Please I no longer want to publish on this platform
Please I am no longer interested in applying for a contract on this platform and at such, I want to delete my book from this platform. Please whoever can be of assistance should please help me out as every attempt I have made to try and remove my book from this platform has been thwarted
Please I am no longer interested in applying for a contract on this platform and at such, I want to delete my book from this platform. Please whoever can be of assistance should please help me out as every attempt I have made to try and remove my book from this platform has been thwarted
Please I am no longer interested in applying for a contract on this platform and at such, I want to delete my book from this platform. Please whoever can be of assistance should please help me out as every attempt I have made to try and remove my book from this platform has been thwarted
Please I am no longer interested in applying for a contract on this platform and at such, I want to delete my book from this platform. Please whoever can be of assistance should please help me out as every attempt I have made to try and remove my book from this platform has been thwarted
Please I am no longer interested in applying for a contract on this platform and at such, I want to delete my book from this platform. Please whoever can be of assistance should please help me out as every attempt I have made to try and remove my book from this platform has been thwarted