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I turn thriller games into Education Simulation!

I turn thriller games into Education Simulation!



"Yesterday, in the latest round of the chilling game, the player known as 'Gin' completed 10 D-level tasks and 2 C-level tasks, performing beyond expectations to finish the game and earned three 'horror-class' ghost entities. Promptly recognized by the nation, he was recruited as an official Spirit Master." "As the global horror game phenomenon marks its second anniversary, this player from Country C becomes the 13th person to finish the game and be directly employed by the government as a first-class Spirit Master..." Inside the stuffy school bus, Richard, with his eyes closed, listened to the radio news with a hint of impatience, "Can we turn that off?" No one paid him any attention.

Chapter 1 Thrill Ride - Bus Plunges into the River!

"Yesterday, in the latest round of the chilling game, the player known as 'Gin' completed 10 D-level tasks and 2 C-level tasks, performing beyond expectations to finish the game and earned three 'horror-class' ghost entities. Promptly recognized by the nation, he was recruited as an official Spirit Master."

"As the global horror game phenomenon marks its second anniversary, this player from Country C becomes the 13th person to finish the game and be directly employed by the government as a first-class Spirit Master..."

Inside the stuffy school bus, Richard, with his eyes closed, listened to the radio news with a hint of impatience, "Can we turn that off?"

No one paid him any attention.

The bus was buzzing with his classmates' chatter, nearly all of it focused on the news story.

"I'm so jealous of those guys. How did they complete those tasks in such a terrifying setting? If it were me, I'd be shaking too hard to even stand."

"They're psychos with ironclad wills, motivated only by the rewards, sacrificing life for money. We can't even compare to them."

"It'll be our turn soon, right? Once we turn 18, we have to enter the horror game at least once. Just thinking about it is terrifying."

"What's there to be scared of? Last year, a newbie turned 18, tackled three F-class characters, snagged some rewards, and afterwards, tycoons tripped over themselves to buy them. Heard he made a billion and is set for life!"

"Let's make an effort; maybe we won't have worries in our next life either," said a student, his voice bubbling with excitement.

"Idiot, with that attitude, don't plan on returning alive!"

"That horror game round, over fifty students entered, but just over twenty returned alive, and more than ten developed heart conditions from the shock."

"The only one who got a reward just hit the jackpot with the easiest task."

"For first-timers,"

"Just focus on making it back alive-that's the best you can hope for," said a boy with a center-parted hairstyle leaning against the window, his voice cold and detached.

His words sent a chill through many of the students.

The counselor hurried to reassure them: "Don't be scared. Last year, the death rate was indeed high, but now, with government intervention, the difficulty of the horror game has been reduced."

"Especially for first-timers, there's a protection mechanism in place. Once you meet that condition, even if you die in the game, you'll safely return to the real world."

This information put the students somewhat at ease.

That did seem the case.

Last month, two batches of newbies made their first entry into the game, and most of them returned alive.

And a few even completed their tasks!

But still,

There were casualties.

"Richard, after this trip, let's find some time to sign up," said a studious-looking guy with glasses.

Simon could very well be Richard's only close buddy, a classmate with a minimal presence.

Signing up online for the horror game.

It's different from being sent in there against your will.

In the former case, under government supervision, you get a protective mechanism. Hit that, and even if you get killed by a ghost in the game, you come back to life in reality.

It's more like a disqualification.

For the latter, the word 'forced' says it all.

Those sent in under duress get no state protection, and whether you're a newbie or a veteran, everyone's treated equally.

To put it simply,

A bronze-level player could find themselves in a champions' match!

"No rush, I'll sign up with you once I sort some things out," Richard yawned.

"Are you talking about the thing with your parents? Any leads?" Simon asked.

Richard nodded.

A year ago, his parents vanished without a trace.

Richard suspected they were forced into the horror game.

But the police found no evidence of their participation in any such game.

Throughout the year, as Richard sought the truth, his studies took a back seat.

Had it not been for his older sister's insistence, he would have dropped out of school by now.

A year without a single lead had left Richard cold.

Even if his parents had entered the horror game, not appearing for a year likely meant...

Worried Richard might unravel if he kept investigating, Simon had enlisted them on a tour, hoping a change of scenery would help.

Distracted, Richard failed to notice the strange look on Simon's face after he spoke...


Just then, the school bus veered from the path, nearly crashing into the roadside barrier, but the driver managed to steer it back just in time.

Everyone was startled, and a couple of students were thrown to the floor.

"Driver, what happened?" students cried out in alarm.

Clutching his chest, the driver offered a weak smile, "Just a sudden pain in the heart."

No sooner had he spoken than he coughed up blood and collapsed onto the steering wheel.

Before anyone could react, the bus deviated from the path again, smashed through the concrete barrier, and plunged from the elevated highway into the river below...

On the bridge, onlookers were stunned.

"Hello, 110, there's been an accident on Jinzhou Bridge. A bus has fallen into the river!"

People crowded the bridge and riverside, frantically making calls.

There were dozens of lives at stake inside that bus!

Rescue teams arrived quickly, diving into the river to save people and retrieve the vehicle.

The bus was hauled out of the water by a crane but, mysteriously, not a single person was found inside.

While boats scoured the river for ages and nets were cast for hours, only the bodies of the driver and counselor were recovered.

The 45 students on the bus had all vanished without a trace!


In another world...

The stench of blood and decay filled their noses as Richard and his classmates groggily woke to find themselves in a confined room.

"Welcome all players to your first foray into the horror game. Let me give you a brief rundown of the rules."

"Matching the theme of the game, you will be transported to the respective places. Based on your assigned roles, you are to cater to the guests' needs."

Hint: The customer is always right-don't you dare give them attitude, or they might take something from you-like an eye, a tongue, or of course, your very life.~"

"The game lasts for seven days. Getting along with the customers during this time is crucial. Complete your tasks and, above all else, strive to survive."

"After the game, rewards will be granted based on the tasks completed and your performance during service."

"The theme for this horror game is-Hell's Restaurant."

The mysterious voice resounding through the room sent a shiver down the spine of every student.

In an instant, the magnitude of the situation hit them all.

Richard's face went blank.

They had been forcibly entered into the horror game...

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