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Meet Ocean, a young woman who discovers she's the long-lost princess of the kingdom. But with the current queen and her daughters scheming against her, Ocean finds solace in an unlikely love - a palace guard. Forced to flee and hide her identity, Ocean must navigate the treacherous path to reclaim her rightful place on the throne and exact revenge on those who wronged her. Will she succeed, or will the forces of darkness prevail?"

Chapter 1 1

Her name is Ocean and she's the first child to the current king of Azura, meaning she's a princess. But, she didn't grow up in the palace. She didn't have the luxurious life a princess should have. She grew up in the slums in a very small village, and she grew up among her mother's relatives.

Her mother passed away while giving birth to her, as she was told. She never got to meet her, and with each passing day, she regretted coming into this world because it took her mother's life. Now back to her identity,

Her father, the king of Azura, found her among her mother's relatives. And she could vividly recall his face that night when he saw her. He told her she looked exactly like her mother, the late queen.

Ocean couldn't forget staring at his face, with no emotion. She had been living the life of a commoner all her life and just after 19 years, he showed up out of nowhere saying she was a princess?

She cried out her eyes when she was forcefully taken to the palace, where her endless suffering began. When she says suffering, don't think she wasn't getting enough meals, or dresses or whatever a princess should get.

She got all these, but guess what? Each day she would compare her life back with her mum's people with her new life as a princess. She wasn't welcomed here. Her father had taken a new wife before her mother's death. 'Queen Eleanor' who had two daughters.

'Princess Isabella and Princess Camilla'. They were the ones the people and even her father considered the real princesses of Azura.

As for Ocean? She was just a princess by name. She was a princess because her mother had been queen, The maids, guards and everyone all looked down on her.

Let me tell you a little about Ocean, her hair was a cascading blonde and curly, and her eyes shone bright blue like that of the ocean. Lips shaped like that of a heart, she was beautiful.

And so was her mother, Ocean was her replica. She guessed her half-sisters being brunette got jealous of her, she was beautiful, and they were jealous of her blonde curly hair she was the definition of a princess.

All these are just to keep your minds open to her life at the palace, Princess Ocean, the lost but found princess whom they all despised.

There is a custom that states that a princess needs to be betrothed before she turns 20. Ocean was 19 and would be turning 20 the next week. Being a pawn in Queen Eleanor's game, she had decided already on who to tie her up with.

~ ~

Ocean gazed at her reflection in the ornate mirror, her eyes widening with delight. The new ball gown, crafted by the finest seamstresses in Azura, hugged her curves in all the right places. The silk fabric shimmered like moonlight, and the intricate embroidery seemed to dance across her skin. She felt like a true princess, worthy of the throne.

Her blonde locks cascaded down her back like a river of sunset hues, perfectly coiffed by her loyal lady-in-waiting, Lady Margaret. The styling was a masterpiece, with delicate curls framing her face and a sprinkle of pearls woven through the tresses. Ocean's heart-shaped lips curled into a gentle smile as she admired the overall effect.

Around her neck, the sapphire and diamond encrusted necklace sparkled like the night sky, a gift from her father, the king. Her ears gleamed with matching earrings, and her wrists were adorned with delicate bracelets, each one a testament to her royal status.

As she turned to examine her reflection from different angles, the rustle of her skirts and the soft creaking of her corset were the only sounds breaking the silence. Ocean felt like a work of art, a masterpiece created by the finest artisans in the land.

In this moment, she almost forgot the cruel whispers of her stepmother and half-sisters, the constant reminders that she was an imposter, a mere "bastard" princess. Almost.

As Ocean's gaze lingered on her reflection, the door creaked open and Queen Eleanor swept into the room, her silken skirts rustling like leaves. "Ocean, dear, it's time to be a good girl," she said, her voice dripping with sweetness, yet laced with steel.

Ocean's heart sank, knowing what was to come. She nodded, her lips pressed together, as the queen continued, "You are to be betrothed to Lord Thomas, a noble and worthy suitor. He will make a fine husband, and you will make a beautiful bride."

Without another word, the queen turned and glided out of the room, leaving Ocean to follow, her handmaids assisting her as she walked into the grand court. The king, resplendent in his regalia, sat upon his throne, flanked by the nobles and courtiers of Azura. The room was abuzz with whispers and murmurs, all eyes fixed upon Ocean as she made her way to the front.

Her heart raced like a rabbit's as she bowed her head, greeting the king and the assembly. "Your Majesty, my lords and ladies," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

The room gasped and gushed as one, their faces aglow with wonder. "By the saints, she's a vision!" someone whispered. "A true princess, born and bred!" another exclaimed. Ocean's cheeks flushed like rose petals as she straightened, her eyes cast downward, her hands trembling like leaves.

She feared this moment, this public display, this binding contract to a stranger. Lord Thomas, a man she had never met, a man she would be forced to call husband. Her mind raced with doubts and fears, her heart heavy with the weight of her duty. Yet, she stood tall, a statue of grace and beauty, her beauty a shield against the unknown.

The grand court of Azura was abuzz with nobles and courtiers, their finery a kaleidoscope of colours as the betrothing ceremony commenced. The king, resplendent in his regalia, sat upon his throne, his gaze fixed upon his daughter, Ocean. Her beauty was a sight to behold, her blonde locks cascading like a river of sunset hues, her blue eyes shining like a bright sky sky. The king's eyes misted, remembering her mother, the late queen, who had borne him this lovely child.

As the ceremony progressed, Lord Thomas, tall and dark-haired, approached Ocean, bowing low. "My lady, would you do me the honour of a dance?" he asked, his voice smooth as silk.

Ocean's heart sank, but she nodded, her lips pressed together, as Lord Thomas led her to the dance floor. Her half-sisters, Princess Isabella and Princess Camilla, smirked at her expression, their eyes gleaming with malice. They delighted in seeing her in pain, their jealousy and resentment simmering like a pot on the boil.

As the music swirled, Ocean's movements were graceful, her skirts fluttering like a butterfly's wings. Lord Thomas held her close, his eyes fixed upon her face, but she felt trapped, a prisoner of duty and obligation.

Meanwhile, Queen Eleanor whispered in the king's ear, her voice a gentle breeze. "Your Majesty, you are doing the right thing, betrothing Ocean to Lord Thomas. She will make a fine wife, and he will bring stability to our kingdom." Her words were laced with manipulation, her eyes gleaming with a hidden agenda.

The king nodded, his gaze still fixed upon Ocean, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision. He knew not what the future held, but he hoped that this union would bring peace to his kingdom, and happiness to his beloved daughter.

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