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When 17-year-old Ava is forced to attend the mysterious Silvermist Academy, she discovers a world beyond her wildest dreams - and nightmares. Among supernatural students and secrets, she must navigate her own unknown heritage and the whispers of a mysterious past. As she delves deeper into the academy's mysteries, Ava uncovers a hidden world of magic, ancient secrets, and a darkness that threatens to consume everything. With the help of enigmatic Lyra and other unlikely allies, Ava must confront the shadows within and beyond the veil to uncover the truth about herself and her place in this mystical world. But as the danger escalates, Ava realizes that the line between friend and foe is thin, and the secrets she uncovers may be the very keys to her survival - or her downfall.

Chapter 1 The uninvited guest

Chapter 1:

Ava's Perspective

I stood outside the sleek, silver-gray walls of the academy, my heart racing with a mix of fear and resentment. I didn't choose to come here; I was forced to. The letter had arrived unexpectedly, with no explanation or option to decline. It was as if they knew something about me, something I didn't even know myself.

As I pushed open the glass doors, a chill ran down my spine. The modern, minimalist interior was a stark contrast to the eerie atmosphere I'd expected. But something still felt off. The air inside was thick with an otherworldly energy, like the very walls were watching me.

I was ushered into a crowded hallway, surrounded by students who seemed to be sizing me up. Their eyes lingered on me, but none of them could quite place me. I knew I didn't fit in – I was the only one without any visible supernatural traits. But I wasn't about to reveal my secrets.

The whisper came suddenly, as I passed a group of students: "What is she?" It was a soft, curious voice, but it sent a shiver down my spine. I quickened my pace, trying to blend in, but their gazes followed me like a weight.

I spotted a figure standing alone by the lockers – a girl with piercing green eyes and raven-black hair. She seemed out of place among the others, and I felt an inexplicable connection to her. As our eyes met, she raised an eyebrow, and I sensed a challenge.

"Welcome, Ava," she said, her voice low and mysterious. "I'm Lyra. You're the new enigma, aren't you?"

I nodded, unsure how to respond. Lyra's gaze seemed to bore into my soul, as if searching for something.

"Don't worry, I won't bite... yet," she said with a sly smile. "But be warned, Ava – this academy has secrets, and not everyone is what they seem."

With that, she turned and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me with more questions than answers.

I clutched tightly to my bags, wondering what lurked. Then the loud speaker came on... startling me from my thoughts.

"Students of Slivermist..... welcome to another era of magic, power and survival" The words came out loud from a person I couldn't see.

There were cheers from all students and growls sounds that were funny to my ear.

"Now, in other not to waste time, we will begin the ranking with immediate effect.....!!!! Try not to dieeee" the voice said with obvious glee.

"My mind was against each other...die? Did I just hear die? I'm only human for goodness sake and I'm expected to do a test with supernatural beings involving death penalty?" This thoughts ran through my head.

"Don't worry.... you're not dying for real...but if you die in the test, you're as good as dead" a voice said behind me.

I turned round abruptly, to see a boy of my age standing before me. He was taller and chesty, his hair was a mixture of black and wine...he had clear blue eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked after seizing him up

He brought his face close to mine while I withdrew mine

"You don't belong here Ava....go home" he said and strolled away..............

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