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Queen Esther


' why ? Why? Why do life have to be this cruel to me ? Can't I be happy for once ? That's Micha's regular question, She is a poor lady who is struggling to get a better life, it became worse when her father died after borrowing a lot of money from the Chambers, she had no choice than to work as a maid still the money wil be paid back. Alot of things happened when she started to work at the Chambers' mansion, what are those things that happened ? Will she be able to survive it?



' Dad please don't do this, please wake up Dad ' Micha shouted as his dad was taken away with a stretcher

' please don't do this to me babe , you can't leave me with the children, please wake up ' Mrs Claus shouted after her husband

' Father ! Father !!! You promised not to leave please father ' Selena shouted after her father before Mr Claus was finally taken into the ward

Cries filled everywhere as the ladies sat down on the floor, Just staring at the three ladies on the floor, no doubt, one can use them for example when describing poverty, they are the exact definition of a poor being, The clothes on them is just like a rag, They look so dirty and untidy.

Selena held her mother's hand trying to pet her but more tears kept on falling from her face, Selena Claus is the first child, not really the first child, she was adopted.

Micha, the second child, well probably the first child, after many years, The Claus gave birth to a child, she is pretty short and slim, despite the fact that the are poor, she still looks so pretty and innocent.

Mrs Claus tears increased, she understands why she was crying so much, this is the second time her husband will be rushed to the emergency unit, Mr Claus is in the last stage of cancer, there's 50/50 chance if they get the money for treatment, well they did and it was stolen, Poor them after all their efforts, the money was even borrowed by a cruel billionaire and right now their life is at stake , it was as if the whole universe was against them


Minutes later, the doctor and the nurses came out of the emergency ward, The nurses left while the doctor came to them, The Claus stood up quickly, it's so clear from the look of the doctor that something bad has happened, The doctor finally got to them, he breath in before speaking out

' Am so sorry, if you have gotten the money, maybe he will be breathing by now, Am sorry to say this, we lost him ' The doctor said before leaving

Another screamed and cries filled everywhere as the Claus' family barged into the ward, only to stare at Mr Claus' dead body

' NO!!!!!!!!


' Dad ' Cindy pouted at her Dad ( Marcus)

' Common everything will be fine, don't you trust your dad anymore ?Marcus asked and someone scoffed beside him

' Doubting Cindy ' Wilson said, he is the Cindy's twin brother, some years later after their birth their mother died, this incident turned Marcus to a sadist, he only smiled and do things freely with his children, when he is not with his children, he put on his sad face

' Dad, you see what he did right now, I wanna change my school, I don't wanna go to school with this dumb brother of mine ' Cindy said, they are just 5 but the both of them are drama on their own

' It still doesn't change the fact that you will still see me at home, just accept the fact that your twinnie is the best ' Wilson said

' Will someone just tell him to stop talking ' Cindy shouted as she look around, Marcus stood still watching his twins, he really wished their mother was here

His phone rang and the twin faced him.

' Dad have to be at work now, my goodbye kisses ? Marcus asked with a smile, the twins pecked their Dad's cheek

' I love you Dad, but I will love you more , when I start schooling separately ' Cindy said before leaving

Marcus faced his son, Wilson understood what his dad meant my his gaze

' Trust me dad, I have been staying in class and I promise to move from the last position to......... Maybe..... I will move from the last position ' He said anything Marcus patted his hair, The both of them waved at each other.


Marcus entered his car, he looked at his phone again.

' what did he want ? He sighed before calling the person back

' my son ' A voice said

' What do you want old man ' Marcus replied

' I got a special gift for you , why don't you come over ? The old man said, Marcus didn't reply him for a while ' Come over ' the voice said again

' Ok ' He ended the call.


Marcus parked his car properly at the park, he got down from his car, his eyes moved around the golden house, yes everything that surrounded the Chambers scream of money , Even the child that are yet to be born into the Chambers family knows that they are moving into money

Some guards surrounded Marcus, they began to bow for him, he didn't bother to greet them back, he left the place , every single place he passes, they will always bow for him , the door was opened for him and his eyes met with his dad , he was busy sipping his drink

' Oh my wonderful son is here ' the old man said with a smile

Marcus sat down at the front of him without uttering a word

' when will you stop this attitude of yours, you know sometimes you just have to accept things the way they are, you can't keep on.......... ' Marcus interupted his father

' Why am I here ' Marcus asked, the old man sighed before talking, he knew Marcus wasn't going to listen to him in the first place

' I heard the maid I gave you committed suicide ' the old man said, a maid brought a drink to Marcus, the maid sucked her lip a little but the two men didn't even bother to look at her, she dropped the drink before leaving in guilt, Marcus is a very cute and handsome man.

' When ? Marcus asked

' What ? The old Man shouted ' you don't Know that Linda is dead ? The old Man shouted

' who is she ? Marcus asked

' seriously, this is not the child I brought up myself, what has gotten Into you is it because of ............

' I will take my leave ' Marcus said and was about leaving when the old Man grabbed his hand

' someone is owning my company a huge money, their daughter is going to serve as a maid in your house still they pay me back ' The old Man said

' Ok ' Marcus said before leaving



Marcus walked into the company, everyone began to bow for him, this is not the only business the Chamber runs , there are alot of them such as the Chamber restaurant, The Chambers beauty saloon and so many buildings in the world

He entered the office, he grabbed his Laptop before getting into business. Someone suddenly barged in, no one has to tell Marcus who it was, it's obviously that step brother of his

' How dare you ? How dare you take that contract from me ' Alex shouted in a deep voice, his chest moving up and down like someone who just finished up a battle , Marcus didn't say anything he didn't even bother to look away from his Laptop, His father is not the lucky type , he married three wifes, the three wife died after giving birth to a child, he stopped getting married to ladies cause he thought he was caused .

Marcus is the youngest out of the three children that was given birth to by different mothers, Angel is the first child, she stopped chasing her father's mother and decided to work on her own, she is currently in Australia, the second child is Alex, he wants every single of his father's property and he is surely going to do anything to get it

' I asked a question you bastard ' Alex said banging the table hard , Marcus didn't even move an inch

' You .....' Alex was about to grab his collar

' Don't you dare ' Marcus said in a serious tone , just like magic, Alex hand hang in the air

' How dare you steal what's mine ? Alex shouted, he does this every time a contract is give to the Chamber Company 1, Instead of Chamber company 2

' I warned you the last time you came here Alex, The next time you dare step into my office to rant here, you know what am capable of ' Marcus warned him

' Oh what are you gonna do you son of a bitch, you know what am capable of doing trust me am going to end you am going to end you ' He shouted, , some guards entered the office, they bowed to Marcus before dragging Alex out of the office

' trust me am going to END YOU ' He shouted before the guards dragged him away

' fool ' Marcus muttered before facing his laptop



Low cries could be heard from Mrs Claus, the house looks so old, it was inherited from Mr Claus' father

' Mother ' Micha called before sitting beside her mother ' I told you not to cry again ' She said

' I can't, I . . can't .....I Know the reason why am in so much tears ' Mrs Claus stuttered

' Mother ' Selena came out of her little room, she also sat down beside her too

' I.......I...... ..I.

' Mother just eat and sleep ' Selena said, Micha opened the food at the front of them, Her mother looked at it, she shaked her head again

' I can't... .am sorry I..... ... can't ' she ran inside a room before locking herself up.

' mother please open up please , Mom please open up ' Micha said almost crying, she banged the door countless times but Mrs Claus didn't bother to open the door

' It's okay ' Selena said before holding Micha's hand, Micah hugged Selena tight before crying

' You should stop crying, you have to stay strong for our mother , you know I will leave for school very soon ' Selena said, Micha nodded on her chest

' You have to stay strong ' Selena said again

' okay I will stay strong but.......I miss father ' Micha said again, she might be an adult but she is so soft in heart

' Don't start again, Eat and go to sleep ' Selena said and she nodded

Minutes later after Micha went to bed, Selena looked at the food at the front of them, it's potato, that the food they usually eat the most, Their father has a little farm at the yard and potato is the ripe food for now, they have been eating potatoes for months now, though they are tired of it but they had no choice but to eat it

Selena rolled her eyes, she locked the small kitchen, she bent down under the wooden table, she carried out the plates under it before bringing out a package

She Crossed her leg on the floor, before bringing out the chicken with juices, she sucked her lower lip, she began to eat

' wow, Fuck them ' she laughed before eating



M&D restaurant

Micha entered the restaurant she hasn't taken her second step when a paper was thrown on Micha's face, no one has to tell her it was Stephanie , her working mate in the restaurant, Stephanie hates Micha for a reason known to everyone, it's obviously because of Micha's beauty

' What ? Why did you throw the paper on me ' Micha asked

' really ? Well that's your sack letter, don't even try to take another step cause am surely going to chase you out of here ' Stephanie shouted before bursting the bubble in her mouth

' Mr Williams can't do that ' Micha Muttered before checking the paper, she felt tears rolling down her face, How will they survive now, it's her salary that is helping the family a little but now the work is gone, she bet she can never find a work like this, M&D pay a lot

' Please move I have to see Mr Williams ' she said but Stephanie tap two of her fingers, Two boys appeared and she was dragged out of the restaurant

Micha didn't go home directly, she sat down at the park, she is currently at the front of a blue car, the car looks every expensive, she put her head on it and began to cry as if it's the end of the world, Well for her, the world is about to end, she wished she could just die right now, what's the use of being in life anyways, it's always bad things she has ever face in life, she is poor and a wretched being, for months she has being feeding her belly with potatoes, her father just die, her mother is sick, her sister needs to go back to school, she herself need to go to college, she has gotten out of high school since two years ago, there's no money to further her education, and now the only money she depend on, her salary, everything is gone

' Peeeepeeeeepp ' someone horn a car, Micha didn't bother to look up, the horn increased and she looked up, her eyes met with that cold gaze, the person ignited the car with the hope the she is going to run away but Micha just lay her head back on the car, she is ready to die anyways

The person for down angrily before shouting

' Hey If you wanna die, go and die somewhere else but not on my own car ' the person shouted

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