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Shadows of Wealth: A Billionaire's Unseen Love

Shadows of Wealth: A Billionaire's Unseen Love



Lucas Belmont, a billionaire playboy in New York city, lives in abundant luxury; wealth, and status, and a reputation that goes before him across New York City. But after a wild night party, Lucas finds himself attacked, robbed and abandoned in a dark narrow way, rescued only by Mia Reynolds, a compassionate young lady from the new York's roughest city. As Lucas adapts himself to Mia's world, he discovers a life filled with realness, hope, and unexpected love. But when his secret identity is revealed, their fragile connection is shattered. Now, Lucas must choose between the luxurious life he's bound to inherit from his father and the company, and the lady who opened his eyes to a different kind of life. In a city driven by power and ambition, can love bridge the gap between two worlds? And when a dark plot threatens to tear them apart, will Lucas and Mia find the strength to stand together? Find out in this captivating tale of transformation, betrayal, and redemption.

Chapter 1 Lost in the dark

Lucas Belmont checked his reflection in the bright mirror of the club's VIP lounge. His suit was perfectly tailored, and his Rolex caught the neon lights just right. Lucas held a glass of whiskey, his third for the night, but he felt no buzz; just the familiar void that his wealth couldn't seem to fill.

"Hey! Lucas" A voice cut through the noise. It was Max, one of his friends who hang around to tab from his wealth. "Check it out... those girls over there are dying to meet you." Max pointed to a group of women by the bar.

Lucas forced a smile. "Sure, I'll be there in a minute," he replied, but his excitement and interest were as hollow as the echo in his heart. He turned back to the mirror, sighing. How many more nights like this? How many more women seeking a piece of Belmont's fortune?

More drinks, more laughter, more faces he would forget by morning. He found himself in a private booth, surrounded by people he hardly knew. They talked about yachts, sports cars, and exotic vacations. But their words were noise, lacking meaning.

Lucas checked his watch. It was well already past midnight. "I'm heading out," Lucas said to no one in particular. A few mumbled goodbyes followed him out of the booth, but no one seemed to care if he stayed or left.

As Lucas stepped out of the club into the cool night air, he realized he had wandered deeper into the street than usual. The streets were narrower here. He reached for his phone to call his driver, but his pockets were empty. No phone, no wallet. Did he drop them in the club?

"Damn it," he muttered, looking around. He tried to retrace his steps, but the streets were totally unfamiliar to him, so he could not know which turns to make. The noise of the club was totally gone, replaced by distant sirens and the usual low noise of the city at night. Lucas kept walking, hoping to find a landmark or a friendly face. Instead, he found himself in a dark narrow track.

Before he could realize and react, a group of men emerged from the shadows. They moved quickly and surrounded him. Lucas tried to back away, but a punch landed with his stomach, hitting him so hard, as he staggered to maintain balance with his leg to hold him from falling. They grabbed his jacket, and pulled him down despite his strong resistance. His vision blurred as a boot was used to kick him on his ribs and on his head while he was on the floor.

He was alone in the dark street, his head hurts, and his body ached from the beating. He felt the rain on his face, cold and relentless. "Help," he screamed, but his voice wasn't heard by any one. He tried to stand, but his legs were weak, and he fell back on the wet ground.

As he lay on the ground, struggling to keep his consciousness active, he heard footsteps approaching. A soft voice cut through the rain. "Hey, you okay?"

Lucas slowly tried opening his eyes, trying to focus. A young woman was standing over him, with her hood which pulled up against the rain. Her eyes were filled with concern, but she was a little terrified, so she maintained a cautious distance.

"Can you hear me?" she asked, kneeling beside him. Her hands were gentle as she checked his bruises. "You need a hospital?"

Lucas shook his head, though it made him dizzy. "Just... help me up," he muttered, with a weak voice.

She slid her arm under his, helping him to his feet. "Looks like you took a beating. You sure you don't need a doctor?"

"I'm fine," Lucas said even he could barely stand, but leaning heavily on her. "Just need to... get out of here."

"Okay, but you're coming with me. My place isn't far," she said, leading him out of the dark corner of the street. "Don't try anything stupid, though. I've got a brother who doesn't like troublemakers" she added.

Lucas was silent; the pain he was feeling was all that was in his mind. Each step was filled with pain, but the lady; whoever she was, held him firmly to help him maintain his balance while moving. They walked through the neighborhood. It was a far cry from the glamorous streets Lucas was used to.

"What's your name?" she asked as they reached a small bungalow.

"Lu Lu Lu...cas," he said slowly as though it was a whisper, the lady only struggled to hear his words faintly.

"Lucas what?" she asked

"Belmont," he said, trying to keep his head from spinning. "Lucas Belmont."

The woman stopped, eyeing him with doubt. "Belmont? Like... the Belmont Enterprises?"

Lucas nodded, "Yeah, that's me...."

The lady caught him before he completed his statement. "Great. A billionaire getting attacked in my neighborhood... a low-life rugged community? Wow..." She sighed, looking at him from his feet down up to his head, with surprise and doubt displayed all over her face. "Come on, Lucas Belmont..." she paused and smiled a bit while shaking her head. Let's get you patched up. But remember, you're in my territory now."

He was still slightly unconscious as she helped him into the building and up a narrow staircase. The apartment was small but warm, a single living room with an old rough-looking couch and a tiny kitchen. The lady laid him down on the couch, then entered into another room. He heard her searching through drawers, then the sharp sound of a first aid kit opening.

"What's your name?" Lucas finally struggled and asked, even with his voice weak.

"Mia," she replied, returning with bandages and antiseptic. "Mia Reynolds. And you're lucky I found you when I did. Otherwise, you'd be spending the night with the rats."

Lucas facial expression showed pain as Mia cleaned his wounds, but he didn't have the energy to talk a lot. "Thanks," he said, before he returned back to his unconsciousness.

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