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Author javey Ella


TAMING THE SHADOWS is a paranormal fiction novel displaying the complicated life of a human girl who had wanted nothing but to live a simple life. A human girl whose life gets complicated with her unknown identity due to the fact that her father is the king of the vampires, making her a princess with extraordinary powers beyond her own control. Her life gets more complicating when she falls terrible sick due to inability to drink blood and she is healed with the blood of an Alpha werewolf.


The moon, a solemn sentinel, casts its ethereal glow upon the night, veiling my surroundings and my humble abode in a shroud of silence.

As I contemplate the enveloping darkness, my phone's shrill ring pierces the quiet, causing me to hesitate.

With a sluggish pace, I approach the device, nestled beside my laptop on my reading table. Staring at the screen as one of my bestfriend's name pops in the screen with her lovely picture indicating that she is calling me.

Still staring at the screen, contemplating whether to answer or not, a black parrot flew to my window, sending shivers down my spine and prompting me to answer the phone immediately.

"Where the fuck are you? Bitch," I heard from the other end, causing me to push my phone far away from my ear because the voice was too loud.

"What do you mean, where am I? I am at home, Amelia," I said, sitting down on my reading chair and staring back at the blank laptop that seemed to mock me.

"Whatttt?? What do you mean, Jenna? Don't tell me you forgot that I said we are going to be having a girl's night out?" Her voice thundered through the phone.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Amie. I will be there in fifteen minutes," I said with a pleading tone.

"Okay, it's alright. I am almost there, so the only favor you have to do for me is to dress hot because... I am seeing a lot of hotties going in already and I am already getting wet," she said, her voice dripping with happiness.

"If you continue talking, I don't think I will be able to dress up... You know what I mean," I said, sounding tired.

"Why do you sound like life has failed you?" Amelia asked in a mocking tone. "Anyways, baby girl, you've gotta come here and let off some steam. C'monnnn, we just finished prom, so what's the worst that can happen?" She says eagerly trying her best to cheer me up.

"Okay, I got you. I will be there before you say Jack Robinson," I said, also trying to lighten my mood.

"And remember what I said, you must dress hot. You get what I am saying," she said, almost sounding like she was rapping.

"Okay, bye," I said.

"Hold up, baby girl, don't be in a rush. Your nerd boyfriend, Nathan, won't be here, so this night is for some extra shit," she said, hanging up the call, leaving me to drown in my own thoughts.

Amelia and my other friends have always lived their best lives, going to parties, dates, and a lot of other fun while I get to stay at home and watch my two half-sisters. Recalling vividly the day I refused to do so, my mom said something I would never forget about them being the reason for my survival.

I try my best to uncover what she meant by that, but it seemed like a mission impossible. When I ask her, she tells me not to dwell on it, saying it's something she said out of anger. I pretend to believe her, but I know something's not right.

Jolting me from my thoughts, I heard a knock on my door. I knew it would be one of my sisters, so I pretended not to hear, trying to know how they would survive if I left the house that night without their knowledge.

"Hey Jenna, I know you are inside. Open the goddamn door before I knock it down," Jane said, pushing the door alongside her voice that sounded malicious.

"What's up, Jane?" I said with a cheerful voice, still not opening the door.

"I remember saying you should open the goddamn door," she said disrespectfully. "Looks like you want it down," she said, and started pushing the door.

"Hold up, I will open it in a sec, just give me a few minutes," I said almost in a plea, trying to cover my outing clothes that were already on the bed.

"What took you so long," she said, rolling her eyes at me. Stunned by the unexpected question, I started stuttering. "Uh... nothing," I managed to say, flashing her a fake smile.

She looked at me suspiciously and then pushed the door open, causing me to stagger and fall on my reading chair, crashing everything down to pieces.

"I know you have something up your sleeve," she said, looking at me.

Desperately trying to control the cauldron of rage threatening to burst out from me, I clenched my fist in anger.

"Get out of my room, Jane," I said, looking downwards.

Then I heard a chuckle from her. "What would you do if I refuse?" she said, walking up to me, her voice devoid of mischief.

"I said get out," I shouted, glaring at her, unable to tell my own expression, and she scurried out of the room in fear.

"I've just had enough of these people," I said, picking up a tight short green skirt from my bed with a white crop top and going over to my standing mirror.

"Looks like we've found a solution," I said to myself, heaving a sigh of relief. Putting them on and making poses to be sure that they fitted me well. My beauty radiated through the mirror, reminding me once more why Jane would always hate my existence, but I didn't care much.

"Okay, what do I put on my legs? Hmm, heels? Nah, that's a no. I wouldn't even be able to walk. What about... yes, I have a green canvas. That will do the work," I said to myself triumphantly, happy about my quick decision-making process.

"Now it's time for makeup," I said, heading to my dressing table while picking up a brush and my makeup kit. Shooting myself a second look, I changed my mind immediately. "I think I am better off without it," I said to myself, smiling.

Packing up my long silver hair in a ponytail and picking up a pink lip gloss, I applied it over my lips and proceeded through the door. Holding the door knob, I thought of what my sisters would think of me, and the feeling of guilt swept over me. But the thought of what Amelia and the rest were going to do to me washed away the guilt I was feeling.

"It's now or never," I said in my mind, opening the door of my room. Stepping into the dimly lit parlor, I squinted to find anyone in sight, but there was no one.

Feeling happy that no one was going to see me or my dressing, I approached the door. Remembering the rumors surrounding our house about it being haunted, fear washed over me.

"Jane, Juliet," I called out as fear started etching inside my heart. No response. I felt paralyzed as I surreptitiously approached their room.

Just then, a feeling of relief washed over me when Juliet came out of their room.

"Is Jane in?" I asked, completely forgetting how I looked.

"Yes, she is," Juliet said, staring at me in shock.

Pretending not to notice, I turned around, trying to avoid any questions from her, but I was too late.

"Be careful," she said, making me turn around, wishing that she was my only sister and Jane never existed.

Giving her a silent nod and a bright smile, I opened our large wooden door. I couldn't ignore the unsettling breeze that blew past me, causing the hairs on my body to stand on edge. I sucked on my teeth, instantly regretting why I didn't wear something more protective. But either way, I had to go. It had been more than fifteen minutes.

On my way out, I discovered that there was no reason to blame those that said the house was haunted because of what I was facing. Fear was about to engulf me.

The shadowy figures lingering about in the foggy street, coupled with rattling sounds made by what I knew not and the creeping of small animals into the abandoned houses.

Adrenaline coursing through my veins, I started running past everything, trying to wash off the fear that filled my heart. Running towards the cemetery, I came to a halt because the gloomy look of it and the eerie glow brought by the moon sent shivers down my spine.

While contemplating whether to go back or continue, I heard horn sounds jolting me out of my thoughts. Looking forward, I saw my best friends in a truck, waving at me, and finally, relief washed through me.

The cemetery didn't look scary anymore, as I walked past it pretending like everything was alright. Getting to where they waited with their truck, I couldn't help but pull them into a tight hug.

"You're looking hot, bitch," Olivia said, smacking my butt.

"I think you are wrong. We are all looking hot," I said, raising my hands up to the air, letting the cold breeze crash against my skin, giving me an icy feeling.

"Yayyyy," we all cheered, as our laughter pierced through the silence of the night.

Just then, someone appeared on the street-a shadowy figure in a black coat and black boots, surrounded by mist, creating an enigmatic atmosphere as Amelia struggled to find the brakes to avoid us crashing into whoever it was.

Swerving off to the other side, she was able to stop the car, causing all of us to fall forward.

"Is everyone alright?" Bailey asked, pulling us all up.

"What was that??" I managed to ask no one in particular.

"Don't you think you would be the best person to answer that question? Like, come on, girlie, I almost lost my fucking life. When are you going to move out of this trench hill you call a home?" Bailey said, glaring at me, her voice filled with anger.

"Hey, take it slow, Bail. Don't be too harsh on her," Amelia said, turning back to see what it was.

"It's nothing, I think we were all hallucinating," Olivia says in a mocking tone.

"That's impossible. You can't call that a hallucination. It's impossible," Amelia responds, looking into my eyes, trying to discern my expression.

Meeting her gaze, I can tell how sorry she feels for Olivia and Bailey.

"How about we just continue, or you guys go without me," I say, almost whispering.

"It's alright, pookie," Amelia says, pinching my cheeks with a smile on her face.

"Let's rock this night," Olivia shouts, waving her hands in the air and prompting all of us to join her. But deep down, despite the sudden happiness, I knew something was wrong.

The rest of the journey goes smoothly, and we arrive at a dimly lit bar reeking of cigarettes and drinks. "What's this place, Amelia?" I ask, an unsettling feeling washing over me.

"Don't judge a book by its cover," I hear her shout as we proceed inside.

Inside the bar, it feels very different from the outside. A wave of emotions washes over me as I take note of the surroundings. The clinking of glasses, the rhythmic beats of the music, and the eclectic mix of patrons chatting and laughing. A surge of confidence suddenly erupts inside me; this was an adult world, and I am now a part of it. The slight intimidation I felt when coming in was softened by the reassuring smiles I received from Amelia and sometimes from Olivia, but Bailey was just doing her thing.

The dim lighting and the hum of conversation created a lively yet slightly intimidating atmosphere. Excitement bubbled within my chest. "This is a new adventure, a rite of passage that I have been waiting for," I say in my head, trying to find the hotties Amelia told me were present. Yet, with each step, a hint of nervousness accompanied me, the uncertainty of the unknown tugging at my confidence, linking to what had happened on our way before.

As Amelia found a spot near the bar, she called me over, and my initial apprehension began to dissolve. The warmth of their laughter and the vibrant energy of the place enveloped me, transforming my nerves into exhilaration.

"How about you go get a drink, Jenna? Looks like someone is waiting for you over there," Amelia says, winking at me while looking towards the direction of the counter.

Tracing her eyes, mine meet the unexpected... A figure I never thought existed.

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