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The saucy Billionaire lover

The saucy Billionaire lover

kara medina


Florence who was the only child of her parents grew up becoming a writer and has the determination of working for her money and not depending on her parents wealth. She was left with the fate of choosing a life partner for herself, Someone who will love her not because of the wealth of her parents but for her personality. After being maltreated by other guys who claim to love her just be because of her parents wealth. She was pressured by her mother to get married to Mr Charles son who happens to be Alex father. Alex who is the only child of his parents came into the picture. He depend on the wealth of his parents to live his life and he also believes that money can buy Love which made him finds it difficult to be in a relationship. Alex parent and Florence parent signed a contact marriage to enhance their business agreement but Alex misuse the opportunity by maltreating Florence and not showing any regards towards her. Stanley who happens to be Alex cousin, who is known as the young hardworking billionaire, He never depends on his parents wealth he decides to make his own wealth. He met Florence accidentally at the CEO conference meeting and their friendship leads to relationship that triggers Alex to wage war against Stanley his cousin. Florence find it difficult to believe Alex and Stanley were cousin. It was the moment she was left to make the right decision for her self. her friend Helena who has always been there for her to lean on advice her to pick love over money.

Chapter 1 Florence

" You like it or not you're getting married in the next two months Florence". The thought alone was depressing, why does my day have to start with this reminder, I felt like disappearing from this moment.

I knew this would come up this morning, I wanted some peace away from my mom and her quest to get me married. What response will I give to her that won't trigger her anger? Because she's insisting on me getting married next month, she doesn't want to know how I will go about it.

Looking up and seeing her face so furious at me, I bowed my head thinking of my reply to her.

"But Mum how is that possible? Using my solemn voice not to get her annoyed because she was so furious at this state because I've always tried to ignore her whenever she brought up the marriage topic.

Mum, you know love is not something you force, it is a feeling that comes naturally and you know I've tried my best to get a good man for myself but they are all after my money, not the love.

I know, and that is why I want you to get married to Mr Charle's son who has been asking you to marry him. He is a very gentle, respectful young man. My mom tried to make me marry someone I didn't want. But I know she will always win an argument because I want to make her happy but I still tried convincing her.

" No mum" I exclaimed with frustration, looking so bitter.

This man doesn't even love me he just wants to get into your business that's all. So he is trying to use you as one of his instruments to get to me mum please I don't love him don't make me marry him.

My dear, Rome wasn't built in a day, and so is love.

Love will grow when you start getting to know him, you will love him when you decide to give him a chance. My mother convinced me that night to provide Mr with Charle's son "Alex" a chance to fall in love with him. but I was not at peace with this suggestion at all.

"Okay mum I will try" At least it will get her to stop bothering me about Alex

I couldn't hold back the tears from rolling down my eyes, I could imagine the horrible life awaiting me, a marriage without love.

With the little I know about Alex. He has no regard for women, He thinks money can buy everything including "Love"

where on earth did my mum come across him?

My mind was so occupied with a lot of questions and memories of my last toxic relationship, which I refused to let my mum know about. My ex treated me like a queen. He was everything I wanted in a man but I was too blind to realize that he'd been putting on an act, all of a sudden he started drinking, being abusive, threatening me, and asking for money. I stayed with him, hoping he would change his ways until The relationship was unbearable, and I decided to end it.

Now, my mom is planning on getting me married because girls are meant to get married at an early age but that was the ancient days, and not this generation.

I'm an independent woman who has everything I ever wished for, I don't need a man especially one who has no regard for love.

'I just wish I could get a man who will love me for who I am and not because of my money'......


I should be done with this article by 10 am so I can get to the mall to get my provisions...

I heard the doorbell ring, and I had to rush down to check if it was my order that got delivered but to my surprise, I met the beautiful Helena with Her flowered purple dress sparkling and blending with her skin color.

I've known Helena for the past 7 years. she's 5 feet tall and has a a hairy body and very dark hair that makes her look more beautiful Her eyes look charming. Helena has been officially my friend for the past 5 years now and she's someone I can confide in and I trust her with all my heart.

Oh, Baby girl!!

"But you didn't give me a call before coming girlie"

" Yes I was bored and I felt I should pay you a visit," said Helena.

Oh, I see you came at the right time let's go inside.


Helena, I'm bothered about this marriage issue coming up from my mum as a demand to get married to Alex the billionaire's son we all know as the rude guy.

'I think you should explain some things to your mum about how you feel about him maybe that will convince her' said Helena"

Helena, I've done everything to let her know that I'm not interested in this guy but she wouldn't listen to me instead she's after the growth and the connection of her business, trying to put my marriage as her priority. I just feel like giving up everything I'm tired (crying)...

Helena's soft words rang in my ear; I can understand how you will feel don't worry we are in this together, if that's what your mum insisted let's give it a try.

What?? I interrupted her with my eyes wide open and the disappointed look I put on immediately. I should give that rude guy a try in my life. Do you know how my heart has been shattered by men who didn't deceive me, and knowing they were after my money?

Helena no Way!!! I shouted with uncontrollable tears on my face.

Calm down, baby girl. I understand what you've been saying. Yes!! I know your past heartbreaks from guys have caused you a lot. but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give love a chance dear. like I said earlier let's give it a try maybe that's not his real character let's give it a try. Is just that you won't give all your hundred percent love to him yet for us to keep an eye on him that's All.

The Idea brought a little peace in me... Helena raised my head

"What we are afraid of most times are scared of us" Try to face your challenges and you will win... Those words sink and resonate with my spirit to go for her decision. And also seeing Helena's face of determination strengthened me more, So I nodded that we should do it.

Helena knew I needed a tight hug to relieve me from the depression since last night so she gave it to me and she made me feel I was in a safe hand.

"Do you have a plan on going out today?" she asked.

" Yes, I have" I'm planning to go to the mall at the city entrance to get my provisions for the next trip with my company.

"You're going with me," I said excitedly

Helena doesn't enjoy going out or spending time out there with people. maybe because she's used to staying indoors most of the time I guess. you can only see her coming to my house or staying at home working Because she's been promoted to the stage of working at home for the past two years now.

You didn't even ask if I'm going or not you naughty girl.....

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