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Guilty as Sin

Guilty as Sin



Andrea wasn't exactly the type to end up in shady situations. Winning was her thing, not losing – especially not in bets. She was the quintessential hardworking, rich socialite, living it up in style. Guns? They were about as foreign to her as a diet plan. Her world was all about fun and luxury. But when Andrea's accidental slip-up led to the demise of her "friend" – who happened to have mafia connections – she unwittingly stumbled into a whole new level of trouble, discovering the gritty truth about her family's dealings along the way.

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Andrea wasn't supposed to be there. She was so stupid to agree on a little bet and even more stupid to lose that bet.

The consequence?


Andrea had to sacrifice herself to someone.

'It was extreme!' she thought at first, but then her friends would not go for a boring consequence or a simple child's play. They love making bets. The last time, one of her friends won a new Lamborghini. Because they were bored, they were rich, and they didn't know how to spend their money... they spent it with a little bit of thrill.

Andrea's hands were handcuffed. She could not move properly. Her feet were tied on a chair. Her mouth was stuffed. And there was a black cloth that was covering her head. It seemed like she was kidnapped, but she wasn't... she lost on a bet.

"Hey, guys! Where the hell are you?!" she hollered, her voice muffled by the gag securely fastened around her mouth. As she pondered her predicament, she couldn't help but contemplate the possibility of offering up one of her prized possessions in exchange for her freedom. But then again, where's the fun in that?

Andrea found herself reluctantly clad in lingerie by her mischievous friends. After whisking her away to an unfamiliar location and depositing her in a room of mysterious origin, they promptly disappeared, leaving Andrea to her own devices.

Thirty minutes elapsed, and Andrea's initial amusement waned into boredom. Not quite panicked, but certainly restless, she squirmed against the constraints of her stiffening limbs, lamenting the dampness of the gag between her teeth.

Just as her patience wore thin, the sound of approaching footsteps piqued her interest. The creak of the door hinges and the subsequent click of the latch signaled the arrival of a solitary figure.

"Who are you?" she asked, but still, it was muffled.

The man did not speak. He walked around Andrea like a hungry little dog, drooling over her, inspecting her flesh. 'She's as white as snow,' he thought.

The man immediately became excited. He touched her skin and felt joy in the warmness of it. Her blonde hair was shining in that dark room, he smelled it and he felt heavenly. There was joy in his heart. He knew that the woman who was tied in front of him was a virgin and a sacrifice. He could do whatever he wanted with her... but he had to make sure to keep her alive. It wasn't part of the deal to kill her, although that would be a really great climax for him.

Andrea did not move an inch, even her breathing was controlled. She wanted to flinch every time his hands would meet her skin, but she did not. She had to oblige because it was part of the deal. The bet had a contract, and so she knew how far the man could and could not go.

"Damn it! Just get this over with, my feet and hands were already hurting!" she shouted, muffled.

The man removed the black cloth that was covering Andrea's head. And with enough time, Andrea was able to see the man she had to sacrifice herself with.

"Yshmael?!" she muttered, muddled and muffled. "What the hell?!"

Yshmael was one of Andrea's friends. He grew up with her and he had the same circle as her. And, he was part of the bet!

Yshmael smirked at Andrea. He removed the cloth that was stuffed in her mouth to let her speak.

"What the hell?! Why are you here?! I thought I'd be sacrificed to someone I didn't know?!" Andrea shouted angrily, feeling a sense of treachery.

Yshmael sat on the bed right in front of where Andrea was sitting. The place was dimly lit as one light was not sufficient to light up such a huge room with different types of furniture all over the place. It was a hotel room far from the mainland, where anyone, even the police, would have a hard time going.

"Well, you technically really don't know me," Yshmael reasoned.

It was true.

From the get-go, Andrea understood that he was just another buddy, a run-of-the-mill guy with the standard trappings of wealth, considering he resided in their affluent subdivision. Their friendship was solid, bolstered by the fact that their families shared a close bond. Yet, despite their tight-knit connection, rumors swirled around them, fueled by their parents' proximity and the assumption that they were destined for something more. If their parents had their way, they'd likely be on the fast track to an arranged marriage.

Andrea's eyebrows raised. "Huh? What do you mean? You literally just live in the subdivision and we're friends!"

Yshamel chuckled. "You didn't even know that I like you," he admitted.

Andrea's brows raised even more. She could not believe what he said. "You're not really my type," she said, thinking. "But what the hell is this?!" she exclaimed asking. She was in denial of what was happening. She could not let it happen! She didn't want to lose herself to someone like Yshmael.

He wasn't her type!

"I just said that I like you. I set this up," Yshmael admitted.

Andrea rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Yeah. I heard you. I don't care. Didn't you hear me saying that I don't like you?" she asked.

Yshmael groaned in frustration. He believed that he had done everything to get Andrea's attention. He was basically her puppy and everything she wished, he commanded.

"Well," Yshmael put both of his hands at the side of his hips. "You can't do anything, because you're mine today."

Yshamel leaned in for a kiss, his hands firmly planted on the armrests of the chair as he attempted to close the gap. However, Andrea skillfully evaded his advances, continuously dodging his attempts. When his lips finally made contact with hers, she reacted swiftly, spitting and delivering a resounding headbutt, accompanied by a disgusted exclamation of "Eww!"

Losing his patience, Yshmael quickly put his hands on Andrea's neck, making her scream even more. It wasn't very pleasing for her, because she thought of Yshmael as her bodyguard and as her lap dog, but he wanted her more than that.

"Damn it all! Release me!" she bellowed, her tirade punctuated with a stream of colorful expletives. With relentless determination, she wriggled and squirmed until the tie slackened slightly. When Yshmael attempted to steal a kiss, she retaliated fiercely, sinking her teeth into his lips with unbridled anger, far from any hint of sensuality.

Her fury blazed unabated. There was no way she'd surrender herself to her bodyguard, her mere lapdog. The very thought was abhorrent to her, a disgrace she refused to entertain. She'd sooner entertain the idea of intimacy with a complete stranger, someone she'd never cross paths with again, than succumb to such a humiliating fate.

"Let go of me, idiot!" she screamed.

Yshmael was like a hungry dog. He was drooling for her. He was all for her. He set up everything, even the bets, just so he could have her. It was his way of proving to her that he would do anything and everything just to have her. He was patient, and now, he had to claim his prize!

Andrea refused to succumb to Yshamel's advances, her instincts driving her to fight back. With a piercing scream, she thrashed and leaped, desperate to loosen the knot binding her. Her movements were frenzied, fueled by sheer panic and the primal urge to escape. In a frantic leap, her head collided with Yshamel's chin, causing him to stagger backward. In the chaos of the moment, he lost his footing and struck his head against the sharp edge of the bedside table with a sickening thud.

Andrea didn't realize that because she was too focused on jumping while she was seated. Until she stopped and looked around the dimly lit room. Silence took over her, and when her eyes landed on the floor, he saw Yshmael on the floor, with blood coming out of his head.

"Oh! My! Gosh!" she said in shock. "Are you dead?" she asked... unsure.

'Maybe he was doing play dead?' she innocently thought.

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