Eleanor had no idea that crossing paths with Gannon Starks the popular CEO who would turn out to be her mate was about to make her life take a huge turn, changing who she thought she was and giving her a new set of responsibilities. Was she going to accept her true self and responsibilities or run away from them?
"Is this how you ladies act? You stalk wealthy men so you can leech off them?" The man in front of me yelled drawing the attention of those in the restaurant to us.
"Sir, I think you are misunderstanding me. What are you talking about? I don't under...."
"Save your lies, I don't want to hear them." His lips drew back in a snarl his cold voice cutting me off.
What a great day! I sighed trying to keep my cool as I peered at him. His eyes were filled with contempt as they looked down at me.
I had to be polite to this rude customer regardless, it was the reason why I hated the saying customers are always right. I took a deep breath still staring at him, he had hazel eyes, which were charming but fierce as well, there was something enticing about those eyes, they could make someone get lost in them. That wasn't his only noticeable feature, he had full dark beautiful brows, a straight nose that highlighted his face and luscious pink lips. His black shiny hair fell on his shoulders, he was very tall probably 6ft3. Scolding myself mentally for drooling over him, I reminded myself that even though the man was enticing he was this good looking but his character was the total opposite, repulsive.
"Wow, I thought you were just a stalker but you are way more than that, are you this desperate? I don't do your type, you are not my type." The man mumbled his lips curling up in disgust as his eyes crinkled.
"I have only come to take your order, sir, what would you like to have?" I asked again ignoring his cruel words.
"You!" The man answered staring at me. His response made me cock my head to look at him.
I couldn't help but wonder if this man only had a bad attitude or if he had lost his mind as well. I curled my fist in a ball and nibbled on my lower lip trying my very best not to lose the last bit of patience I had left in me.
"Excuse me! Are you out of your mind, what do you think? That every lady you see is interested in you or your money. I'm sure no lady will want a man with such a dirty attitude." I snapped the moment I lost every bit of patience left in me. I watched as the man's eyes widened and surprise crossed his face.
"Don't you dare talk to me in that tone, I wonder who the hell employed someone as rude as you are to be a waiter. And do not act like all I said wasn't the truth. I know you want to warm my bed, isn't that what you want? I'm giving you a chance, and you are acting this way or is it because I said it in front of all these people? Tell me how much do you want?" He smirked, his eyes scanning my face.
"You are an idiot, you lack common sense and I think you should use that money to get yourself a brain replacement and some manners!" I fired back, my fist clenched tightly, anger coursing through every one of my veins.
"Eleanor, is that the way to speak to a customer?" I heard Mr Frank's voice making me shift my gaze from the man. Mr Frank was the manager of the restaurant, he was now standing beside me. He must have heard the commotion going on and decided to come see what was happening and I was glad he did.
"I'm sorry Sir, but I just couldn't take it anymore. This man right here lacks manners," I stated.
"Eleanor, have you forgotten the rules? Never be rude to a customer, they are always right remember?" He said fixing his eyes on me, his lips pressed together, and he shook his head in disappointment.
"You need to teach your workers how to behave with customers. She is rude!" The man whose name I didn't know spoke. I returned my gaze to him, I hated the sound of his voice, it made my ears ache.
"I'm sorry Eleanor but this man right here is reputable, you are fired! I can't risk letting you treat any more of our customers this way." Mr Frank uttered.
"Fired..." I stuttered unable to believe my ears. I became speechless her eyelid blinking rapidly as she tried to process what I had just heard, it was barely three months since I started working here and now I was getting fired all thanks to this arrogant man who had an ego twice his size.
"Don't worry, I'll pay you your full salary since only five days are left before the end of the month, also you've been a great worker here, I'm sad it has to end this way," Mr Frank said to me before turning his attention to the Man.
"I'm sorry sir, I hope you don't hold this against us." Mr Frank let out putting on a small smile, the man nodded before taking his seat.
I glared at the man expecting to see guilt or remorse but there was none, his face held no expression. I shook her head in annoyance before walking away and headed to the worker quarters.
Getting there, I untied my apron and took it off. Picked up my jacket which was on the chair and slipped it on, and then reached for my sling bag which was lying on the table, when I was sure I had all of my things, I made to leave but heard someone call my name, I turned and it was Aria one of my coworkers.
"Where are you going? Is there a problem?" Aria asked approaching me.
"Well, I got fired so I have to leave." I let out, a pronounced sigh escaped my lips.
"Fired! Why?" Aria asked her eyes narrowed and she cocked her head.
Eleanor sighed, " Well I had to deal with a rude customer and I just lost it," she answered biting the inside of my cheek.
"I'm sorry, the customer must have crossed all limits I guess, you are not the type to be rude, I can talk to the manager he might reconsider his decision," Aria mumbled placing her hand on my shoulder. Her eyes moistened and she pouted, I knew she was unhappy that I was leaving, we had become close since I started to work in the restaurant, Aria who was much older treated me like her daughter.
"It's fine, I'll miss you," I smiled hugging her, I was trying to lighten up the mood after seeing the expression on Aria's face.
"Me too, take care of yourself," Aria smiled after we disengaged the hug.
"Finally you are leaving, at least now we know who the rude one is," Kathryn mocked. She had always hated me ever since I started to work at the restaurant. I huffed turning to face her.
Kathryn was always picking up fights for the silliest reasons and no one was spared from her hostility. Kathryn was always on the go to sabotage me. She was always grumpy and impolite to coworkers but it was really surprising that she got along with customers, she was like a chameleon.
"Come on Kathryn, can't you be nice for once?" Aria cautioned crossing her arms.
Kathryn glared at Aria before shifting her to me, she gazed at me intensely her mouth curling up with dislike. She rolled her eyes before bursting into laughter.
"I thought you were the best worker, the manager's favourite or did that change so quickly, I pity you." She chortled before she continued. "I lied, I don't pity you, you deserve this you've always acted like you own the place, I guess now you know where you belong." She snickered before walking off.
Aria turned to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. " You shouldn't take her words to heart, I wish she could learn to be nice."
I chuckled lightly and bobbed my head," You are right, and I didn't take any of those things she said seriously. I'd heard that a thousand times so it's like music in my ears, bad music actually." I shrugged which made Aria laugh.
I said my goodbyes to the rest of the workers before leaving the premises. I got home about thirty minutes later since I had to wait for the bus to arrive. Getting home, I met Peyton seated on the couch.
"Hey Peyton, you are home. I thought I wouldn't find anyone home, " I mumbled.
Peyton tilted her head to look at me, she hissed rolling her eyes at me.
"Why are you home by this time of the day? Shouldn't you be at the restaurant working?" She asked.
"I got fired," I told her plopping on the couch.
"Huh, you are kidding right?" Peyton exclaimed not taking her gaze off me.
"No, I'm not. And why are you acting like you care," I arched my brows in confusion. I knew very well that my cousin Peyton didn't give a damn about me except she had something to gain from it.
"You know what mom is going to do when she finds out that you got fired," Peyton mocked shaking her head.
"Just leave me be girl, you've never had a job ever since you graduated college and yet no one has bugged you about it," I retorted. Peyton's brows furrowed into a frown, she wasn't expecting me to say that to her but I had to. Since Peyton graduated from college, she never thought it was necessary to get a job since her mom provided all she needed, and her group of friends were super-wealthy and had open hands so she leeched off them.
"Don't say that to me, I'm sure you know no one is going to cater for you right, you are an adult." Peyton shrugged, she opened the box of pizza which was beside her, picked a slice and munched on it.
"Umm, yummy!" She muttered burping loudly.
"Eww girl, that's rude." I scowled covering my nose with her hands.
"Whatever!" Peyton shrugged and continued to chew noisily while glancing at me, that moment I knew she was doing all of that just to spite me.
"You want some?" Peyton asked stretching the half-bitten slice of pizza which was in her hand to me.
Just then the door creaked open and Nova walked in.
"Hey girl, how are you?" I smiled straightening myself from the couch and hugged her.
We got seated after disengaging the hug.
"I'm good, I had to go to the restaurant they told me you left because you were fired. You deserve a much better job than that, it is their loss after all." Nova grinned. When her gaze darted to Peyton her countenance changed, her eyes darkened, and her skin stretched into a snarl.
"Didn't see you there Peyton," she jibed.
Peyton chuckled rolling her eyes," Like I care." Seeing the tense atmosphere, I knew I had to intervene before it escalated into a fight since the two had a dislike for each other.
"I'm glad you brought pizza, I'm famished. I was almost tempted to take some pizza from Peyton when she offered me," she yawned.
"What, I'm sure the pizza must have been infested with her no joy only trouble syndrome." Nova joked turning to me, I was trying so hard to stop herself from bursting Into laughter.
Peyton scoffed gawking at both of us then she burst out into hysterical laughter," So funny! Hahaha!"
"Did you really think I was offering you pizza? Never! Go work for yours!" She snapped.
Nova moved her gaze to Peyton, she folded her arms across her chest grimacing at her. " Just like you worked for yours on a man's bed right? Well, Eleanor isn't that type."
Peyton's eyes widened, and she bit her lips glancing away in embarrassment, she seemed to have lost words but when she finally regained composure, she forced a burst of laughter. " You'll pay for this insult," she threatened with her visage contorting in anger before storming out of the living room.
Chapter 1 Encountering The Arrogant Jerk
Chapter 2 Seeing Him Again
Chapter 3 Not Again
Chapter 4 Forgiving Him
Chapter 5 The Kiss
Chapter 6 Crazy Offer!
Chapter 7 No Kisses!
Chapter 8 Gifts!
Chapter 9 Crazy Ex!
Chapter 10 Be My Personal Manager!
Chapter 11 Visiting His Family!
Chapter 12 Fake!
Chapter 13 True Nature
Chapter 14 Ex Problems!
Chapter 15 A Gift!
Chapter 16 New Stylist!
Chapter 17 Not What It Looks Like!
Chapter 18 Meeting His Bestfriend!
Chapter 19 Cramps!
Chapter 20 Lost Cause!
Chapter 21 Not The Usual
Chapter 22 Representing Him
Chapter 23 Peyton
Other books by Ava John