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My brother's best friend.

My brother's best friend.



ROMANCE + LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT + BOY BITCH + FRIENDS TO LOVERS + PINCH OF DRAMA A family that lives in the midst of a curse that only love can break. Lorelai lost her parents at a very young age, but even so, she never let her shine fade due to the twists and turns in her life. She always believed that she was predestined for Jonathan, her childhood love, but she became tremendously disillusioned. Nathan is a respected lawyer who has also loved and been disillusioned, closing his heart to this feeling, until he met Lorelai at a train station. An overwhelming passion amidst many intrigues and a curse. Will Lorelai be the woman to win Nathan's heart once and for all? Will Nathan end the curse that surrounds sweet Lorelai's life?

Chapter 1 Foreword

It was winter in Belรบvia, a season of great sorrow for the Potenzza family. Exactly ten years ago, during that same time, Margareth Potenzza's eldest son, Philipe Potenzza, had tragically died in a car accident, leaving only young Lorelai, who was just nine years old at the time, and her older brother Charles, who was fifteen.

After their father's death, Lorelai had to go live with her grandmother in Alvorada, while Charles went to a boarding school. They had to distance themselves from everyone, leaving behind Lorelai's best friend Molly, the youngest daughter of the Contreras family. But for Lorelai, the greatest pain was being separated from her beloved aunt Ramona.

Lorelai and her aunt had a mother-daughter-like relationship, as Lorelai's own mother had disappeared shortly after her birth. Ramona always advised her niece and taught her about love, and Lorelai adored her for it.


Ramona had pleaded with her mother to let Lorelai stay at her house, but Margareth remained adamant.

"Mother, wouldn't it be better to let Lorelai stay here, where she already has friends and her cousin?" Ramona said, looking at her mother with pleading eyes.

Margareth gazed back at her with a disdainful look. "Absolutely not. After the death of my son, it is my obligation to raise the girl. Now, this burden is mine."

It pained Ramona to hear her mother refer to Lorelai in such a way, especially when Lorelai had always been so gentle, the sweetest little creature Ramona had ever known.

"But, Mother, think about it, for God's sake! Lorelai has just lost her parents and has been separated from her brother. It would be better for her to be with someone her age, and I could guide her."

"Enough with your foolishness! Lorelai is a scatterbrain, she would only bring trouble. And you know that she and Rebeka despise each other. God only knows why there's so much rivalry between them."

Ramona rolled her eyes impatiently. "Come on, Mother, it's just a childish quarrel. They will be friends soon enough."

"No, it's not a quarrel," Margareth insisted. "They will always be enemies, even if it's hidden. You know about the Potenzza curse."

"The curse didn't affect our generation, but it may affect your daughter if she continues to associate with Lorelai... and those Contreras children."

"Poor Beka, she will have to endure the envy of a crazy and ugly cousin who will destroy her happiness."

"Mother, don't say that! Lorelai is the sweetest girl I've ever seen, and she's perfectly sane. She's just absent-minded, but she's an angel. And this curse story is a silly superstition."

"Really? Do you truly believe that, my dear?"

"I do!"

"Fine, then tell me, what are the only connections between Rebeka and Lorelai besides you?" Ramona felt her body tremble as she realized her mother might be right.

"Well... Rebeka is in love with her cousin Charles, and that sometimes causes jealousy in Lorelai. And... the other connection between them... is Jhonatan. Lorelai and Rebeka both adore Jhonatan and are always competing for his attention. But... it can't be true! They're just children! Besides, these connections are just coincidences... they don't prove anything."

"Yes, it could be, Ramona. It's at this age that feelings solidify, and the curse will be triggered when the youngest Potenzza turns eighteen."

"But... Mother, the youngest is..."

"Rebeka! Yes, Ramona, your daughter will trigger the curse. She is the center!"

"But how? The center? How can you be so certain that the center won't be Lorelai or Charles?"

"I don't know, it's just a hunch. Rebeka is the most beautiful."

"Beauty isn't everything, Mother. It's inner beauty that counts. Sometimes, certain actions of my daughter make me think that she's far from being an angel. She can be manipulative, she lies, she conceals things."

"How can you speak like that about your own daughter? Beka is an angel, always cheerful, always pleasing everyone."

"I can't pretend to be blind to my daughter's flaws. Rebeka isn't evil, but sometimes she behaves questionably. And she acts that way, especially towards Lorelai."

Margareth stood up abruptly. "See? That's why they must be separated before thecurse takes hold! Lorelai is a bad influence on Rebeka. It's for her own good."

Ramona sighed, feeling defeated. She knew her mother would never change her mind. "Fine, Mother. Do as you wish. But know that I will always be there for Lorelai, no matter what."

Margareth's cold expression softened slightly. "I know you love that girl, Ramona. But you must understand that I'm doing what I believe is best for our family. The curse must not be taken lightly."

Ramona nodded, her eyes filled with tears. She couldn't bear the thought of being separated from Lorelai, but she had no choice in the matter.


As winter turned into spring, Lorelai moved into her grandmother's mansion. Her room was large and cold, lacking the warmth and familiarity she had grown accustomed to at her aunt's house. She missed the laughter and joy that used to fill her days.

Her grandmother was strict and didn't allow her to have much freedom. Lorelai spent most of her time studying and occupying herself with books and her vivid imagination. She felt isolated and longed for the company of her cousin Charles, who was also distant under the watchful eyes of their grandmother.

Lorelai's only solace was the occasional visits from her aunt Ramona. Ramona would bring her small gifts and tell her stories of their adventures together. Lorelai cherished those moments, holding onto the hope that one day they would be reunited.


The years passed, and Lorelai and Rebeka grew into young women. Lorelai had blossomed into a beautiful and kind-hearted girl, with a radiant smile that could light up a room. Rebeka, on the other hand, had become a stunning young lady, with her mother's grace and charm.

Their paths rarely crossed, and when they did, tension hung in the air. The rivalry between them had only grown, fueled by their shared affections for Charles and Jhonatan. Lorelai had always loved Charles from afar, while Rebeka had won Jhonatan's heart. The competition between them intensified.

Lorelai tried her best to remain distant, avoiding any conflict that could further strain their already fragile relationship. She focused on her studies and dreamed of the day she could leave her grandmother's mansion and reunite with her aunt Ramona.

Meanwhile, Ramona watched from a distance, her heart heavy with sorrow. She knew the curse still loomed over them, and she feared what it might bring. She had tried to shield Lorelai from the family's dark secrets, but the truth had a way of unveiling itself.


One fateful day, as Lorelai was exploring the attic of her grandmother's mansion, she stumbled upon an old family photo album. Curiosity got the better of her, and she began flipping through the pages.

As she turned the pages, Lorelai's eyes widened in shock. She discovered photographs of her parents, her grandmother, and her aunt Ramona. But what caught her attention the most were the pictures of a young girl who resembled her, with the same light-brown hair and hazel eyes.

Her heart raced as she realized the truth. She was not Margareth's granddaughter, but Ramona's daughter. The realization hit her like a tidal wave, washing away the pain and confusion of her past.

Lorelai's mind raced with questions. Why had her mother disappeared? Why had her true identity been hidden from her? And most importantly, what was the truth behind the curse that haunted her family?

Determined to find answers, Lorelai confronted her grandmother, demanding the truth. Margareth, shocked by the discovery, reluctantly revealed the family secret that had been kept hidden for so long.

She explained that Lorelai's mother, Margareth's eldest daughter, had fallen in love with a man from a rival family-the Contreras. Their love was forbidden, and when Margareth discovered their relationship, she had orchestrated a plan to separate them.

Margareth had coerced Lorelai's mother into leaving town, promising that she would take care of their child. Lorelai's mother, torn between her love for the man and her fear of the curse, had reluctantly agreed. She had disappeared, leaving behind her daughter and her family.

The truth devastated Lorel

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