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The CEO's Proposal.

The CEO's Proposal.

Mira Greg


The book entails the complicated but, extremely envy worthy love story between Veil and popular CEO Ander Rodriguez. After an unintended one night stand, their paths cross for the second time at a job interview. Following the development of a contracted purely physical relationship buds of emotions inevitably starts to bloom. Like every relationship theirs is a roller coaster ride of emotions, with more ups and downs. Karma, they say will surely come back to hunt one and this is the case for Ander as his past comes creepily to hunt his almost perfect life. Veil gets caught up in this web of lies and is forced to make a choice between her dying father and her match made in heaven. Who could have imagined that almost at the climax of their relationship more hurdles will come their way. The journey to fighting off the demons from the past and accepting Ander's mistakes is long, torturous and full of thorns but, they manage to scale through it. Soon enough Veil is put through the family way and with promises of eternal love they both walked down the aisle

Chapter 1 1

Veil, a striking young woman with piercing green eyes and raven-black hair, navigated the bustling lounge with grace and precision, her movements honed from years of experience as a bartender. Her name, Veil, was a constant reminder of her fragile existence, a delicate veil separating her from the harsh realities of life. Behind the mask of confidence and poise, Veil struggled to keep her family afloat, her shoulders bearing the weight of responsibilities that seemed to grow heavier with each passing day.

"Hey, Veil! How's it going?" her colleague, Rachel, asked as she expertly mixed drinks and charmed patrons with her warm smile.

"It's going, Rachel. Just trying to make it through the night," Veil replied, her voice laced with a hint of exhaustion.

Her family's story was one of unrelenting hardship, a constant battle to make ends meet. Veil's father, once a vibrant and proud man, now lay bedridden, his health ravaged by the cruel hand of fate. Her mother, worn down by the relentless struggle, had long since given up the fight, leaving Veil to shoulder the burden of providing for her younger brother and father. The weight of this responsibility threatened to crush her at times, yet Veil persevered, driven by a fierce determination to create a better life for those she loved.

"Hey, Veil, can I get a whiskey on the rocks?" a patron asked, breaking her train of thought.

"Coming right up," Veil replied, her mind wandering to the stack of unpaid bills and past-due notices that awaited her at home.

As the night wore on, Veil's thoughts turned to her father, lying in his hospital bed, his frail body a constant reminder of the fragility of life. She longed to be by his side, to hold his hand and whisper words of encouragement, but the harsh realities of her life dictated otherwise. The bills wouldn't pay themselves, and her family's survival depended on her ability to provide.

"Veil, you okay? You seem a little distracted tonight," Rachel asked, noticing the faraway look in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about my dad. He's not doing well," Veil replied, her voice cracking with emotion.

With a heavy heart, Veil poured herself into her work, losing herself in the rhythm of the bar. The clinking glasses, the laughter, and the music blended together in a symphony of distraction, momentarily silencing the doubts that plagued her mind. For a few fleeting hours, Veil forgot about the struggles that awaited her outside the lounge's doors, her spirit soaring on the wings of hope and determination.

As the night drew to a close, Veil collected her tips and bid farewell to her colleagues, her feet aching and her eyes heavy with fatigue. The cool night air enveloped her like a shroud, a harsh reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. Yet, even as the weight of her responsibilities threatened to crush her, Veil stood tall, her spirit unbroken, her heart still holding onto the fragile thread of hope.

"Hey, Veil, you did great tonight. Don't forget to take care of yourself, okay?" Rachel said, as Veil walked out the door.

"Thanks, Rachel. I'll try," Veil replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

For in the darkness, she knew that a brighter future beckoned, a future where her family's struggles would be but a distant memory, and Veil's veil of hardship would finally be lifted. She envisioned a life where her father's health was restored, her brother's laughter echoed through a happy home, and her mother's smile was once again radiant with joy. A life where Veil's own dreams were within reach, where she could paint the world with vibrant colors, and her heart could soar on the wings of freedom.

As she walked home, the city lights twinkling like stars in the night sky, Veil's determination was renewed. She would fight for that future, for the life she knew her family deserved. And so, with a deep breath, she stepped into the unknown, her heart beating with a fierce resolve, her spirit unbroken, and her eyes fixed on the horizon, where a brighter tomorrow waited.

Veil walked home, her feet aching and her mind racing with thoughts of her family's struggles. As she approached her apartment building, she couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had been building up all night. She had been working hard to make ends meet, but it seemed like no matter how hard she tried, she was always one step behind.

As she opened the door to her apartment, she was greeted by the bright smile of her little brother, Max. "Hey, Veil! How was work?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Veil forced a smile, trying to hide her exhaustion and worry. "It was good, Max. Just tired," she replied, ruffling his hair.

But as she walked further into the apartment, she noticed a piece of paper on the kitchen table. Her heart sank as she recognized the logo of the landlord's company. She knew what it was before she even read it - an eviction notice.

"Max, where's Mom?" Veil asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

"She's in her room. She's been crying a lot today," Max replied, his voice filled with concern.

Veil's heart broke as she looked at her little brother, who was only 10 years old but had already seen too much. She knew she had to be strong for him, for her family.

"Hey, Max? Can you go play in your room for a bit? I need to talk to Mom," Veil asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Max nodded and went to his room, leaving Veil alone with the eviction notice. She felt like she was drowning, like the weight of the world was crushing her. But she knew she couldn't give up. She had to fight for her family, for their future.

With a deep breath, Veil went to her mother's room, the eviction notice clutched in her hand. She knew this was just the beginning of another long and difficult night. She opened the door, expecting to see her mother lying in bed, but instead, the room was empty.

"Max, where's Mom?" Veil asked, confusion and worry etched on her face.

"She's not here, Veil. She's on shift," Max replied, his voice laced with a hint of apology.

Veil's heart sank. She had forgotten that her mother was working the night shift at the hospital. She felt a pang of guilt for not being able to provide for her family, for not being able to take care of her mother and brother the way she wanted to.

"Okay, Max. I'll take care of things here. You go back to bed, okay?" Veil said, trying to sound calm and reassuring.

Max nodded and went back to his room, leaving Veil alone with the eviction notice. She felt like she was drowning, like the weight of the world was crushing her. But she knew she couldn't give up. She had to fight for her family, for their future.

With a deep breath, Veil sat down at the kitchen table, the eviction notice staring back at her like a cruel reminder of her failures. She knew she had to come up with a plan, to figure out a way to pay the rent and keep a roof over their heads. But for now, she just sat there, feeling lost and alone, wondering how things had gotten so bad.

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