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Nurse Lisa is the best in the country until she's assigned to care for the arrogant and brooding Ace, who's been injured in a mysterious accident. Lisa is determined to treat Ace, but his stubbornness and attitude make it difficult. As Lisa works to heal Ace's body, she realizes that he may also need healing of the heart. Will their love play be just a game, or will it lead to something deeper?"

Chapter 1 New job

Lisa POV:

I have amazing news for you." Lisa heard her boss Doctor Kingston say.

I raised my eyebrow waiting for him to continue what he wanted to say.

"You have been assigned to work for a very special man Lisa." My boss continued the smile not leaving his lips.

"Uhm who are we talking about please and why me?" I asked quietly looking at him.

"Well, you have won best nurse of the year, and This man needs a special nurse, we think you best nurse for that job." My boss said.

"But I was never told about this," I said confusedly.

"Come on Lisa, I'm telling you now right, would you like the offer or not?" My boss asked a frown on his lips.

"Of course, I would be honored to take on this assignment, Doctor Kingston," Lisa replied. "But I'm still confused. Who is this special patient, and why do they need a nurse like me?"

"I'm glad you're willing to accept the challenge," my boss said, a smile reappearing on his face. "I can't share too much information about the patient with you, but I can tell you that he is a man of great importance, and he needs the best care possible. You have been chosen for this task because of your dedication and skill as a nurse. I have complete faith in you,

"This patient is going to require a lot of time and attention, and I know you're up to the task," Doctor Kingston continued. "He is being kept under very strict security, and you will need to follow all the protocols in place. Are you ready to take on this challenge?"

Lisa took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm ready," she said, her voice strong and confident. "I won't let you down. Just tell me what I need to do."

Kingston nodded, his eyes full of approval. "I'll brief you on the details of the case, and then you can.

"The patient is a man by the name of Ace," Dr. Kingston said, leaning forward. "He was involved in a very serious accident, and he is now in a coma. We're not sure when or if he will ever wake up, but in the meantime, we need to do everything we can to give him the best possible chance at recovery. That's where you come in."

"I understand," Lisa said, her brow furrowed in concentration. "What kind of care does he need? Will I be working with a team of other nurses, or will I be on my own?"

"You will be the primary nurse responsible for his care," Dr. Kingston said, his tone serious. "But you will have a team of other nurses and doctors to support you. We have a whole floor dedicated to his care, and it is staffed 24/7. You will be responsible for administering his medications, monitoring his vital signs, and providing any other care he may need. You will also need to keep detailed records of his condition and progress."

"I can do that," Lisa said, feeling a little overwhelmed but determined to succeed. "Is there anything else I should know?"

"There is one more thing," Kingston said, leaning forward in his chair. "Ace is a very private person, and we need to respect his privacy. You will not be allowed to share any information about him with anyone outside of the hospital staff. This includes your family and friends. Can you agree to that?"

"Yes, I understand," Lisa said. "I will do everything in my power to protect Ace's privacy."

The doctor nodded, a satisfied look on his face. "Thank you, Lisa. I know this is a big responsibility, but it's really important to take care of Mr Ace." My boss mumbled looking around the room.

"When do I start?" I asked him.

"Well, you have to let me know about that, you could leave today." My boss said.

"But what about what here?" I asked confusedly, who will take my place?

"That's already taken care of, now go home and pack your stuff, I will send your payment for the month." My boss said with a smile.

"I'm grateful for you to accept this Lisa, it means a lot." My boss said giving me a little smile.

But all I did was nod and turn toward my office.

I shut the door to my office and took a deep breath. This was all happening so fast. I had just been given the opportunity of a lifetime, and I didn't know if I was ready for it. But I knew that I had to try. This was too important to back out now.

I started to pack up my desk, putting all of my personal belongings into a box. As I did so, my mind was racing. I kept thinking about the patient, and what I would need to do to care for him. I wondered what he was like, and what his condition was. But most of all, I wondered if I could handle the pressure. I had never worked with a patient in a coma before, and I knew it would be a challenge. But I was determined to do my best, for both the patient and my boss.

As I finished packing up my desk, I looked around the office one last time. It had been my home for the past few years, and I would miss it. But I knew that this new opportunity was worth it. I took a deep breath and walked out the door.

As I walked down the hallway, I felt a mix of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, and Determination. I was ready to take on this new challenge, and I knew that I could do it. I was headed toward a new beginning, and I was ready for anything that came my way.

The elevator ride down to the ground floor felt like an eternity. I kept thinking about what was ahead of me, and I tried to prepare myself for anything. I stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby, and I felt a rush of adrenaline. This was it, I was starting my new journey.

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