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Finding light in darkness

Finding light in darkness

Lily Dove


" What will be your reaction, when you find out that your boyfriend who you have dated for five years was having a secret affair with your best friend? " This is the case Clara Finds herself, her bestie, who she trusts, was having a secret relationship with her lover. She really felt bad and promised herself not to love again. She traveled to another city to start up a new life. Living in another city was perfect, she became happy again, forgetting her past, but one day her life changed after meeting with Levi. Levi, the one everyone fears. Rumors said that he shows no mercy for his enemies. His life is filled with a dark side.

Chapter 1 Her shattered heart

Inside a bedroom, a girl was curled up at a corner with her head buried on her legs while her back was pressed against the wall.

The tiny lights that simmered through the closed curtains were the only sign that the sun had already come up and was shining brightly outside the window.

Small sounds of knocks which came now and then, are the only sounds that could be hard inside the room, accompanied by the slight sobs of the girl who had been on that position for several hours now.

" Please open the door" a soft voice came from outside the room followed by a soft hiss of a woman who had been standing there for a while now.

" Clara, I know you can hear me... please open the door" the woman pleaded again with the same soft voice; however, the girl didn't move as she continues sobbing silently on the floor

Outside the room, Mrs. Alice draw back her hand from the door with a deep sigh, while wondering what was wrong with her daughter Clara, as she returned yesterday crying and went straight to her room without saying anything. And when she tried finding out what was wrong with her, she finds the door locked.

She had called Lyla, Clara best friend to know if she knows what happened to Clara, but she isn't picking up.

" Clara, please stop crying, remember if you get sick I won't be happy" She said before leaving for her room

Back in the room, Clara kept on crying non-stop, her face was swollen. Her head hurts, but the pain in her heart hurts more.

She couldn't believe what happened yesterday, everything that happened felt like a nightmare.

The two people she trusted betrayed her. If she was told that this will happen, she will never believe.

Clara continue to sob as her mind flashed back to yesterday.

I plan to give my boyfriend Kevin a surprise visit. I went to the store and got some food ingredients because I plan on also cooking for him.

From my house to Kevin house took just one hour and some minutes. The moment I got to his house I happily walk out of the car.

She walked to Kevin apartment carrying a heavy bag on one of her hand. On getting to his door she wanted to knock, but she immediately changed her mind. She gently pushed the door open.

Immediately she step into the room, her whole body froze, a shiver run down her spine. She felt she was being crushed to dust. It felt like a dream but it was real.

Her man was kissing another girl not just another girl but her own best friend. Her eyes couldn't believe what just happened In front of her.

A tears roll down her cheek.

Both Kevin and Lyla were shocked, they were surprised seeing Clara. They immediately stand up and start getting dressed.

" Babe, am sorry... please it not what you thinking" Kevin said as he tries to hold her hand, but she took a step back avoiding him.

She looks towards Lyla, the person she called her bestie, the person she shared anything with.

She ran out of the room without saying a word.

Kevin run after her before he could catch up with her, she had stopped a car, enter and it drove off.

" Why did he cheat" she asked herself

She wasn't that beautiful, but she is pretty, she had always tried her best to be a good girlfriend. Doing whatever he asked her to do without questioning or arguing with him.

So why???

They have dated for five years, and he had promised to marry her. She as always believe In him, never for once, have she ever dream that Kevin will cheat on her.

" Lyla" she said as more tears flows down her eyes

I still find it difficult to believe that Lyla my bestie could do this to me

All those laugh, hugs were never genuine, and I had trusted her for years.

I smiled and get up from the floor. I stagger with my eyes so heavy. Everything around me felt strange.

I walk to the bathroom, took off my clothes and let the running water take control of me.

FLASH BACK _________ fifteen years ago.

A little girl was seen holding a white teddy bear, she hid in a corner as she watched her father beating her mother.

She wanted to help her mother but at the same time scared because she knows she will be beaten by her father

All she could do was to cry and pray in her little heart that God should stop daddy from beating mommy.

Like a miracle, he stopped and kicked her before walking out of the house.

The little girl run to her mummy who is now covered with blood.

" Mummy sorry " she said as she uses her little hand to clean her mother voice

The woman smiles trying to hide the pain, but one could see the pain in her eyes.

" Mummy is fine, I thought you had sleep" the woman said.

" No mummy is in pain" the little girl cried

" Mummy, I hate Daddy... all men on earth"

" Shh... Stop. You don't have to hate your daddy. He is your father nothing can change that. And you don't have to hate all men on earth, they are not the same. Do you understand"

The little girl nodded her head in agreement of what her mother said.

After I was done taking my bath, I walked out of the bathroom wrapping a towel around me.

I sit down facing the mirror watching my reflection. My eyes were red due to cry. I looked paled and weak.

After sitting down for a while, I apply some body cream. Put on a gown, apply makeup and walk out of the room.

" Clara" Mr Alice called

"Mummy, I want to take a walk" i said and walk out without waiting for her to say something

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