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Moonlit Realm:A tale of love and power

Moonlit Realm:A tale of love and power

olivia smith


After her authority is brought into question and on the verge of breaking down, princess Isabella must find the hidden treasure and prove that she is worthy of ruling the kingdom. As she frantically searches for the hidden treasure, she comes in contact with the mighty werewolf who is in search for a human mate that will change his destiny. When a powerful crisis hits the kingdom, princess Isabella is confronted between love and duty. Will she save her dying kingdom and reclaim her authority or will she sacrifice herself to protect her love and succumb to fate? Find out in the Moonlit Realm. A tale of sacrifice, love, lust for power, betrayal, revenge and forgiveness.

Chapter 1 The Moonlit Encounter

The Moonlit Encounter

It was late at night and princess Isabella was walking through the mysterious deep forest Arcadia.The leaves were thick and made rustling sounds but she did not mind. The last thing she never wanted was being the ruler. She vowed that she would not become the ruler but being chosen what can she do. Her childhood dream was to travel around the world and experience new things but here she is struggling to keep her throne. There was basically nothing she could do about it. She just had to accept the reality and embrace it. She was the luckiest of her kind to be chosen as the heir to the throne. When she was informed that she would be the heir to the kingdom,it shocked her to the bone marrow because it was unexpected. She became the crown princess at a tender age. She was now having busy schedules. She never wanted to become the princess and this was too much for her to bear secluding her to the palace life and being responsible for the people in the kingdom.All she was bothered about was how to lay her hands on the hidden treasure which would make everyone not questioning her decisions and be able to keep her throne. Everything was just complicated making her feel uneasy about the whole situation.She had frantically searched everywhere but she had no clues about it. It had been missing before she became the crown princess. Isabella was at the crossroads because a lot was happening in the kingdom and the treasure was the only way to put an end to it. She smiled within her knowing that she had a heavy burden placed on her and that was the weight of the crown she has to bear. She was not safe within the palace walls either. As she walked she heard some strange sounds and this frightened her. She was sensitive to smell and she had a great personality and she always concealed her face to avoid seen by people. She mustered some courage to speak up. She cleared her throat and said who is that and nobody answered and this made her afraid. As she was about to turn back,she saw a pack of wolves surrounding her from all sides aiming for her blood. Their eyes were fiery and their claws was ready to tear her into pieces. This would not be good enough she thought to herself and she was not ready to be a meal to these hungry wolves. The leader of the wolves said what a nice meal we have here! They all glanced at each other ready to pounce on her . She said leave quietly while I am being nice. He said Your empty threats are nothing and nobody can save you from me as you will be under my bondage begging for mercy. She smiled and they looked at each other wondering what was happening. She said who the hell are you and do you think I fear you? As they were moving closer to her,her heart was moving fast and suddenly they stopped in their tracks. A figure erupted from the shadows and his eyes were burning with anger and blood was dripping from his nails. He moved closer to them and the leader of the wolves popularly known as Azul could not contain his fury jumped at him but he was thrown to the ground and he was unconscious. The others were shocked and the youngest among them said what on Earth have you done? Charles said I basically did nothing. I could not resist the innocent cry and I want this to serve as a reminder to you all that you should stop doing things that will warrant my annoyance. I am sure you know that I hate this your crazy thirst for blood. If you really need it badly find somewhere else to do it and if I catch any one of you doing it near my region your lives would not be spared. I will look for you no matter where you hide and teach you a big lesson. They left quietly with frowns on their faces and slowly his body returned to normal and he moved towards the princess who was now scared as a rabbit. He tapped her on her shoulders and she exhaled deeply. He said my name is Charles and I'm sorry to have scared you. As far as you know I am not from your kind and I wonder what the princess is looking for at this time of the night. I hope you are not hurt he said and she said I am fine . He continued I do not want you to get into any form of danger. Permit me to escort you home as you do not know your way around this forest. She was shocked at his request and nodded her head. She said hmmmm and he took her out of the forest. Within some minutes they arrived at the palace and everyone was happy because they were worried upon her disappearance. She scanned everyone faces and could feel a sense of tension among them. They did not bother asking further questions and they all left seeing that she was Hale and hearty. She did not say anything about her whereabouts to anyone . She just hissed and left with her maids. She just went in with Charles and had a discussion with him. They had some refreshments and she said my name is Isabella and thank you for saving my life. If not because of you I wondered what could have happened to me. He said it is a great honor to save the princess and permit me to ask what were you looking for in the forest? She said it is nothing.i just decided to take a stroll so I got lost in the beauty of it. He nodded and said be careful as there are many eyes everywhere all wanting to take the advantage when you are gone . It is my utmost priority to save you and please know that the people need you more. She said I will always remember that and thanks for being a sweet soul and you are free to visit anytime. He said permit me to take my leave. She said sure. He bowed and left and princess Isabella was thinking about what would have happened if he did not get there in the nick of time. She told her maids to bring water and she brought it and washed her face. After that,her maid dressed her up in her night robe since her outfit was torn and dirty. She looked at herself in the mirror and everything that happened keep ringing in her head. She was going through a lot and trying to keep her head straight but they were all determined to cause her downfall. Because she was a female and ruling them,this did not sit well with many of them. All these criticisms was too much from both sides because it was either threatening to take her throne away or causing her downfall. She always struggled to maintain her composure when around them. She wanted everything to be in the right place but they were always causing problems for her making her look unfit for the throne. Deep inside her,she knew it would be hard for her to figure out everything on her own. She called her maid and said what happened in the palace while I was away. The maid said The deputy minister caused an alarm over your sudden disappearance and we were all worried. The maid teased her and said I wonder what would have happened if you were not back on time. She signaled her to sit and said I wonder if I can have a day of peace in this palace. I can't just have a complete day of rest. All these people aiming for my blood and they will get what what they deserve but this throne is rightfully mine and I can not let an ant to come and stain my throne with his dirty hands. Their moves are irritating and I can not succumb to them no matter what. Something has to be done about them because they are always at war with each other. They are always up to something that is of no good. They are just looking for excuses to bring me down from the throne but it is not possible. This is getting too much and they are aiming for the impossible so that they can have access to control me. Why can't they just focus on carrying out their duties and the well being of the people? They are always looking for excuses to come up with if they are not neglecting their duties and suffering the masses. I think it is time to give them a taste of their own medicine. Only if this treasure has been found,it would put a stop to their nonesense and useless banters but right now I have to think and I will deal with them later . The maid knew that the weight of the crown was heavy and she was struggling to cope with it. The maid said You are the mother of the kingdom and have the sole responsibility of protecting the kingdom. I don't think it is right for you to do that your majesty. Why don't you watch them and think on your next actions to take perhaps it might give you an hint of what you are looking for? She said you are right and I think I should do just that. That's all for today and they bade each other good night.

The next day after she woke up and dressed up, her eunuch informed her that the ministers had called a meeting without her. Her guards were shocked. One of the guards known as Enoch said Your majesty calm down. What the heck are they trying to do? Because I am a female,do they think that they can overpower me? She said with anger. She left with her guards trailing behind. When they reached the large meeting hall,she swinged the door open. she barged in and they were all shocked. She said it feels nice seeing you are all gathered here holding a meeting here. Seeing that you are all here it must be important and urgent and I wonder what can this be all about. She said heading towards her throne. She sat down and continued I can see that you all have selfish desires and that greed will not take you anywhere. The eldest among them said You have no right to question our actions and decisions . So you want to turn me into a puppet because I am not your choice? Do you think you all can have a healthy life with the kind of lifestyle that you are living?She fired back at him. She continued I just want you to know that if you do not stop the rubbish you are doing, whatever comes for you be ready to take it. Another one among them said we are not scared of you after all they are just empty threats. How we all wish you could just disappear without you being a pain on our necks? She said As far as I am concerned, this throne belongs to me and it is going nowhere. I don't care whatever you want to do or think about me because your opinion doesn't matter. All that matters is the people of the kingdom. You are just a bunch of old fools and my judgement stands so far as I rule the kingdom. The eldest one continued why don't you listen to us and it cost us nothing to bring you down from this throne. She said Good luck with it. I pray you succeed with your devilish plan because if not,it is spell doom for all of you. I hope you all learn the right way and stop trying what can not work. I can feel that you all want to taste power but it is not in your destiny and you don't have what it takes. The eldest one said who are you to tell us what to do and not to do. She said Try me and you will know how it feels to bear the weight of the crown. They murmured among themselves and after a while, they left. Her eunuch said Your majesty you really did well. But be careful among them and conscious no matter what. I will do as you say she said. Well,I will be in the imperial garden she said and left. The eunuch said to himself she is trying to be strong and she is hurting inside.i pray she overcomes this and may the heavens guide her and protect her. He then left to continue his own tasks because he hate leaving things undone and there was a lot for him to think about and it was going to get really tough.

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