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One night is all it takes

One night is all it takes

Adela Andrew


After having her heart broken by her high school sweetheart, Alma Harrison decides to throw caution in the wind and live a little, but what she doesn't know is that one night of reckless abandon would turn her life into a whirlwind of surprises accompanied with pain, love, loss, and regret with Damon Edgar the most eligible billionaire bachelor in the city. How did she get herself into this mess? But most importantly, how is she going to get out of it?

Chapter 1 One

Standing by the window in George's room, Alma held his phone in one hand and the other hand folded across her chest, her eyes glistening with the tears that she was trying to fight back and a million questions racing through her mind.

"Babe, are you ok?" George asked, stepping out of the shower with a towel around his waist and his still dripping wet. "For how long?" Alma replied to him, seeing the look of confusion on his face she asked again "for how long have you been lying and cheating on me?" At this point her voice had begun to shake, a tear had found its way out rolling down her cheek, she was trying so hard not to cry in front of him.

"Babe I promise it's not what you think" he answered, seeing his phone in her hand and an open chat on the screen "not what I think? It's not what I think, George really!" She shouted "oh what could it be then? Of course it's not what I think, it's what I can freaking see!" She said as she showed him the chat she had found on his phone between him and one 'LG'. "So now tell me from these messages what should I think?" At this point she had begun to cry all the effort she put into holding back the tears were no match for the piercing pain she felt in her heart.

"Babe it was just a one time thing" "it's nothing serious I promise, I only love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with just you" " please you have to believe me I beg you" George went on his knees as he begged her. "It was a one time thing right?" Alma said with a sarcastic smile "so for how long does a one time 'thing' last? Because from what I see here you both have been in touch for a long time now and yes lest I forget you're supposed to be meeting tonight right?" "I was going to meet up with her and end things. I swear it, Alma please I want to make things right."

Alma gave out a tight laugh. "It's very bold of you to stay there George and look me straight in the eyes and you fucking tell me more lies... wow! you must think I'm a fool, well I don't blame you anyway you've fooled me all these years George you made me think you loved me" she fell to the ground the pain in her heart became so heavy her legs could no longer carry her she started sobbing "I loved you George, I gave you everything, I built my world around you, I fought for you, I fought by you when it seemed like the world was against you. I gave you my heart, my years, my every..." her words were cut off by the sobbing that followed.

"Alma I promise you, I will fix this I'm going to end things with her, I - I feel nothing for her it's you I love it's you I've always love and I promise I'm going to fight and make things work I'm going to make us work, we're getting married soon please don't do this to me" she raised her head looking straight at him " Goerge those are the lies you tell to a naive teenage girl and last I checked I stopped being a teenager long ago and as of today I have stopped being you fool" she said in a very quiet tone "and you did this to us George I can't believe I was going to get married to liar and a bloody cheat... I don't ever want to see you ever again!"

Alma got off the ground, leaving his phone there she picked up her bag, wiped the tears from her eyes, took a deep breath and she walked out leaving George still on his knees on the ground with the pieces of everything they shared which had now been shattered by his lies and deceit, she was done with everything.


Damon stood on the front porch of his father's mansion leaning on the barrister and his hand stretched over them with a glass of whiskey. He stared at the sun set lost in deep thought, while his index finger played around the mouth of the glass.

"Hey big Dee, Dee, Damon!" Damon jolted out of his thoughts and turned his head to see his cousin and best friend Brice standing beside him "oh sorry man, I didn't hear you come in", "that's alright bro, the guests are leaving. Look, I know these past few days have been quite hard for you with the death of your dad and all, I just want you to know that if you need anything at all just let me know" Brice said, putting his hand on Damon's shoulder and squeezing it slightly. "Thanks Bree I really appreciate".

"I know you and uncle Edgar didn't really have the best father son relationship, he was a nut to crack and you being the stubborn and hardheaded miscreant I'm not surprised" Brice said smiling, giving Damon a playful nudge, "but one thing I know is behind that man if steel was a big heart that really loved and cared about you" Damon stood up straight looking down at the glass if whiskey in his hands "Thanks man, I just wish I was by his side when he died, I'm the worst son ever" "of course you're the worst bro, I always say that".

Damon looked at Brice with shock "I mean you're the worst best friend and cousin so I don't want to even think of you as my son I would have sold you to some merchants long ago and gotten myself a sweet ride with the money" Brice started laughing "listen Dee you and uncle Edgar might have not seen eye to eye but it was so evident the love you both had for each other and that's better than what some of us have", "take me for example my dad abandoned my mom even before I was born, I don't even know if he's dead or alive and frankly I couldn't care less, if not for your parents who helped us who knows how it'll have been for us".

"Thank Bree you're a real brother man" Damon said and hugged Brice "I know man, I mean what will your life be without me?" Damon smiled " it would have been lonely but at least a lot more peaceful" Damon laughed as he walked away.

Damon and Brice went back into the house to greet the guests goodbye and thank them for coming for his father's funeral. "Uncle Dee!" Edward, Damon's stepbrother, called after him from across the living room "hey Eddy what's up? And why are breathing so hard", "I've been searching all over the place for you and mom said she would like to speak to you" Edward said trying to catch his breath "ok, just tell her I'll be with her when I'm done bidding the guests goodbye", "oh no sorry uncle Dee no can't do, I'm going up to my room to hide from that woman before she drains the blood from my body" Edward said smacking his hand on his forehead.

Brice laughed and said "oh come on Edd your mom is not that bad" Edward raised his eyebrow looking at Brice "yea right, I'll be in my room if anyone needs me. Please no one should need me" Edward left for his room. All the guests had left for the night including Brice.

Damon was about to retire to bed for the night when he remembered that Edward had told him Greta his stepmother wanted to speak to him, he went to Greta's room he knocked a couple of times but there was no response, he decided to go downstairs, 'she's probably in the kitchen making sure everything is in order', he thought, the woman was a perfectionist sometimes he found it irritating.

On getting downstairs he looked out the window and saw his stepmother talking with a strange man, he had never seen this man before and he definitely wasn't family, so who could he be? He thought all the guests had gone for the night, he watched as they talked for a little while and the man entered into his car and drove off.

Greta walked into the house and was startled as she saw Damon, "Edward said you wanted to see me?" Damon asked "oh yes but it's late now and I'm so tired. I think it's best we leave the discussion for tomorrow", "alright then tomorrow" Damon said "alright goodnight" she responded and went up stairs.

Damon stood there wondering why she was so tense seeing him stand there and who was that man she was talking to? and most importantly what were they discussing that couldn't wait?

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