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Demon Queen, I want your love

Demon Queen, I want your love

isabella moona


"I love you, do you understand?" Lucian Desmond. "I will share you pain and grow old with you. I have hurt you in the past, and now is the future, I want to love you now. And you can do nothing about that," She clenched her fists and bit her lips. "But I am a demoness," Roseline Douglas. "That makes no difference Roseline. I will take it away. Walk a hundred miles for you. I don't want to loose you. Roseline Douglas was brought up from a poor background, and betrayed by her childhood classmate, cursing the young boy, Lucian Desmond, in the end. And the two finally meets again, meeting themselves in a complicated situation, where they had to fall in love, change and try to exchange their destinies.

Chapter 1 Detention

2008, 10:58 AM

It was a busy day in Marygrove. The wind was howling silently in the streets. A car was passing on the silent road with no noise except the tires of a small, moving car.

In this car, there was a happy family of three. The grandfather, the mother, and the kid

pink,cheeks,suia 13-year-oldmuch,Roselinirl of 13, was busy staring at the beautiful landscape. Her beautplumplumpy lips were clamped together, and her pink rosy cheeks which suits her name so much blushed as the beautiful area kept giving her goosebumps.

But unfortunately, her goosebumps weren't just for the area; they were for the idea of her going to school. Those eyes that would stare at her today...

"Ugh!!!" She had to groan.

"Roseline, are you happy to go to school?" Her mother asked with a smile.

"I am not mom; you should have left me alone at home. You still went ahead to rent this car all because of me again," she snorted.

"Common rose, school is fun," her grandpa added, with a smile stuck on his face.

"But not for me, grandpa; they are all bullies at school. All they do is bully me, so how's school fun then?" She asked, and her mom sighed.

Her daughter had always complained about this school of hers. She wished she could just take her away from the school, but what can she do but struggle endlessly to make sure her small family never lacks? Even without a husband.

*at school*

"Goodbye, Roseline; behave yourself well, okay?"

"Yes, mom," she muttered and waved at them.

She walked into the school, then into her class, only to meet the teacher teaching as usual. She was so late and so in trouble today.

The teacher, Miss Miller, gasped seeing her walk slowly to class.

"Roseline Douglas, why are you late to class again?" She questioned herself, folding her arms under the busty area of her chest. Roseline couldn't care less, as she found no excuse to tell her teacher.

"I can't speak for myself, Miss Miller. I am just late," she said bluntly, and the whole class burst out in laughter, mocking her.

"After class, detention!"

"Yes,"Yes Miss Miller," she replied.

At least detention was for her. I hope she doesn't meet bullies in detention.

All eyes were on the girl who walked to her seat. She sat down with her head lowered.


Roseline walked into Miss Miller's office to see her seated with a frown on her face. A boy was also with her, with his head lowered. It seemed he was getting scolded about something bad he did. I hope he wasn't a bully.

"Miss Miller?" she called.

ordered"Sit!" Miss Miller commanded without sparing her a glance.

Roseline went to take her seat beside the boy who avoided her. At least he was also in detention.

"Coming late to class, (turns to the boy) hanging around the school?"

"I was only receiving a call, Miss Miller," the boy said for himself.

"Oh, why don't you go explain to the principal that you were just taking a quick call; that's all you did before I caught you red-handed!"

The boy rolled his eyes at the teacher, thinking she overreacted a lot.

"Lucian and Roseline, come with me."

She stood up and took the both of them to a room beside hers. A surprising room.

"Mrs. Claudia left over room?" They both exclaimed, their eyes widening.

The room had been left over for ages. It was rumored that this office was once the principal's office controlled by Mrs. Claudia, the woman with evil intentions who had left the school with police escorts. Since then, this place has been locked up.

She opened the padlock and led them in.

"But it would take days to clean this place up," Roseline complained, looking everywhere and at the same time feeling quite irritated.

"That's why you have an assistant. I want this place all cleaned up before Monday, got that?"

"But tomorrow is Saturday,"

"Yeah. Just today, tomorrow, and Sunday. You both are lucky; no one would be able to disturb you while you are both in detention. Just remember, before Monday, you both are really in serious trouble."

She points her finger at them, glaring at them.

"And Lucian, don't you dare do something dangerous!" She pointed to his face. He made an eye roll. The teacher walked away, leaving the two of them to themselves.

Roseline walked out to grab the gloves, dusters, and broom. She walked into the room to clean it up, thinking he would come with her.

Lazy ass Lucian picked up a chair, dusted it, and took his seat like the pampered child he was.

"Sorry? What are you doing?" She questioned with one of her eyebrows raised in question.

"Who do you think I am? I don't do minor jobs." Oh, she had forgotten that, as there were bullies everywhere in the school, there were also rich, pampered brats who thought they were on top of the world, and an example of such was this brat over here.

"You are not to do minor jobs." This isn't a minor job. It is detention."

"So?" he questioned.

"So?! (scoffs) "Would you get your lazy ass off there and do your work, cause I don't think I would touch anything if you don't stand up? Maybe we will both get into trouble!" She threatened, pointing right at his face.

"Are you threatening me?"

"If you count that as a threat, that would be a no. I am only reminding you of the trouble you could cause by just sitting down there doing nothing." She snapped angrily at him.

He clenched his fist and finally stood up to clean the damn room. He took the dusters, the broom, and a mask. He remembered that she wasn't wearing a mask. "That stupid girl," he cursed. He took another mask for the girl, who was busy cleaning the window.

"Stupid girl, she forgot her mask," he curses again.

He turned around to call her, only to see a goddess standing by the windows. The sun, which reflected on her face, made her look like a sun goddess. He never knew she had a set of blue eyes. It was beyond beautiful. It was magical. Her lips parted a little, making her look like a little princess in distress. A little princess is cleaning the window. It was wonderful.

With no shame, he walked towards Roseline, staring at her face with interest. Roseline looked at him in disgust. Why was he staring at her like that?

"Why are you staring at me like that?" she questioned.

"You are beautiful," he said shamelessly.

"Excuse me?" She raised her brows.

"You know, I feel like kissing you right now because you are really attractive. You are beautiful," he said with a smile as the girl scoffed at him. What is he saying now? What had his parents taught him? To have girls off to himself? He is nothing but a young spoilt brat! How old was he? Eleven? Saying kisses.


"I think I am attracted to you," he pouted his lips cutely, and immediately, the girl walked away from him and suddenly ran out of the room to Miss Miller's, only to see it locked. She was disappointed. Gosh, she just wanted to report the boy who doesn't know how to filter his mouth. He was trying to take advantage of her.

She walked back to the room only to see him smiling mischievously. 'What psychopath have I met in detention?' She thought to herself. The minute Lucian saw her coming alone, His smile suddenly turned to a smirk.

"What?!! No, Miss Miller?" He teased her with a surprised look on his face.

"Please quit saying things that would make me so uncomfortable," she pleaded with him.

"How can Lucian Desmond make you uncomfortable?" He questioned, stressing the 'how?' like he was on top of the world.

"I've never heard of the name," she replied.

He smiled at her, then the two resumed their work, even though Roseline was uncomfortable. She could see his stare everywhere she went.

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