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Stealing Her Innocence

Stealing Her Innocence

@R library


PROLOGUE. ★ Ava Huang, a pretty hard-working girl who has been fending for herself since she lost her dad. She's the kind type who can even give her last cash to a street beggar. She's a crazy dancer, a trainee at the popular Gilmore Girls Dance Campus where only girls are trained to dance. In the campus, Monica Hawkins is the queen bee, a mean manipulative bîtch feared by every trainee. The girls tremble at the sight of Monica, well except Ava and her friends. They're the type who doesn't care if she's the daughter of the most high, they go against her every damn time. Monica hates their guts madly, but it got to the brink one day when Ava mistakenly pulled out her hair. With the help of her rich grandpa, she was able to send a thorn into Ava's life. A guy...to destroy her completely. Ava who's in need of money that period decided to rent out the two empty rooms in her house... What happens when two sinfully handsome rich guys showed up at her doorstep, ready to rent the rooms Aren't you curious to find out who Monica's agent is between the two?? Who owns Ava's heart? Will she be able to wriggle out of Monica's evil plan? Or will she get destroyed like Monica wants? Who exactly are the two guys? And are you in for some spicy housemates drama and sweet romance? Then join the ride! Don't fûçking miss out on this!

Chapter 1 Dear Ava (Prologue 1&2)



By; Naomi Cindy B.

Ava Huang, a pretty hard-working girl who has been fending for herself since she lost her dad.

She's the kind type who can even give her last cash to a street beggar.

She's a crazy dancer, a trainee at the popular Gilmore Girls Dance Campus where only girls are trained to dance.

In the campus, Monica Hawkins is the queen bee, a mean manipulative bîtch feared by every trainee.

The girls tremble at the sight of Monica, well except Ava and her friends.

They're the type who doesn't care if she's the daughter of the most high, they go against her every damn time.

Monica hates their guts madly, but it got to the brink one day when Ava mistakenly pulled out her hair.

With the help of her rich grandpa, she was able to send a thorn into Ava's life. A guy...to destroy her completely.

Ava who's in need of money that period decided to rent out the two empty rooms in her house...

What happens when two sinfully handsome rich guys showed up at her doorstep, ready to rent the rooms

Aren't you curious to find out who Monica's agent is between the two??

Who owns Ava's heart?

Will she be able to wriggle out of Monica's evil plan?

Or will she get destroyed like Monica wants?

Who exactly are the two guys?

And are you in for some spicy housemates drama and sweet romance?

Then join the ride! Don't fûçking miss out on this!

😍✨D£ÃR ÃVA✨😍




By; Naomi Cindy B.


The hallway is so busy, trainees mingling and chatting, and some are making their ways to their next classes.

Some are playing music, dancing in groups and rating their abilities.

The door of a class opened, and two black sneakers stepped out, making heads turn.

It's holding straight fresh legs which belongs to Ava.

She's wearing a white pleated skirt which stopped mid-thighs then black cropped singlet, showing off the roundness of her B-cup bööbs.

Her long hair is in a ponytail, and sweat covered her really pretty face...she just finished her last dancing class for the day, and she just can't wait to get home.

There's envy in the eyes of girls who're staring at her, but who cares?

They dare not throw it at her face, she'd show them their place.

She turned to another hallway which led to the locker room, and her phone suddenly chimed.

She checked it, and she sighed sadly when she saw it's a text from the housing agent.

• Still no hope.

She needs to rent out the two rooms in her house soon, else she'll really go broke, but there's still no one showing interest.

The house was left to her by her late dad, so she's practically the owner.

She quickly texted the agent back.

• No problem,.. I'll wait.

She batted her lids when she got to the locker room and saw it locked.

"What the hell is going on? I need to change" she said.

"I'm afraid you can't. Monica is in, and till she's done, no one can enter" a voice said behind her, and she turned to see Monica's lapdogs... Felicia and Sandra.

"Excuse me?" She frowned.

"Monica is in and no one can go in!" Felicia fired.

"What's going on?" Octavia appeared with Demi.... they're Ava's friends.

"Look at this bîtch! telling me I can't go in cos Monica is in" Ava replied.

"Seriously?" Demi smirked.

Octavia immediately gave the door a hard kick.

"Monica Hawk! Come out here!" She shouted crazily.

"It's Monica Hawkins" Sandra glared, and that was the mistake she made.

Octavia hates corrections, she's the crazy one in the crew.

"I said Monica Hawk, are you gonna beat me?" She glared back at Sandra, pushing her chest.

"Can this just fuçking end already? It's a general locker room, not for Monica alone" Demi said.

Ava made to kick the door this time, and that was when Monica opened the door from inside.

The kick landed on Monica's tummy instead, and, and they both went down together.

Ava accidentally grabbed Monica's hair in the process, and Monica yelped painfully.


"Monica!!" Felicia and Sandra shouted.

Ava quickly stood from her, and surprisingly, some of Monica's hair plucked on her palm.

"Ain't gonna say sorry, you deserve it... Cûnt" Ava walked past her to her locker.

Octavia and Demi followed her while Sandra and Felicia helped Monica up.

They watched as the girls got changed, and Ava was the first to start walking out, but Monica suddenly grabbed her.

"What do you want!" Ava glared, roughly taking her arm from her

"Apologize" Monica demanded with a blank expression, and Ava smirked.

"Why would I? It was wrong of you to lock the door in the first place" she replied and walked out.

"Bye Monica Hawk!" Octavia waved mockingly, leaving with Demi too.

Monica continued standing there, her whole body shaking with anger as her fists folded.

There are many group of girls watching from the hallway, and they all saw it..they all saw Ava's disdain towards her.

She folded her fists tighter as her anger tripled, and her nails cut into her tender palm in the process.

Blood erupted.

"You're bleeding, Monica!" Sandra gasped, taking the hand.

"Why didn't you order us to beat them up? We'd have done anything you said" Felicia said.

Monica roughly took her hand from Sandra, and Sandra staggered as she stormed out of the place.

"I hate her rage, gawd! I hate Ava and her bîtches more!" Sandra stumped her foot.

"Let's go to the lounge, she'd come back when she's fine" Felicia replied, taking out her phone.

Sandra walked beside her, and when she saw a picture, she snatched the phone from her.

"Who's this devastatingly handsome guy? He's hot as hell!" She gasped, kissing him repeatedly on screen.

"You dunno Alex Chambers?" Felicia replied surprisingly.

"Alex Chambers? Who's he? Tell me already!" Sandra said impatiently.


Ava got to the park with her friends and they all hopped into Demi's car.

Demi is the rich one among them while Octavia's dad is a mechanic.

Demi drove them out of the campus premises, and Octavia started laughing.

"I'm sure you're laughing about Monica's fall" Demi grinned from the front.

"Why else? It was so funny! I was ready to punch that ugly face of hers but then Ava's kick did the magic. I'd pay dollars to see the look on that coward's face again" Octavia replied, playing with Ava's hair.

"I can never get used to her and her lapdogs, headache!" Demi said.

"Believe me ... Ava why are you silent?" Octavia faced her.

"I'm gonna remain this way till I find tenants" she replied, resting her head on Octavia's shoulder.

"Stop pouting, give it enough time babe" Demi said.

"Let's branch at a snack cafe, I'm starving" Octavia replied, stroking Ava's hair.

"Copy that" Demi clicked her tongue.


Monica was still breathing hard as she walked to the rooftop and dialled her Grandpa Joe's line.

It only rang once before he picked up.

"What's up Moni?" The crooked voice came, and Monica rolled her eyes.

"Someone pulled out my hair"

"What! Give me the name right now!" He snapped.

"You'll get it, and you need to make the investigation clear. I want her ruined" she replied calmly.

"What do you want exactly? Tell me" Grandpa Joe asked.

"She's the cleanest in her crew, I'm gonna hit her where it'll hurt" she muttered.



Grandpa Joe was holding a cup of wine in his right hand and a brown envelope in the second hand as he climbed the stairs.

He's a sturdy old man with grey hair allover his head and recommended glasses.

He got to a door and punched in the password.

The door opened, and he stepped into the secret room where a big screen is.

He sat on a chair and picked the remote, resting back before putting on the screen.

Members of the society started appearing on screen one by one for the online meeting, and in five minutes, the screen got filled.

Gemini Secret Society is led by Grandpa Joe himself, a society containing rich personalities all-over the world.

Heirs, Billionaires, CEOs, business men and women...and so on.

They came together with the aim of getting what they want by helping each other, and whoever the society is up against is surely as good as dead.

Grandpa Joe brought out the content of the brown envelope... it's a picture of Ava.

"Investigation shows she has never dated all her life. No nightstands and no flings, meaning she's still intact" he said.

"What exactly do you want with her?" A member asked from the screen.

"I want her ruined. I don't care how many months it'll take to win her heart, but i want her pride on a white bedspread as evidence. Deceive her with fake love, shatter her heart and she'll end up killing herself" Grandpa Joe replied.

"And what's the catch?" A deep voiced member asked.

"Anyone who's able to carry out the mission gets to lead this society for a year" Grandpa Joe replied, and the members went silent.

"Sounds fun, I'm all in" the deep voice came again.

"Sky?" Grandpa Joe smiled.

"I got this" Sky replied.

"You'll get her full details soon, good luck" Grandpa Joe said, putting off the screen before drinking his wine.

"You messed with the wrong person, Ava Huang" He smiled meanly.



The sounds of gun firing could be heard as paper targets flew out of a compartment.

The shooter hit the targets each time, and he didn't miss a hit throughout the six shots.

His arm muscles flexed as he took off his earmuffs and protective spectacles, making his handsome face come to view...

Alex Chambers!

"You rocked as usual" a lady in g-strings came over with an handkerchief which she started wiping his sweat with.

She picked a cup of whiskey from the table and handed it to him, but instead of drinking it, his naughty self poured it on her boobies, then he pulled off the thin elastic covering her tits, revealing the full flesh to his eyes.

"C'mon suck" she lifted the large breàsts with her hands, pointing the nîpples at him.

"Nah, I only love watching" he replied with a sèxy lip bite .

Alex is the heir to one of the largest conglomerate in this country called Orbit Group, owned by Chambers family.

Orbit Group would have been the largest, but they have a competitor called Famoux Group.

Famoux is owned by the Harper family, and they have a heir too.

The two families (Harper and Chambers) could pass as worse enemies, they're fire and water.

Alex was still watching the lady playing with her wet boobies when Oscar came in... His friend.

"You have a mission starting tommorow yunno?" Oscar said from the door.

"Unfortunately" Alex made uneasy faces and dropped the gun before walking out of the range.



Ava got a reminder from her period app some minutes ago...

This month period will start tommorow, and she's out of pads at home, so she came to get them.

She was walking out of the shop when her phone dinged, and she gasped when she saw it's a message from the housing agent.

She found tenants already!

"Yes!" She jumping up happily, bumping into someone in the process.

Thanks to the person's quick hold on her waist, she'd have fallen.

She quickly disengaged herself and looked up to see a devastatingly handsome guy smiling at her.

"Careful next time, angel" he said charmingly, and she blinked.


"Alex!" Oscar called from the Lamborghini truck, and he stepped back, biting his lip before joining Oscar in the car.

They drove off, but he kept smiling at her through the window till they went out of sight.

"Strange" Ava muttered, adjusting her jacket before walking to the roadside.

She started looking for a taxi, but then raindrops fell on her arm.

Before she could look up,, the real rain began falling.

"What the hell" She muttered and was about to rush to hide when a Mercedes S-class stopped in beside her

She turned back automatically, and the tinted car window went down, revealing another utterly handsome dude.

'Why am I meeting handsome dudes this night?' she thought.

"Hop in, princess. I'll give you a ride" he smiled, and she'd have declined, but the rain decided to get heavier that moment.

She quickly opened the door and stepped in, meeting herself in an entirely different universe.

How could a car be so paradisiac? It's like a mansion on its own, and the blue lights are just so beautiful with the soft music playing, then the heartwarming rose scent.

The driver is driving in the front, and she's sitting beside the guy at the back, but it took a while before she could comport herself.

She couldn't stop herself from gaping around the car, and when she finally looked at him, she found him staring.

She quickly looked away, and his full brows thickened.

"It's street Munay, house 19" she quickly said.

"I'm Grayson Harper, Gray if you like" he said, but she kept quiet.

"What's your name, princess?" He asked, and she rubbed her wrists nervously.

"Ava, Ava Huang" she said in a low tone, and he rested back on his seat.

"Are you shy?" He asked.

"I'm not shy! Why would I be?" She flared up defensively, and he chuckled.

Ava closed her eyes, regretting how she just shouted

She's not the type to get nervous even with a guy, but this guy is a complete stranger..

Ok point of correction, Ava... a RICH@SS stranger

Gray was about to talk again when his phone rang, and he swiped green.

It's a video call, and Ava's eyes widened when she saw the screen.

It's a naked lady, and she quickly looked away.

"Like what you see?" The lady's voice came.

"I'm back in this country on a mission, and calling on video nakedly like this could be distracting" he replied.

"But you love my nakedness" the lady said seductively, and Ava smirked.

Seriously? Why does she have to enter the car of a motherfûking pervert... Gawd!

How could a lady display her nakedness to a guy on a video call when it's obvious she's not his girlfriend?

"Yeah I love your nakedness, but can we do this later?" Gray replied and clicked red, dropping the phone..

"Where are the muffins?" He asked the driver, and the man passed a package to him from the front.

"Here, young master"

Gray took it and picked one to eat, but immediately he took a bite, he spit it out.

"Tell me they're not strawberry muffins" he said terrifically.

"Geez! I'm so sorry master, I was...

The driver hasn't finished speaking when Gray began taking off his jacket.

He started sweating despite the cold weather, and Ava's eyes widened when she saw his skin reddening.

Allergy! He must be allergic to strawberries.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"No I'm not, shit!" He spat, proceeding to take off his shirt.

Ava gulped, and she quickly looked away from him, feeling so much heat at that she just saw.

"I swear to gawd you're not getting away with this" Grayson told the driver, still panicking a lot.

"I'm so sorry master" the manager to begged sincerely.

Gray started calming down, and his body redness began reducing bit by bit as he received air.

Ava was tempted to look at him again, and she stylishly turned...

Her eyes met those packs first, his darn packs!

She gulped again, and a warm sweat fell from her chin to her cleavage, making her fold.

"We're at my place!" She quickly said when she sighted her house, and the driver halted.

She literally jumped out of the car even though it's still raining.

Gray quickly put on his shirt, getting an umbrella before stepping out too.

He opened the umbrella and pulled her back by the arm.

Her hair swirled as she faced him...

He covered her with the umbrella, then he placed it in her hand.

"You can have it" he said.

"Thank you" she replied awkwardly, then he asked the unexpected question....

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Huh?" She looked at his eyes, and he came closer....she shifted back.

The sound of the rain as it fell on the umbrella was so loud.

"Boyfriend, do you have?" He repeated the question, looking at her intently.

"Oh...sure! Yes I have a boyfriend" she lied, and he frowned cutely.

"That's bad, now we'll have to find him a new girlfriend" he said.

"Why?" She muttered, holding the umbrella handle tightly.

"I want you, princess" he replied.


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Other books by @R library

His Baby Mama (Be My Woman)

His Baby Mama (Be My Woman)



🎈B£ MY WÖMÃN🎈 (His•Baby•Mama...) _______________ PROLOGUE. DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By: Naomi Cindy B. ★ Rosy Klein did all she could to sponsor herself and her boyfriend through college. She has been dating Stefan since highschool, but immediately they started college, Stefan lost his parents and almost quit school, but Rosy took the responsibility. Stefan is a guy she loves so much, and she couldn't bear watching him drop out, though she's an orphan herself. Part time jobs and illegal gigs brought her the cash she earned, and with that, she was able to sponsor herself and Stefan, but on their graduation day... Stefan proposed to her best friend right in front of her, and her world crumbled. That same day, Roman Lawson planned proposal for his girlfriend, and he was hoping it'd be the best night of their lives. He has been dating Gwen for three years, and though she did nothing for him throughout, but to him, her love was enough. He payed for her mother's yearly surgery even when he's just a struggling youth. He even bought Gwen a car with his first salary, all for love. But on getting to the proposal venue, Gwen turned him down and ran out in tears after confessing that she's currently in love with someone else. Roman's world shattered. The pain of betrayal and heartbreak made him drive to the bar where he drank himself to stupor. There he met Rosy who also came to drink as a result of what Stefan did to her. Fate had it's way, and something huge happened between them that night... Huge enough to change everything about their existence. Who can't wait to find out what the huge something is and how huge it is? Are you ready to be on a rollercoaster of emotions? Join this sweet ride to see what life holds for this two and what future dramas will look like. Trust me, it's a book that'd keep you at the edge of your seat throughout... Don't miss out.

The Game: Love To The Extreme

The Game: Love To The Extreme



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I hate you, Jace

I hate you, Jace



💘I HÅT£ YÕU, JACË💘 (You•Know•You•Love•Me) ______________ PROLOGUE ‼️ DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By: Naomi Cindy B. ★ Jace Braun is the type of guy your parents warned you to stay away from, he's a total psycho who has gotten used to the name. Ask for 'Wolfie' in Rizz Hostel, then you'd surely find someone who'd point at him smoking at his smoking spot. He's a student of Finley College in Washington, Sculpture Department, and he's quiet popular in campus. He stays at Rizz Hostel, the wildest off-campus hostel, and he has slept with almost all the girls. It's a bonus to him though, cos they shamelessly throw themselves at him. Every girl wants to f**k the almighty Jace. Despite being from a rich family in England, he sells hard drugs to students just to make money. Everyone sees him as a jerky mother**ker, but what they don't know is that beneath his outside personality is a dying guy who's in need of someone to tell his story... A shattered guy who wants nothing but an escape route from his f**ked up life. Are you interested in knowing what his story is? And what happens when he met the only person who seems so different from everyone around him, but the person turns out to be his worse enemy. She hates him madly, but she's madly in love with his best friend. ... Will fate ever bring them together with favorable plot twists? Or...will she remain his best friend's girl forever? Will he ever find an escape route from his hidden problems? Are you in for hot college dramas and suspense that'd make you want more at the end of every chapter? Hop on this ride and don't miss out!

A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL ( 365 days contract )

A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL ( 365 days contract )



☠A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL☠ 365 DAYS CONTRACT ❌ PROLOGUE Tags: hatred, revenge, bully, romance, secrets, and betrayal 🌟🌟🌟 A girl of about 19 years old could be seen running away with her friend, from a group of boys who were after them, it gets to a point where her friends couldn't take it anymore cos, he was getting tired Run Dion, faster, they are getting closer,” she said dragging her feet forward I can’t run any longer am getting tired, my legs hurt,” he replied as he slowed down a little Try Dion, we are almost close to the market and we will rest once we get there,” she said encouraging him You have to go without...... she did let him complete whatever he was saying before dragging him out of the place Her name is Melisa ford, a 19 years old college student who is more stubborn than stubbornness itself, her parents tried making her see that she's a woman and not a man, that she needs to change for the better tomorrow but she always says yes to them and tomorrow she will do the worst She has a best friend Dion Stone, who happens to be her partner in crime, they have been friends since childhood and they seem inseparable Oh no, I told you that we shouldn't have done that but you didn't listen now look how we are running like mad people,” Dion cried out as they rushed out of the place followed by the men Just shut up and follow my lead,” she said and Dion holds his mouth that instant Yes boss,” he muttered This way,” she said and run into a place that look more like a fighting ground Catcher,” one of the guys that were after they said and jumped on her, she tried to break free but his hold on her was very strong She was still struggling to break free when the guy suddenly drops dead on the floor That’s my boy, I know you will always find a way to help me,” she muttered thinking it was Dion She arranged her clothes; it was as if the time had stopped as she didn't hear the voice of anyone or anything Dion, have you suddenly gone mu....... the rest of it was stuck in her mouth when her eyes landed on the person who just saved her life She wished the ground will just open and swallow her, she instantly regrets not listening to Dion when he asked her not to cause trouble, she wishes those guys had taken them instead of him saving her He smirked dangerously when he saw the look on her face, he turned around and Dion gasped immediately he saw who it was THE DEVIL,” he mumbled Who is he⁉️ What happens when the two BFFs was forced to separate⁉️ What did they do that made those men be after them⁉️ You don’t want to miss this story trust me! A lot of things are going to happen here Grab your popcorn 🍿

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