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I Hate You as Much as I Love You

I Hate You as Much as I Love You



Lucian Grey, the sole heir to his family, who owns the biggest property company in NYC. With the world at his fingertips, he captivates all who cross his path. Not only handsome and so rich, but he is also brilliant, which makes him the most desired bachelor of the ladies in this city. Emily White is an innocent girl who has a heart as beautiful as her face. When she was 10 years old, her parents died in a car accident. Since then, she lives with her aunt and they love each other despite their poor life. Fate brought them together in a cruel way that made her his sex slave, even when she already had his heart.

Chapter 1 The day I met the devil.

Emily's POV:

As I gazed upon my parents' graves, blanketed in snow, tears continued to stream down my face. Today marks my dad's birthday, and the depth of my longing for them is profound. How I long to embrace them once more, to feel their warmth in my arms.

"It felt like hell, didn't it? To lose your parents in a car accident when you were eight."

I quickly turned at the sound of the cold voice, my heart skipping a beat as I found myself mesmerized by the man standing next to me. His handsome face and captivating gray eyes locked onto mine, holding my attention firmly.

He's around 28, older than me. I'm 18 now. Tall and impeccably dressed in a sharp black suit, white shirt, gray tie, and a stylish black long coat. His neatly styled hair was a rich shade of dark brown. He really is beautiful. No one should be this good-looking.

As I found myself lost in his wintry smile, I suddenly realized I had forgotten to breathe. My cheeks are on fire as his spell over me broke. Swiftly, I averted my gaze from his, attempting to steady my rapid heartbeat.

It took a moment for me to find my voice. "How-how do you know about my parents?"

In nervousness, I stole another glance into those captivating eyes, waiting for a response that didn't come. A sense of unease washed over me as I met his gaze, feeling a chill run down my spine. The sheer intensity of hatred and anger emanating from his eyes sent a wave of fear through my body.

Without moving his eyes from me, he leans in closer to me. His big, firm hand gripped my face, immobilizing me. My heart races so fast that its thumping echoes in my ears.

"I know your dad better than you do. And I'm so glad he's rotting in hell right now," he said in a deep whisper.

Anger surged through me at what he said. "You bastard! Why did you curse my dad?!"

His grip on me grew stronger as I fought to break free. I'm frozen, scared to death, under the look in his eyes. Those eyes seemed to tell me he would make my life a living hell.

A devilish smile crossed his lips, revealing his delight in witnessing my fear. Right now, I feel like a helpless prey in the clutch of the beast.

With trembling hands, I pushed against his firm chest once more. The moment he loosened his grip, I hastily fled from his presence, my feet carrying me away without daring to glance behind. He instilled a profound fear within me.

I thought he was a handsome, kind man, but I was wrong. He is the devil behind his handsome face.

I halted at the bus stop, gasping for breath. Fearfully, I scanned my surroundings, but the man was nowhere in sight, easing my tension that he wasn't pursuing me.

As I settled into the seat ahead, a flurry of questions raced through my mind. 'Who is that man? Why did he curse my dad? And why did he treat me that way?'

The blare of the bus horn snapped me out of my reverie. Hastily, I rose from my seat and made my way onto the bus. All that's on my mind right now is leaving this place. I never want to meet that man again in my entire life.


As I stepped off the bus, I buried my hands deep into the pockets of my coat. The snow fell heavily, the frigid air cutting through me to the bone. Hastening my pace, I made my way to the old apartment where my aunt and I lived and went inside.

"Auntie May, I'm home," I said as I opened the door. My fear of that man vanished when I saw my aunt's warm smile. Smiling back at her, I walked over to the bed she was lying on and sat down next to her.

"How do you feel now?" I asked with concern, lightly touching her forehead.

"I feel much better now," she replied, her voice still sounding feeble.

It lessens my worries, knowing she no longer has a fever. My aunt has had a fever since yesterday. She often fell ill because her body was weak. Her tiring job as a waitress made her health worse.

Holding her hand, my eyes brimmed with worry. "You must promise me. Don't work anymore. You must take a rest. Tomorrow, I will look for a job."

She put on a smile to ease my worries. "I told you I feel much better now, so you don't need to worry about me. Tomorrow, I'll go to work."

"Auntie! ... Please ... You have to listen to me. You must take good care of yourself. You are the only family I have. I don't know how to live this life without you ..." I couldn't help but cry. I love her so much and I never want to lose her.

Her eyes are leaking tears, watching me. "Emily ... I'm so sorry I always make you cry and make you worry about me. I'm not a good aunt to you. I can't give you happiness. I can't even pay for you to go to college. You really want to be a teacher, but I can't make your dream come true ..."

I earnestly stared her in the eyes, holding her hand. "You are my best aunt. You love me with all your heart. I am so happy with you. So please ... always be with me. Never, ever leave me," I said what my heart said.

Moved by my words, she enveloped me warmly in her embrace. ''I promise you ... I will never leave you. I love you so much, Emily ..."

''Auntie ... I love you so much too ...'' There's nothing I want more than to be in her arms.

The sound of someone knocking on the door broke our embrace. ''I'll open the door,'' I said, wiping my tears and walking to the door.

As soon as I swung the door open, I sighed inside at the sight of a fat woman with a fake smile on her round face. She is the owner of this apartment. Her name is Rosemary, and it really doesn't suit her face.

I swiftly exited the room and shut the door behind me, fully aware of why she had come. I didn't want my aunt to hear our conversation.

''Pay the three months' rent you owe me or get out of my place now!'' she said heartlessly.

"Please ... can you keep your voice down?" I begged her in a whisper. "I told you I'd give you your money as soon as I got a job."

"Tell me! When will you get a job? Tomorrow, next week, or wait until I die! No company will want to hire a high school graduate like you! You can only be a waitress like your aunt. You can't pay what you owe me with the salary!"

Watching me struggle to be patient for my aunt's sake, she sneered mockingly. She really is evil. Her heart was as ugly as her face! If she hadn't forced my aunt to pay high interest, my aunt would have already paid off the debt.

Taking a business card from her pocket, she handed it to me. "Take this! She is my friend. She works as a manager at a five-star hotel. She will help you to work there."

My anger at her turned to confusion. I never thought she would help me get a job. In hesitation, I took the card from her hand. "Why ... do you want to help me?" I asked into her eyes.

"I'm not helping you! I'm helping myself. Just give me my money after you get the job!" she replied with bulging eyes and walked away from me arrogantly.

With a smile on my face, I looked at the card in my hands. It's a great relief for me that I'll get a job so my aunt and I don't have to sleep on the streets.


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I Hate You as Much as I Love You

Chapter 1 The day I met the devil.



Chapter 2 Fall into the Devil's Trap



Chapter 3 He Craves to Fuck Her



Chapter 4 Her Nightmare is Just About to Begin.



Chapter 5 Falling Back into The Clutches of The Beast



Chapter 6 I Become the Devil's Sex Slave



Chapter 7 The Beast Got the Prey He Wanted Most.



Chapter 8 I'm So Happy to Have You as My Best Friend.



Chapter 9 The Day I Met an Angel.



Chapter 10 The Kindness That Brings Tears of Happiness.



Chapter 11 Punishment for Insulting the Devil.



Chapter 12 Why Did He Save Me



Chapter 13 Maybe ... He's Not as Bad as I Thought.



Chapter 14 Her Wicked Scheme.



Chapter 15 There Will be No More Mercy.



Chapter 16 A Glimmer of Happiness and Warmth In a Cold Nightmare.



Chapter 17 Hate Me So I Can Hate You



Chapter 18 My Christmas Wish.



Chapter 19 You Already Have My Heart



Chapter 20 A Gift From the Devil.



Chapter 21 Tearing My Heart.



Chapter 22 Punishment.



Chapter 23 Denying the Heart



Chapter 24 He Yearned to be With Her



Chapter 25 The Devil's Way of Showing His Love.



Chapter 26 Warmth That Suddenly Becomes Cold.



Chapter 27 I Hate Him!



Chapter 28 Blue Dolphin Doll.



Chapter 29 The Mistake I Had Made.



Chapter 30 The Beginning of Tears of Goodbye



Chapter 31 The Pain of A Broken Heart.



Chapter 32 Linda's True Colors.



Chapter 33 Linda Lost Her Mind.



Chapter 34 I Can Never Forgive You



Chapter 35 Between Love and Revenge.



Chapter 36 I Love You...



Chapter 37 The Day We Met Again.



Chapter 38 The Beginning of Remember.



Chapter 39 Denies His Own Heart



Chapter 40 Being With Him is What I Really Want Now.
