Don't make me wait," I said in my cold baritone voice.

She immediately became alert and slowly sat on my lap.

Damn, as soon as she sat down, she tensed up. I knew she felt my hard snake.

Fuck... her warm butt...

I brushed her hair to one side and kissed her neck. I felt her surprise and her body trembled even more.

I licked her neck and sucked it. I heard her little moan as she tried to stay silent. As I finished putting some hickeys, my hand slowly moved up to her breasts.

But before I could touch them, she immediately stood up and moved slightly away from me.

"The fuck, Zieyah?!" I shouted, clenching my jaw, and glared at her with frustration.

Damn, my snake is not satisfied. He wants to come inside, in and out, fast and deep.

Damn. I'm really full of lust right now! I can't control it.

"Give yourself to me," I said, staring at her sharply, losing my patience.

"No... Khairro, no! I can't do it!" she said softly, her voice trembling, as she covered her chest with her hands and pressed her thighs together to hide her sensitive parts.

"You can't? Then I'll do it for you." I said with a cold baritone voice, picking her up in a bridal style and placing her on a soft bed.

Zieyah Nicole Luxqinne POV:

As soon as he laid me on the bed, he immediately climbed on top of me and kissed me harshly.

No!! I don't want this! He doesn't even have any pity for me!! After all the torment, now this humiliation?!

"Khairo, stop!" I tried to push him away, but he was too strong.

He bit my lip slightly to part it and immediately slipped his tongue into my mouth.

His tongue explored my mouth, and as soon as it touched mine, he sucked it.

I couldn't breathe!

All I could hear in the room were the sounds of his lewd kisses.

When our lips parted, our saliva stretched between us. My mouth was open, gasping for air.

I didn't realize he was already unbuttoning his shirt. When he completely removed it, he took his necktie and kissed me again. At the same time, he took my hands, tied them above my head with his necktie.

I couldn't do anything; I was tied up. I couldn't fight back against him. He was strong, and I was weak. He was a man, and I was just a woman. I couldn't defend myself against him.

I was still crying as he inserted his manhood into me. It hurt. It hurt a lot!

"Shh... Damn, baby, you're so tight."

"Fuck, it's hard to get in," he said, struggling to enter me.

"Khairo! No! It hurts! Khairro!" I cried, but it seemed like he didn't hear me and continued what he was doing.

"Damn, baby... I know it hurts... shh."

"Fuck. This is your fault, baby... You didn't even let your finger enter it," he said deliriously and finally thrust into me completely.

It was painful!

I continued crying while he enjoyed every thrust into my womanhood. He looked up, savoring every in-and-out movement inside me.

From below, I could see the sweat dripping from his neck, with his Adam's apple and a few veins showing. He looked hot.

His thrusts became faster and faster until he finally climaxed. I thought it was over.

"One more, baby," he said lustfully and continued, but my body couldn't take it anymore, and I fell asleep even though I could still feel him thrusting.

"Stupid. You feel so good," I heard before my eyes closed.

To Be Continued...

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