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4 strangers squatting together at a school hostel becomes friends.Wait and see how the story unfolds

Chapter 1 New environment

Mom: Whats taking you so long Matipa ?Hurry up or you're going to take a tax for school!!

Matipa: Its going to be a boring semester, l can smell it(rolling her eyes)

Mom: Whatever hurry up young lady

Matipa:Do I really have to go to University?

Mom:You don't have a choice Matipa ,by the way where are my car keys?


Hi ,my name is Matipa ,a 20 year old girl with a dancing enthusiastic.I wanted to go to the Uk to pursue my dancing career but my parents forced me into University.They have always wanted me to study Law since both of them are lawyers .It is so frustrating to have your career and future chosen for you despite you having your own dreams.

Mom:Tie your seatbelt young lady

Matipa:(rolling her eyes)on our way to fullfil my parents' dreams

Mom:Stop it Matii, we are doing this for you, it's for your own good baby, we are trying to secure your future ok!(patting her shoulders)

4 hours later

Matipa:What a long drive , geez I'm knackered

Mom:Me too Hun I'm tired to the bone and I can't believe l will have to drive back home alone

Matipa:Oops too bad ..

Mom: At least we have registered and checked in online, otherwise it was going to be another struggle

Matipa:I don't like Kaven University at all, anyways let's go to the hostels , I hope they have prepared a bigger bed for me

Mom:Hahaha (laughing)


Mom: You have 3 roommates and you will be using bunk beds my love


Mom:Yeah, let's head to room 202baby

Matipa:haha(chuckled in disbelief)


I couldn't believe what my mom had told me because there is nothing I fanced more than my own personal space.We headed to room 202 , opened the huge wooden door and there were two girls in there already and they started twattling to each other as soon as they saw me.

Mom: Hello girls

Lilian:Hie ma'am .My name is Lilian (standing up to greet Matipa 's mom)

Annie: Hie ma'am, I'm Annie

Mom: Nice to meet you girls.This is Matipa my daughter and she is going to be your new roommate

Annie and Lilian: Hie


Mom: So girls, when did you arrive here?

Annie: Early in the morning

Mom: Matipa don't just stand at the door, come over here and help me unpack your stuff!

Matipa:( as we were unpacking the clothes there was a soft knock on the door and there appeared a short dark skinned girl with her head phones on, I couldn't believe we cooped up in that small room)


Tanya:Hie I'm Tanyaradzwa but you can calle Tanya.Im so thrilled to be at this school and to be sharing a room with the 3 of you ..OMG are those bunk beds ooh how l love them.Hey girls tell me your names

Matipa: Cant you breath for a second?

Mom:Matipa be nice

Matipa:Yoh she is such a church bell. Who talks non stop

Annie: kkkk

Lilian: Im Lilian, the one laughing is Annie , the one over there is Matipa and that's her mom

Tanya: Ooh nice to know you guys

Lilian:Like wise

Tanya:So where is my bed and where can l put my foodstuff

Annie:You and Matipa can have the top bunks since these ones are already occupied

Tanya: Ooh wow how l love sleeping up there

Matipa:Oh God I'm l going to survive here(rolling her eyes)?

Mom: Okay baby hand me over your blankets I want to spread your bed.You will put your food on your shelves later

Tanya: Don't tell me she can't do that on her own,take a look at me l came all the way here on my own and now I'm doing my own things

Matipa: You're such a deadhead, how can someone be this annoying?

Mom: Done, Matipa accompany me to the car.See you girls please take care of my baby

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