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Unexpectedly Yours

Unexpectedly Yours



Rhyz, a 17 year old girl, was going to start studying in a new school in a new city because of her parents job. Jace, an 18 year old boy, the quiet and nerdy but considered as a hearthrob of the school will notice her. Will Rhyz have her last year of highschool memorable or will it end up as a memory to forget?

Chapter 1 Sparks

It was the first day of school. Rhyz timidly enter the school grounds looking around on where to go. She stares at her schedule searching for her classroom. Finally, she arrived at her soon to be classroom. She stares at the door when suddenly someone approach the door.

"Aren't you coming in?"

Rhyz looked up and saw a tall, hadsome guy with glasses on.

"Ohh, yeah. " Rhyz replied and followed the guy who just went inside the classroom.

The class suddenly became quiet and stare at them as they both enter the classroom.

"Who is that girl?"

"Why is she with Jace?"

"Is that a newbie?

The questions started soon as the door was close. Rhyz looked around on where she could sit down and found an empty seat in the back. She shyly walked towards the empty seat and sat down quietly.

Soon the teacher arrives and saw Rhyz.

"It seems like we got a new student here, can you please come here in the front to introduce yourself." the teacher said to Rhyz.

Rhyz timidly stand up and walk in the front of the class.

"Hi, I'm Rhyz Gomez. Seventeen. Nice to meet you." Rhyz was looking down all the time while she was speaking. Her face flushed red from shyness.

Jace was staring at her she speaks and many of their classmates notice that.

"Okay, Miss Gomez here is a little bit shy. I hope all of you can be good to her. You may take your seat now." The teacher said and Rhyz immediately went back to her seat.

The class starts and ended soon. Rhyz remained seated while everyone was starting to walk out to go to the canteen. Jace walk towards her.

"Hey, let's go." Jace told her

"Uhm. Me?" Rhyz asked pointing at herself

"Yeah, By the way, I'm Jace." Jace offered his hand to Rhyz.

"Oh, I'm Rhyz." Rhyz take his hand then smile showing her dimples.

"Le-Lets go?" Jace said taken aback at her cuteness.

"Thank you." Rhyz stood up and the both walk outside the classroom to go to the canteen.

As they were walking outside the students were looking at them, murmuring. They soon arrive at the canteen. They both stand in line.

"What would you like to eat?" Jace asked Rhyz. He was surprised to see her staring back at her.

She smile again showing her dimples.

"Uhm, a sandwich is all good. How much is it?" Rhyz asked Jace.

"Dont worry about it." Jace replied then turn around to order their food.

"But---" Rhyz was about to protest.

"No buts." Jace cut her off then smile at her.

Rhyz blush so she immediately look down to hide it.

"Hey, Let's sit there." Jace said as he walked towards the seats.

Rhyz followed with her head still looking down so she bumped on Jace's back.

"Aww!" Jace reacts as he felt the impact of Rhyz's head on his back.

"So-Sorry.." Rhyz said as she touch Jace's back then starts stroking it as if it will make the pain go away.

"Its fine. Are you okay?" Jace asked trying not to

smile when he saw how red Rhyz cheeks is.

"Yeah..wh-why?" Rhyz ask confused

"Yo-Your face..haha hahaha!" Jace can't help it so he starts laughing

"What? What's with my face?" Rhyz starts wiping her face with a tissue.

"Stop that, you're making it more red than it was..haha haha!" Jace said trying to stifle his laughter.

"Jace!!!" Rhyz said pouting her lips.

"Okay okay, i'll stop. Let's eat?" Jace give her the sandwich and a bottle of juice.

"Thank you. Uhm Jace?" Rhyz said while looking at Jace who is busy munching his own sandwich and drinking juice.

"Yeah?" Jace asked. His mouth full of food.

"Why did you ask me to come with you here? You dont know me that much yet." Rhyz asked

"I want to be your friend." Jace said without any doubts. "And maybe more than that" Jace whispers.

"Huh? Uhm, ofcourse we can be friends. Thank you. I really dont know what to do. We were new in this city so I really dont know anyone." Rhyz replied slightly confused for not hearing what you said clearly.

"I can tell you anything you need to know about this city. Dont hesitate to ask me okay?" Jace said as he stared at Rhyz

"Thank you so much really." Rhyz said smiling

"I forgot, what's your number?" Jace asked

"Oh yes, here" Rhyz showed her phone to Jace

They exchanged numbers and then finished their food. As they walk back to the classroom they heard someone calling Jace.

"Jace!!!! Jace!!!! Wait up!!

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