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Mathy Tee


Cara Anderson wallowing in debt to pay medical bills and chase her dreams of being an interior designer with no hope in sight, she meets popular Billionaire CEO Axel Blackwell, he makes her an offer she couldn't resist. Things don't go as planned as Cara is pulled into his world of secrets, drama and life threatening events. Did she make the right choice or will she lose herself entangled with all the chaos?, will Cara and Axel be able to find love in each other or will it all come to an end with the deal? Read to find out.

Chapter 1 Love on paper

I sighed as I wiped down the counter, my eyes scanning the clock as if willing time to move faster. The diner barely had any activity, but for me, it was just another monotonous shift. I leaned over to my coworker, Alex, who was flipping through a magazine during a rare lull.

"You know, Alex, I can't stand this job anymore. I mean, who serves bottomless coffee to customers who never tip?" I grumbled, my frustration evident in my voice.

Alex glanced up, offering a sympathetic smile. "Tell me about it, Cara. But hey, it pays the bills, right?"

"No it doesn't, I barely have enough to feed and I still have to save up for Ella's surgery , i don't have half the amount and my mom isn't helping with the bills." I sighed frustrated

The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans wafted through the air as I moved briskly behind the counter of the run-down yet oddly fancy coffee shop. The mismatched chairs and worn-out tables were a testament to the establishment's once glorious past. I sighed, my eyes scanning the clock as I prepared yet another latte for a customer who was too engrossed in their laptop to notice my efforts.

Alex, leaned against the counter, pouring over a magazine. I couldn't contain my frustration any longer. "I can't believe we're stuck in this dump, Alex. The customers treat us like we're invisible, and the tips are a joke. I feel like I'm wasting my life here."

Alex looked up from the magazine, sympathetic but resigned. "Yeah, Cara, it's not ideal, but it pays some of the bills. Maybe someday things will turn around."

I rolled my eyes. "Someday? How many lattes do I have to serve before that 'someday' arrives? I can't stand this place."

"I couldn't go to college because my mom has to get pregnant and I had to step up and help her while she wasted her life away." I complained

I continued, my frustration pouring out. "I had dreams, you know? I didn't think I'd end up serving burnt coffee to people who don't even appreciate it. There has to be more to life than this."

"And the worst part Gabe isn't here to keep us company as usual, he had to visit his family at the most boring season of the cafe" I rant about my other coworkers Gabriel really missing him.

Just as I vented my feelings, a customer signaled me over with a subtle gesture, he signaled to bring him a cup of black coffee which added to my frustration.

As I approached the table to take his order, I noticed the aura of authority that surrounded him. "What can I get for you, sir?"

"Black coffee, no sugar, no cream," he replied, his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine. "And make it quick." I nodded

I jotted down the order and walked away, but his piercing gaze followed me.

"Here is your coffee sir" I set the cup and turned around to leave.

"Waitress," he called out, his tone demanding attention.

I turned back, a bit startled. "Yes, sir?"

"I never gave you permission to leave" he stated annoyed

"Sorry sir" I apologize

He motioned for me to sit across from him, an unexpected request that left me puzzled. Hesitant, I took a seat, glancing at Alex who was equally surprised.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with your friend," he began, his eyes locked on me.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, realizing the powerful man in front of me had been eavesdropping on my complaints. "I... I didn't mean to offend anyone, sir." I apologize.

He waved off my apology. "No need for formalities. I understand your frustration. Working in a place like this can be suffocating."

I blinked, unsure where this conversation was heading. "Who are you, anyway?" I ask wondering why he's talking to me in the first, the customers barely pay attention to us.

He smirked, his demeanor shifting from stern to slightly amused. "Abel Blackwell. A name you might recognize if you've ever read a business magazine."

My eyes widened. "Blackwell Industries? The billionaire?" I stared at him shocked.

He nodded. "The one and only. Now, let's cut to the chase. I have a proposition for you, Ms...."

"Cara," I stammered.

"Cara," he repeated, savoring the name.

"So cara, I see you are having financial issues and I can help with that" he stated

"Oh that's so nice of you, I never would have expected such a thing would happen to me today thank you" I answered

"No need to thank me yet, I would settle all your financial problems for something in return" he said staring intensely into my eyes.

"No way I am not sleeping with you, I might need money but I am not desperate, if you excuse me I would like to get back to my job" I replied annoyed with all the audacity all this rich people have, thinking they can have anything tgey want because they have money and got up to leave

"I wasn't done talking, seat back down" he demanded, his voice laced with authority.

"I am sorry" I stuttered seating down immediately

"You do know I know own this establishment and I can get you fired right now so don't try disrespecting me again" he announced causing my eyes to widen in shock.

"Wait I prefer if we go somewhere private for what I am about to say , do you have anywhere we could talk privately in here?"

"Yeah the employees room, it's the only room except the managers office " I offered, he nodded and followed as I lead the way.

"As I was saying I need something in return" he announced the minute we walked in.

"And what might that be sir" I asked anticipating his response

"I want you to marry me.

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