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Bound by a contract: led by love.

Bound by a contract: led by love.



~ANNOTATION ~ "Evelyn Blake didn't know it yet, but when she signed that contract, she sealed her fate. Her enigmatic smile belied a secret yearning for something more-a yearning that would draw her into a world of dangerous passions, hidden desires, and unexpected revelations. A world that would leave her bound not just to her new employer, but to a man who would unravel her life in ways she never could have imagined." Bound by a contract: led by love, a story you shouldn't miss. Find out!.

Chapter 1 A chaotic wedding

Chapter one

Evelyn had always been the cautious type. She was the type of woman who weighed every decision, considered every consequence. But when she was offered a job at the prestigious firm of Langston's & Associates, she couldn't help but feel a little reckless.

Evelyn's stomach was in knots as she sat before Drake Langston, CEO of Langston & Associates Wealth Management. She knew this was her one shot at a career in the industry, but her nerves were threatening to derail her.

"Ms. Blake, I'm going to be frank with you," Drake Langston began, his voice steady and measured. "I have a plethora of applicants for this position, all of them highly qualified. What makes you think you're the one I should choose?"

Her heart raced faster as she forced herself to meet his gaze. "I have a passion for finance," she replied, her voice steady despite her nerves. "And I'm willing to work harder than anyone else to prove it."

Drake seemed to consider her words for a moment, his expression unreadable. "Very well," he said at last.

"However," He continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "I must warn you that this position comes with some...special requirements. Requirements that may not be to everyone's liking."

Evelyn swallowed hard, her curiosity piqued. "What kind of requirements?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"As the CEO of Langston & Associates, I have certain...preferences," Drake replied, his voice dropping to a low whisper. "Preferences that I expect my employees to accommodate. If you're uncomfortable with this, then perhaps this position isn't for you."

She could feel her heart racing again, her mind trying to make sense of Drake's s cryptic words. His voice, low and measured, sent a shiver through her. And the way he looked at her, his piercing blue eyes seeming to see straight through her, left her breathless.

How can a man be this handsome?! She thought to herself.

Drake Langston was not just the CEO of a prestigious firm, he was also a man of striking good looks-tall, dark-haired, with a chiseled jawline and a commanding presence.

Drake leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Ms. Blake, I assure you that these requirements are not illegal or immoral. They are simply...unconventional." He paused, his gaze never leaving her face. "Do you think you can handle that?"

She swallowed hard, trying to maintain her composure. "I believe so, Mr. Langston."

He nodded slowly, a smile playing on his lips. "Good. Then we can begin the process." He stood up, his gaze still fixed on her, and began to walk around his desk. "I'll need you to sign a contract, Ms. Blake. A very specific contract."

Evelyn's eyes widened, her mind racing. What kind of contract? What did he mean by unconventional requirements? But she didn't dare to ask-not when she was so close to securing the job she had been seeking for the past six months after graduating with a beautiful degree. She couldn't back out now, not when this job represented a chance to prove herself in the cutthroat world of finance, not when it would provide her with the stability and independence she'd longed for her entire life. Her family had struggled financially, and she'd always felt the weight of their struggles. She couldn't let them down now, couldn't let this opportunity slip away.

Evelyn nodded, her jaw set. "I'll sign the contract," she said, her voice steady. "But I need to know what it entails."

Drake smiled, his eyes sparkling. "Of course, Ms. Blake. I wouldn't expect anything less. The contract is a standard employment agreement, but with a few...addendums." He reached into a drawer and produced a thick, leather-bound document. He placed the document on his desk, his fingers tracing the edge of the cover. "This addendum outlines a unique arrangement between you and me," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "It stipulates that, in addition to your regular duties, you will be expected to...accompany me to certain events and functions."

Her brow furrowed. "What kind of events?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

Drake's smile widened, his eyes taking on a mischievous glint. "Galas, dinners, charity functions. You will be my companion for these events, and you will be expected to be both charming and discreet."

Evelyn's heart skipped a beat. This wasn't what she'd expected at all. "Mr. Langston, I'm here for a finance position," she said, her voice still shaking.

"Let me put it simply," Drake said, his gaze never leaving her face. "I want you to be my wife, Ms. Blake." he began.

" Your position will still stand as my financial advisor, however, I'd require additional services from you as my contract wife. Only for a year."

Evelyn's mouth went dry. This was a completely different ball game. "Mr. Langston, I...I can't just agree to something like that. We don't even know each other."

Drake's smile grew even wider. " It doesn't mean..."

" But??"

"It's not a request, Evelyn," Drake said, his voice hardening. "It's an order." He leaned forward, his eyes darkening. "I am the CEO of a billion-dollar company, Ms. Blake. I don't take 'no' for an answer. And I certainly don't tolerate insubordination from my employees."

Evelyn recoiled, her heart racing. "But marriage is such a...such a serious commitment," she stammered, her hands shaking. "I can't just agree to something like that without thinking it through."

"Commitment?" Drake scoffed, his face contorting into a grimace. "Why would I be committed to a pauper like you? You should be grateful I've even considered you for this position. This job will change your life-you're not doing me any favors here."

Evelyn's eyes widened, a flush of anger rising up her throat. "Excuse me?" she snapped, her own voice rising.

"One hundred million, monthly," Drake repeated, ignoring the look of surprise on Evelyn's face. "That's your salary, Ms. Blake, for agreeing to this arrangement. Plus, the perks that come with being my wife; you'll have the finest clothes, a luxurious home, a car...anything you desire."

Evelyn's eyes widened even further. One hundred million a month? It was almost too good to be true. But something about Drake's offer didn't sit right with her.

Her eyes narrowed, and her jaw clenched. "You expect me to sell myself to you for money?" She spat out the words, barely able to keep her rage in check. "I'm not some kind of commodity, Mr. Langston. I may be desperate, but I have some self-respect."

Drake raised an eyebrow, amused at her outburst. "You may think you have self-respect, Ms. Blake," he said, his voice condescending.

"I know you need the money. Paupers like you don't have a choice, do they?" He leaned back in his chair, his smugness radiating off of him in waves. "You can walk away from this deal, but then you'll just be another failed job seeker with nothing but your 'self-respect' to comfort you."

Evelyn's hands clenched into fists. How dare he speak to her like that?

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to marry a man like you," She hissed, standing up from her seat. "I may be a pauper, but I'd rather be poor and free, than rich and shackled to a man who treats women like property."

Drake's face darkened, the amusement draining from his features. He stood up as well, looming over Evelyn.

"You really think you're going to walk out of here, Ms. Blake?" Drake's voice was low and dangerous. "This isn't just a job you're turning down. It's your one chance to make something of yourself. And once you leave this office, you'll never get a chance like this again."

Evelyn glared at him, refusing to back down. "You can threaten me all you want, but I'm not going to be your trophy wife."

" We shall see about that" Drake smirked as he watched her leave his office in outrage.


The elegant ivory wedding gown hugged Evelyn's curves, the intricate lace overlay sparkling under the chandelier lights. The delicate train cascaded behind her, a testament to the wealth and extravagance of the Langston name. But despite the beauty of the dress, Evelyn felt like a prisoner in her own skin.

It wasn't an elaborate wedding that would arouse several attention, however, it was quite simple, just with few friends and close relatives as a witnesses to the facade called marriage.

As she swept down the aisle, her heart thudded in her chest. She felt the stares of Drake's admirers burning into her, but she kept her head held high. As she reached the altar, she caught the sight of drake, bearing an infectious smile to the congregation.

"Guess who's on a wedding dress, married to me?," Drake sneered, his lip curling into a smirk as she got closer to him.Evelyn wanted to spit in his face, but she couldn't. Not when her family's future depended on the money this marriage would bring.

Few minutes later, she caught sight of Drake's mother, a towering woman in a garish gown, berating the priest for not tying the knot fast enough.

"Get on with it, man of God!" she boomed, a heavy ringed hand smacking the poor priest on the shoulder. "My son's got places to be, people to see." She voiced obstreperously before having a seat, facing directly at the young couple.

The priest, trembling in his cassock, stammered through the final vows, beads of sweat dotting his forehead. Drake and Evelyn exchanged rings, hers a sparkling diamond the size of a golf ball.

"If any person present knows any reason why this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace," the priest said, his voice shaking.

Silence fell over the congregation, save for Susan, Drake's mother. With a dramatic flourish, she stood up, glaring at the guests. "Let me tell you this, any of you who dares to object to my son's wedding, I shall ensure that your funeral be saddening and your grave stumbled upon!"

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest mumbled, hastily dipping his quivering hand into the holy water font.

But before Drake could lean in for a kiss, his mother intervened. "Hold up, son!" she bellowed, startling the entire congregation.

The guests shifted uneasily in their seats, the tension in the room palpable. Even the organist hesitated, his fingers hovering above the keys.

Susan undeterred, continued her tirade. "Drake is the apple of my eye, the star in my sky. And I'll be damned if anyone tries to take him away from me."

She turned back to the priest, her smile widening. "Onto the next, Father," she said, her voice sweet as honey. "You may kiss the bride. But make it quick, gosh, I have a meeting in five!"

Drake rolled his eyes, but leaned in to kiss his new bride. And just as their lips met, Susan clapped her hands loudly, hooting and hollering like she was at a football game.

Evelyn, flushed with embarrassment, pulled away from Drake, her lips still tingling. She shot a sideways glance at his mother, who was now leading the rest of the guests in a chorus of whoops and cheers.

Drake, meanwhile, was trying to maintain his composure, but a vein was beginning to throb in his temple.

As the reception got underway, Scarlet, a young woman at her early thirties, sashayed into the reception hall, her hips swaying like a pendulum in her daring red dress. The scent of her perfume lingered in her wake, a sultry blend of jasmine and sandalwood.

"Darling," she purred, brushing her perfectly manicured nails against Drake's cheek. "Congratulations on your nuptials." Her gaze flickered to Evelyn and back, the corner of her mouth curling into a smirk.

"I can't help but notice how young and...inexperienced your new bride looks. I hope she'll be able to keep up with your needs, darling." She arched an eyebrow, the corners of her mouth turned up in a smirk. Susan, who had been watching the scene with a mix of curiosity and disgust, let out a loud guffaw.

"I don't recall sending an invitation to slimy bitches like the one on a red dress," she uttered, her voice dripping with venom. "Shouldn't you be at home plotting your next conquest with that withered honey pot of yours?"

Evelyn, trying to remain composed, bit her lip to suppress a laugh. But she couldn't help but let out a snort, which earned her a glare from Scarlet.

Angered by Susan's outburst, her face changed to a deep shade of crimson. "You old hag!" she hissed, her fingers curling into fists. "If you weren't Drake's mother, I'd-"

"Enough!" Drake barked, stepping between the two women. "I will not tolerate this behavior on my wedding day!"

Both Scarlet and Susan fell silent, their gazes locked in a battle of wills as several eyes peered into their.


"Mr. and Mrs. Langston!" the crowd roared, throwing confetti and cheering as the newlyweds got into their waiting limousine.

"That was a smashing show, darling," Drake purred, kissing Evelyn's hand with flourish.

Evelyn smiled, batting her lashes coyly. "Why thank you, my love. You were quite the charmer yourself."

As soon as the limo doors shut, the air changed. The smile melted off Drake's face and Evelyn's voice turned cold. "That performance was as authentic as your promise of a financial advisor position," she snapped, her eyes narrowed into slits.

Drake scoffed. "And that love-struck look you gave me was as fake as Scarlet's 'concern' for me."

" Tell me more about the mistresses in your life, Mr perfect." Evelyn voiced sarcastically.

"Oh, there are so many, my dear," Drake drawled, his eyes flashing with mischief. "There's Penelope, Brittany, Eva..."

Evelyn's face flushed with anger. "Are you actually proud of that? You're just a sleazy rich man who thinks he can buy anything he wants, including women."

Drake let out an impassive laugh " Scarlet's just one of my father's lousy bitches". Evelyn frowned " I didn't ask you..."

Drake laughed, a harsh sound that bounced off the walls of the limo. "You can't tell me that my charms are getting to you already." He leaned forward, the hint of a smile curling his lips. "Are you jealous?"

Evelyn scoffed. "Jealous? Please! You're nothing but a conceited, arrogant..." Her voice trailed off, remembering what Drake had said about Scarlet. "Wait, what did you say about Scarlet?"

" She's my father's mistress. Not mine. So keep your tempo down. I'm okay with your enlarged forehead ruining my day already."

Her eyes widened, but she quickly recovered, her lips curling into a sneer. "Your father's mistress, huh? It seems like sleaziness runs in the family." She leaned forward, her face inches from his. "And as for my forehead, at least it's not as big as your ego."

Drake's face hardened, his eyes turning to ice. "I made a mistake marrying you, Evelyn."

He pulled out his phone, tapping away furiously. "I'm already scheduling a meeting with my lawyers to discuss the divorce. We're ending this sham of a marriage."

Evelyn snorted. "You're right," she purred, her voice dripping with venom. "For someone who was so eager to have me as his bride, you sure can't stand the sight of me for even a second." She crossed her arms over her chest, a smirk playing on her lips. "Half of your properties will do nicely as compensation for wasting my precious time."

Drake leaned forward, his lips curled into a sneer. "You might want to watch your tone, Evelyn. I'm not sure I can stand the breath oozing out of your mouth much longer."

Evelyn's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?" she said, her eyes narrowing to slits. "You're the one who's been running your mouth this whole time."

Drake shrugged, his smirk widening. "Just stating facts, darling." He gestured towards the house, his expression hardening. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than bicker with you."

She opened her mouth to retort, but the limo pulled to a stop. The driver opened the door and Drake stepped out, leaving Evelyn alone in the car. As she watched him disappear into their new home, she realized that this marriage was going to be a war.

How's the story for a start??

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